teachers unions

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Chicago Teachers&#39; Strike: Greed or Grit?
 Chicago Teachers' 
 Strike: Greed or Grit? 

Chicago Teachers' Strike: Greed or Grit?

Either way, negotiations must be public

(Newser) - Unions began as a powerful and much-needed force for good, raising workers from "scraping out a meager living in low-paid and dangerous jobs into the middle class," and nowhere more so than in Chicago, writes Dennis Byrne in the Chicago Tribune . But the teachers' strike is a different...

Romney Slams Striking Chicago Teachers

White House trying to stay neutral

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, a frequent critic of teachers' unions, has been handed plenty of ammunition by the Chicago teachers' strike , reports the Chicago Sun-Times . The unions "have too often made plain that their interests conflict with those of our children, and today we are seeing one of the clearest examples...

Public Workers Have Lost the PR Battle

 Public Workers Have 
 Lost the PR Battle 

Public Workers Have Lost the PR Battle

Even Democrats are targeting public-sector perks

(Newser) - Public workers fighting to preserve their jobs, salaries, and benefits are running out of allies, the Washington Post finds. Democratic lawmakers searching for budget cuts have joined Republicans in targeting public sector perks. Several states are following Wisconsin's lead in attempting to curb collective bargaining for public workers and...

Why Teachers Raged at Kenneth Cole
 Why Teachers Raged 
 at Kenneth Cole 

Why Teachers Raged at Kenneth Cole

David Sirota calls Cole campaign 'propaganda'

(Newser) - Facing outcry from teachers, Kenneth Cole has offered to pull a new ad and web campaign that blithely pits "Teachers' Rights vs. Students' Rights"—and David Sirota's article at Salon explains the hubbub. For starters, a Cole foundation website is asking readers to weigh in on the...

What If NFL Players Were Paid Like Teachers?
What If NFL Players Were
Paid Like Teachers?

What If NFL Players Were Paid Like Teachers?

The league would suffer, just like our education system: Fran Tarkenton

(Newser) - Imagine if every NFL player's salary was based on how long he had played, and if players who made it through three seasons could almost never be fired. "It's about tenure, not talent" in this alternate reality, writes NFL Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton in the Wall ...

NYC Axing 777 School Workers
 NYC Axing 777 School Workers 

NYC Axing 777 School Workers

Bloomberg blames unions for biggest layoff of administration

(Newser) - New York City is slashing 777 Education Department jobs, sending school aides, family workers, parent coordinators, and drivers packing due to budget cuts, reports the New York Times . Teachers, however, are exempt from the biggest single-agency layoff since Michael Bloomberg became mayor in 2002, thanks to a deal brokered between...

Despite Money Woes, UC Gives $140M in Raises

Move designed to keep pace with union salaries

(Newser) - The University of California is in the midst of what’s advertised as its worst fiscal crisis ever, with lost state funds leading to tuition hikes and layoffs—but that’s not stopping it from handing out $140 million worth of merit-based raises, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The raises...

Britain Hit By Massive Public Worker Strike

Hundreds of thousands leave jobs over pensions

(Newser) - Britain’s public sector ground to a halt today as hundreds of thousands of workers walked off the job in protest of changes to their pension plans. Roughly a third of the country’s schools had to close, with many of the rest running on skeleton staffs, the New York ...

Wis. Protests: Districts Naming Teachers Who Called in Sick

Conservative groups make public records requests

(Newser) - Conservative groups are asking for the names of teachers who called in sick during the Wisconsin protests earlier this year, and most districts that were asked have released the names. The Madison School District, however, has denied several of the public records requests, fearing for the safety of its teachers,...

Wis. Prosecutor Files Lawsuit Against GOP

As Scott Walker defends plan to cut $900M from schools

(Newser) - A Madison district attorney has filed a lawsuit against Wisconsin’s Republican lawmakers, saying they violated the state’s open meetings law in their backdoor maneuver to pass a bill stripping public unions of most of their collective bargaining rights. The prosecutor, Democrat Ismael Ozanne, wants a judge to issue...

It's Time to Give Teachers a Fat Raise
 It's Time to Give 
 Teachers a Fat Raise 


It's Time to Give Teachers a Fat Raise

Teachers should be praised, not vilified

(Newser) - Right-wing propaganda aside, America's teachers are underpaid and need to make more if the United States is to compete internationally, writes Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times . "We should be elevating teachers, not throwing darts at them," he says. In 1970, a starting public school teacher earned...

3 GOP State Senators in Wisconsin Get Farm Subsidies

Critics see it as hypocrisy on spending

(Newser) - Three GOP state senators in Wisconsin fighting to cut wages and collective bargaining rights of public workers in the name of the budget have accepted a total of about $300,000 in federal farm subsidies, reports Sam Stein at the Huffington Post . There's no direct link between the subsidies and...

Providence Board Votes to Terminate All Teachers

More than 700 gathered to protest

(Newser) - Those 1,926 pink slips will definitely be going out in Providence: After two hours of debate, the school board voted last night to send out termination notices to every public school teacher in the city. More than 700 teachers gathered to express their feelings: "disrespected," "bullied,...

Wisconsin Budget Fight Spawns Culture War

Can we keep things sane in Wisconsin? ask Brooks and Collins

(Newser) - The Wisconsin budget crunch was once an issue worth debating—but Scott Walker has made it about much more than money, writes Gail Collins in a New York Times conversation with David Brooks. Now, “it’s about crushing enemies. Unions. Government programs. Abortion.” Brooks is more sympathetic to...

Providence Giving All Its Teachers Pink Slips

But it won't actually fire them all

(Newser) - All 1,926 teachers in the Providence Public School District are about to get termination notices. Tomorrow the school board will vote on a resolution to dismiss every teacher on the last day of school, Superintendent Tom Brady announced in a staff email today, according to the Providence Journal . Not...

Wisconsin to Teachers: We'll Verify All 'Doctor's Notes'

School, Medical Society to examine claims

(Newser) - Teachers won’t get away with playing hooky to protest Wisconsin’s anti-union bill, school officials in Madison and Milwaukee said today, explaining that all "doctor's notes" must hold up to scrutiny. A conservative think tank caught doctors on tape passing out excuse notes to protesters this weekend, sparking...

Wisconsin Cops Look for Lawmakers Boycotting Vote

Democrats hold out in face of union-destroying vote

(Newser) - Police have been dispatched to track down 14 Wisconsin state senators who are boycotting a vote to strip government workers of their collective bargaining rights. Republicans have a 19-14 majority in the chamber, but can’t pass the controversial bill without at least one Democrat present, and all of them...

States Push to Neuter Unions
States Push to
Neuter Unions

States Push to Neuter Unions

Republicans especially eager to curb public worker benefits

(Newser) - With big budget deficits staring them in the face, states around the country are looking for ways to crack down on unions in general, and public employees unions especially, the New York Times reports. Officials from both parties are getting in on the act—Andrew Cuomo, for example, is expected...

NJ Fails Math, Loses Millions in School Funding

Christie office commits costly error on 'Race to the Top' application

(Newser) - New Jersey lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars in federal education funding because of a simple mistake in its application, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. A staffer in Gov. Chris Christie's office filled out a field for budget data that called for a comparison of the 2008 and 2009...

DC Schools to Fire Hundreds of Teachers

Poor performance, No Child Left Behind lead to 241 dismissals

(Newser) - The Washington, DC, schools are giving hundreds of teachers the ax because of their low scores in the district’s tough new evaluation system. Chancellor Michelle Rhee says 241 teachers are being fired for poor performance, the Washington Post reports. Another 737 were rated “minimally effective,” meaning they...

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