voter registration

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GOP Voter Enrollment in Sustained Freefall

Year-on-year declines highly uncommon

(Newser) - Disenchanted voters have left Republican Party enrollment in freefall since 2005, with more Americans registering either with the Democrats or no party at all. While changes in party membership are common, a sustained drop like that is remarkable, say psephologists. The shift might have little effect on this year's presidential...

Housing Bill Funds Democratic Ally

Group sets out to register the poor

(Newser) - Nestled in the housing bill President Bush signed yesterday is an acronym Republicans don’t like one bit: ACORN. The Wall Street Journal reports that the group is among the many housing-related nonprofits the bill hands cash to, but Republicans grumble that it does more than housing. It’s also...

Obama Looks to Tip Scales by Boosting Black Vote

Army of volunteers fans out, targeting young people, African Americans

(Newser) - The Obama campaign’s national voter-registration effort has deployed 3,000 volunteers, with one major focus on expanding the African-American voter base dramatically. One volunteer hits the sweltering streets of Macon, Ga., with the Washington Post in tow. "You see how mentally shackled and jaded people are, because they've...

Crucial Election Inspires 3.5M to Sign Up to Vote

Surge particularly seen among blacks, women; Dems claim advantage

(Newser) - Despite claims of an exhausting race, voter registration is officially lifting off this year, with an AP survey reporting that over 3.5 million new voters have signed up. Detailed data are only available from a few states, the AP reports, but what there is suggests that registration is particularly...

Hispanic Dems Could Make GOP Nervous in Fla.

Sunshine State might not be such a sure bet for McCain in Nov.

(Newser) - Registered Democrats will take a lead among a crucial demographic for the first time this week: Hispanic Floridians. The GOP has lost ground in its traditional stronghold for the last 2 years, and its slide might give the Democrats a shot at the critical state and its 27 electoral votes...

Democratic Voters Flock to Register

One million new voters in last 7 primary states

(Newser) - Democrats are attracting new voters in record numbers, even as the GOP's ranks dip or remain flat. In the seven states that most recently held primaries, more than 1 million new voters registered as Democrats; North Carolina and Indiana have seen triple the Democratic enrollment they did before the 2004...

Obama's General Election Plan: Sign Up Voters

Barack's massive registration drive could 'change the math'

(Newser) - Barack Obama's general-election strategy is to rejigger the electorate in his favor by signing up massive numbers of new voters—mainly young and African-American voters. Suspicious Dems point out that a similar effort failed John Kerry in 2004, but, reports Politico, there's legitimate reason to think Obama might be able...

Obama Banks on Democratic Converts in Pa.

State party has gained 65K members since the fall

(Newser) - Barack Obama has 6 weeks to cut into Hillary Clinton’s lead in Pennsylvania, but only 10 more days to lay the groundwork: Voters must register as members of a party by March 24 to vote in the primary. Independents and Republicans must switch their affiliation to Democratic by then...

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