Sarah Palin

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Howard Dean: Don't Dismiss Sarah Palin

High unemployment makes any GOP candidate dangerous, says Dean

(Newser) - Don't be so fast to write off Sarah Palin's chances at winning the presidency, warns former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean, who tut-tuts Washington insiders for dismissing her out of hand. “Any time you have a contest—particularly when unemployment is as high as it is...

Palin: Paul Revere Warned the British


(Newser) - Lately, it seems that the history of the American Revolution is not the strong suit of the two most well-known Republican women who could decide to run for president. Back in March, Michele Bachmann stated that "the shot heard 'round the world" at Lexington and Concord was fired...

Sarah Palin Using President Obama's Favored Gotham Font

 Palin Nabs Obama's ... Font 

Palin Nabs Obama's ... Font

Gotham typeface helped him win in 2008: experts

(Newser) - Sarah Palin seems to be in firm agreement with President Obama on at least one issue: effective campaign fonts. On her website , the former Alaska governor has taken to using the Gotham font that experts say helped propel Obama to victory in 2008, the Daily Telegraph reports. “I think...

Top GOP Hopefuls Prep for First Big Debate

First 2012 debate for Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich

(Newser) - Seven top Republican presidential hopefuls will gather this month for the first New Hampshire 2012 debate. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will meet at Saint Anselm College for the face-off, hosted by CNN ’s John King. It's the...

Palin Really Bugged by Questions About Bus Tour Cost

'You're not paying for it,' Sarah tells reporter of PAC-funded trip

(Newser) - Who's paying for Sarah Palin's American bus tour? She doesn't want to discuss it, and gets downright irritable when reporters ask. "I don't know why in the world you would ask a question like that," she snapped at an ABC News reporter. "I'...

Trump: I'm Prepared to Run as Independent

'Sarah Palin wants me to run,' claims the Donald

(Newser) - Hmmm ... so that's what they were talking about. Donald Trump has flip-flopped on his presidential ambitions following his slice of pizza with Sarah Palin . Trump, who said 2 weeks ago he was choosing Celebrity Apprentice over a White House run , now says he would "absolutely" run as an...

Colbert Catches Palin in History Gaffe

George Washington had a little help keeping his farm going

(Newser) - A new, stubble-sporting Stephen Colbert turned his wit on Sarah Palin’s bus tour last night, getting in some barbs in a short segment, the Huffington Post reports. After running a clip of the media questions surrounding the trip, Colbert quipped, “That’s the power of Sarah Palin. No...

Coming Soon: 275 Pounds of Sarah Palin Emails

Alaska to release ex-governor's missives in coming days

(Newser) - Something to read on the bus : Alaska will release 24,000 pages of Sarah Palin emails from her days as governor, reports the Anchorage Daily News . News services actually requested them when she was running for vice president, and now they'll get them as she may or may not...

Sarah Palin to Greta Van Susteren: The Bus Tour Isn't 'About Me'

 Sarah Palin: 
 This Bus Tour Is 
 'Not About Me' 
on-the-bus interview

Sarah Palin: This Bus Tour Is 'Not About Me'

It's about our charters of liberty, she tells Greta Van Susteren

(Newser) - Greta Van Susteren, who gets to go along for the ride on Sarah Palin’s bus tour, sat down with the potential 2012 presidential contender last night . Highlights:
  • The bus tour was Todd’s idea: “He texted me … and said, You know, we need to remind America about

Jon Stewart on Palin: Duh! She's Running

Daily Show host mocks bus tour

(Newser) - If you believe Sarah Palin's One Nation bus tour is something other than a prelude to a White House run, Jon Stewart has a bridge in Brooklyn he'd like to sell you. The Daily Show host, returning from hiatus, mocks the media's response to the Palin tour....

Trump, Palin Share Slice in Lovefest

Sarah: You always gotta see Donald Trump when you're in NY

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and Donald Trump gorged on pepperoni pizza and mutual admiration last evening in a Manhattan stop on a Palin bus tour looking more and more like a presidential campaign. "She didn't ask me" to run with her, "but I'll tell you, she's a...

Sarah Palin, Donald Trump to Meet Tonight
 Palin, Trump to Meet 
unholy unions

Palin, Trump to Meet

The two will come together in New York tonight

(Newser) - We’d call it a sign of the apocalypse if the deadline for that hadn’t already come and gone : Sarah Palin and Donald Trump will meet tonight in New York City. Sources tell ABC News Palin reached out to the Donald, and they will meet at his Fifth Avenue...

Day 2 of Palin's Bus Tour Really Confusing

Where is she going next? Who knows!

(Newser) - Round and round and round she goes, and where she stops, nobody knows. Day 2 of Sarah Palin's East Coast Bus Tour is proving tricky for would-be roadies. Politico reports that she started her day at the National Archives in DC, a quick appearance witnessed by the lucky few...

Bike Rally Rumbles as Palin Drops in

Organizers grumble, crowds gather as she kicks off bus tour

(Newser) - Rolling Thunder turned into something more like Palinpalooza today when Sarah Palin turned up clad in black and causing a stir. And not everyone was gawking, notes Chris Cillizza for the Washington Post: "I’m very not appreciative of the way she came in here,” said Rolling Thunder...

Vets Rally: Sarah Palin 'Not Invited'

Organizers decry Rolling Thunder appearance as 'big distraction;' event emcee says he invited her

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is launching her East Coast bus tour tomorrow during a motorcycle rally to honor veterans, but some organizers aren't happy about it. "She wasn't invited," Rolling Thunder organizer Ted Shpak tells MSNBC. "She's not invited to speak. We're not endorsing her...

Rudy Giuliani Leads Latest CNN Poll Among Republican Hopefuls
 Rudy (?!) Leads CNN Poll 

Rudy (?!) Leads CNN Poll

Republicans not at all excited about their options

(Newser) - How unhappy are Republicans with their 2012 hopefuls? Well, let’s put it this way: The guy leading the latest CNN poll doesn’t even appear to be running. Rudy Giuliani topped the field with 16% of the vote, followed closely by Mitt Romney at 15% and Sarah Palin at...

Poll: Rapture Would Be Great for Obama

Turns out Rapture believers really like Sarah Palin

(Newser) - The Rapture didn’t happen last weekend—and that’s a shame for Barack Obama. Public Policy Polling ran a poll to see what political effect the Rapture might have. Only 2% of respondents actually thought it was coming on May 21, a staggeringly low number. “It's really...

Sarah Palin's New Arizona Neighbors Offer Advice

Mind the snakes, Scottsdale residents tell Alaskan moving from tundra to desert

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will like life in Scottsdale, Arizona, just fine ... so long as she can cope with the sun and steer clear of snakes and scorpions, say the Alaskan's new neighbors. Palin—whose purchase of a house in the desert community is being taken as a sign that she...

Palin to Launch East Coast Bus Tour

Ex-governor will start trip with DC motorcycle ride on Sunday

(Newser) - More signs of a presidential run: This weekend, Sarah Palin will begin an East Coast bus tour starting in Washington, the Huffington Post reports. “Sarah Palin will embark on a One Nation tour of historical sites that were key to the formation, survival, and growth of the United States...

Signs Mount That Palin Will Run

 Signs Mount That Palin Will Run 
Buys $1.7M Arizona Home

Signs Mount That Palin Will Run

New home could serve as perfect campaign base

(Newser) - It's official . Sarah Palin has purchased a home in Arizona, the Wall Street Journal reports. And that's boosting expectations that she's inching closer to announcing a race for the presidency, notes AP . The conservative state—where daughter Bristol also bought a house —could serve as...

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