
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Mom: Daughter Pissed Me Off, I Killed Her

'She pushed my last button'

(Newser) - A New York mom has admitted strangling her teenage daughter in her White Plains living room for being "rude" and disrespectful. "I couldn't take it any more," Stacey Pagli, 38, told police in a statement released yesterday in court. "She pissed me off for the last...

Why 30somethings Love Teen Soaps

 Why 30somethings 
 Love Teen Soaps 
confessions of a 90210 junkie

Why 30somethings Love Teen Soaps

90210, Gossip Girl help us escape...and the clothes are nice, too

(Newser) - Like many 30somethings, Taffy Brodesser-Akner grew up alongside the cast of Beverly Hills, 90210—the show that gave her, “stuck in an all-girls yeshiva in Queens with no prom to speak of,” a chance to have “a real teenage experience.” But why, she wonders, is she...

Dead Teens' Final Texts Star in New Ad Campaign
Dead Teens' Final Texts Star in New Ad Campaign
don't text and drive

Dead Teens' Final Texts Star in New Ad Campaign

Campaign pushes to stop texting while behind the wheel

(Newser) - "No text is worth dying over" is the message of a new campaign to stop young drivers from texting behind the wheel. The campaign, being launched today by AT&T, features parents of teenagers who died texting, like 18-year-old Mariah West, who flipped her car into oncoming traffic while...

Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises
 Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises 

Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises

Numbers are up for the first time in 10 years

(Newser) - Alcohol and marijuana use among teens is on the rise, ending a decade-long decline. The number of high school students who reported drinking recently rose from 35% in 2008 to 39% last year, says an annual survey out today from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. For pot, the number...

2 Teen Girls Hugged, Stepped in Front of Train

Third Pennsylvania girl got cold feet just before suicide

(Newser) - Two girls killed by a speeding Amtrak train last week in Pennsylvania actually committed suicide, according to a witness and autopsy results. Vanessa Dorwart and Gina Gentile, 15 and 16, stepped on to the tracks Thursday morning just before an Acela from Boston to Washington, DC, came through town. A...

French Anti-Smoking 'Oral Sex' Ad Sparks Furor

Ad agency claims only 'shock' will stop teens from smoking

(Newser) - Anti-smoking ads featuring reluctant male and female teens with their heads held to a man's crotch and a cigarette in their mouths is sparking an uproar in France. "Smoking is being a slave to tobacco," the ads read. Smoldering feminist and family organizations have lashed the campaign for...

Train Kills 3 Girls Crossing Fla. Bridge

Fourth teen shouted for them to jump, to no avail

(Newser) - Three teenage girls crossing a bridge in central Florida were killed by a freight train as they desperately tried to get out of its way and a friend on the other side yelled for them to jump, police said today. The girls and the fourth teenager, a boy, were hanging...

To Halt Grinding, Schools Turn to... Burt Bacharach

Kids warned to dance like grandma's watchin'

(Newser) - With some schools having kids sign no-grinding dance contracts and others threatening to turn up the lights and play Burt Bacharach, the crackdown on grinding at school dances is getting more creative. Schools and parents fed up with teens' overtly sexual dance moves are turning to unconventional methods to stop...

UK 14-Year-Old a Star in Japan
 UK 14-Year-Old a Star in Japan 

UK 14-Year-Old a Star in Japan

YouTube sensation Beckii Cruel, 14, releases debut album

(Newser) - Dressing in costumes, dancing around her bedroom to Japanese pop songs, and posting the videos on YouTube has made 14-year-old Rebecca Flint a bona fide star in Japan. The British teen, known online as Beckii Cruel, imitates the dancing style and looks of an anime character; in Japan she's performed...

Turns Out Abstinence Ed Does Cut Teen Sex

It beat safe sex program in recent study

(Newser) - Abstinence-only sex education is back on solid scientific ground, with a study showing the method may be more effective than safe sex education in discouraging young teens from taking the plunge. Different groups of 6th- and 7th-graders were given short courses in abstinence, safe sex, or a combination of the...

Teens, Kids Consume 7.5 Hours of Media a Day

Study says technology has bombarded the young with entertainment

(Newser) - Young people spend more time consuming media in a week than they’d spend at a full-time job, according to a new study. Researchers say that 8- to 18-year-olds spend 7 hours and 38 minutes a day watching TV, playing video games, or amusing themselves on a computer, which has...

What It Means When Straight Girls 'Marry'

Decoding today's teenage love vocabulary is a difficult task

(Newser) - A generation ago, gay teens hid their sexual orientation from everyone around them—now, straight girls “marry” each other on Facebook and write each other love poems, while parents struggle to catch up with the language of today’s love. “Was there a difference between going out, hanging...

Teen Choking Game Goes Viral
 Teen Choking Game Goes Viral 

Teen Choking Game Goes Viral

YouTube videos offer how-to for teens looking for a high

(Newser) - Videos showing teens strangling each other for fun have gone viral, offering young people step-by-step instructions on how to get high by squeezing the carotid artery to restrict the flow of oxygen to the brain. Medical experts say the practice, known as 'the pass out game" can lead to brain...

Schools Should Harness, Not Ban Social Networks

'Meet kids where they live: online'

(Newser) - Schools that ban teachers and students from social media may think they're keeping classrooms safe from the harassment, bullying and exploitation of social networks, but actually they're missing a chance to harness the tremendous energy kids devote to social media, Nicholas Bramble writes on Slate . By bringing Facebook, MySpace and...

Forget Soccer Moms— Meet Ping-Pong Parents

Immigrants' kids dominate table tennis scene

(Newser) - Good old-fashioned American sports parenting meets immigrant drive at the India Community Center in the Silicon Valley town of Milpitas, Calif., which is churning out the country’s best young ping-pong players. Top coaches from India and China are schooling the children of high-tech workers who know the drill for...

Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad
 Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad 

Teen Sailor Can Stay With Dad

Ruling paves the way for another attempt at round-the-world sail

(Newser) - A Dutch court ruled today that 14-year-old sailor Laura Dekker can remain in her father's custody after she ran away from home and traveled alone to the Caribbean. The ruling clears the way once again for Dekker to pursue her goal of becoming the youngest person to sail solo around...

Teens Turn Back on Facebook
 Teens Turn Back on Facebook 

Teens Turn Back on Facebook

Taking time out from social network obsession

(Newser) - While older people stress about new privacy settings, some teens are calling timeout on Facebook, choosing to concentrate on college applications, finals, and real life, reports the New York Times. One girl made a pact with her best friend to stay off, noting: “We spent way too much time...

Runaway Sailor Laura Dekker Found Safe in Caribbean

14-year-old disappeared from the Netherlands

(Newser) - Laura Dekker, the Dutch teen sailor who apparently ran away from home, has been found in St. Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles. Police on the Caribbean island have her in custody, and she is "safe and sound," a Dutch government spokesman tells the BBC . Dekker, 14, wants to...

Dutch Sailor, 14, Goes Missing
 Dutch Sailor, 14, Goes Missing 

Dutch Sailor, 14, Goes Missing

Court had blocked Laura Dekker's attempt at round-the-world sail

(Newser) - A teenage Dutch sailor who made headlines when she went to court to fight for the right to sail solo around the world has gone missing, police said today. Laura Dekker's boat, Guppy, is still moored at its usual berth and the 14-year-old appears to have left her father's home...

Italy to Ban Teen Boob Jobs
 Italy to Ban Teen Boob Jobs 

Italy to Ban Teen Boob Jobs

Girls too young, surgery too dangerous

(Newser) - Italy is about to pass legislation barring girls under 18 from having breast enhancement and other plastic surgery. A burgeoning number of teens are having the operations, which are frequently a gift from parents. "Far too many adolescent girls are unaware that there are risks with this surgery. We...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>