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He May Be the First 'Squad' Member Voted Out
He May Be the First
'Squad' Member Voted Out
the rundown

He May Be the First 'Squad' Member Voted Out

House Democrat Jamaal Bowman of New York has alienated his Jewish constituency

(Newser) - Out West, Lauren Boebert's GOP primary contest on Tuesday is the main focus . On the East Coast, the big race is out of New York and among Democrats. Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman is at real risk at being the first member of the informal group known as "the...

Fetterman: Both Right and Left 'Are Hoping That I Die'

Democratic senator takes flak over pro-Israel stance, balks at 'progressive' label for himself

(Newser) - John Fetterman has been a staunch, vocal supporter of Israel since the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, advocating for the return of Israeli hostages, slamming calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, even draping himself in the Israeli flag on occasion. Thanks to this stance, 16 former campaign staffers have...

After House Results, Grumbles About Pelosi Surface

And centrists reportedly blame liberal members for pushing ideology that's a turnoff

(Newser) - As Joe Biden inches closer to a White House win, Democrats are starting to celebrate. But the mood wasn't one of elation during a Thursday conference call among House Dems, who sources tell the Washington Post engaged in a three-hour-plus "bitter exchange" in which centrists accused more progressive...

It's Official: Progressive Ousts Longtime NYC Congressman

AP calls the race for Jamaal Bowman, leaving Democrat Eliot Engel out after 16 terms

(Newser) - Former middle-school teacher Jamaal Bowman declared victory shortly after the June 23 New York primary in his race against longtime New York City Congressman Eliot Engel. But with a large haul of mail-in ballots to be counted due to the pandemic, Bowman wasn't able to officially be deemed the...

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival
Bernie Gets
New Boost
From Ex-Rival

Bernie Gets New Boost From Ex-Rival

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio endorses Vermont senator for president

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders just got a high-profile endorsement from one of his former rivals for the Oval Office. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who dropped out of the presidential race himself in September, gave the Vermont senator the thumbs-up on Friday, which the New York Times notes is the...

Progressive Dems 'Killed Amazon, the Biggest Beast Around'

In the battle of the centrists vs. progressives, the progressives emerged victorious

(Newser) - In the battle of the centrists versus the progressives, the progressives emerged victorious. At least that's the contention of left-of-center Democrats in New York, who are flashing the "V" sign after Amazon announced it was nixing its plans to build a second headquarters in Queens. The Wall Street ...

Working or Not, Has Ruined Everything

Matthew Yglesias reflects on the damage to the progressive cause

(Newser) - is working . Sort of . And certainly, some Democrats will take heart in that. But so what? Even if the modest fixes have saved the site and the law—as Dana Milbank argued today in the Washington Post —the problems have already done serious, lasting damage to the...

ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism
ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism

ObamaCare Is the Ugly Child of Lame Centrism

Democrats wound up with this mess because they lacked conviction

(Newser) - There are many reasons the Affordable Care Act's rollout has been such a disaster, and sure, some of them have (R)s next to their names. "But a large part of the problem was the underlying ideological outlook that shaped the original proposal," Princeton professor Julian Zelizer argues...

Cliff Deal Could Be 'Pyrrhic Victory' for Left
Cliff Deal Could Be
'Pyrrhic Victory' for Left
Paul Krugman

Cliff Deal Could Be 'Pyrrhic Victory' for Left

Krugman: Obama can't back down in the battles ahead

(Newser) - Democrats arguably won a "tactical victory" with the zero-hour fiscal cliff tax compromise, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times . The deal, after all, reduced income inequality, extended unemployment and some other progressive policies, and, best of all, didn't cut entitlements, which "was by no means...

Swing State Wis. Vote May Offer Crystal Ball
 Exit Polls a 
 Crystal Ball 

Wisconsin Exit Polls a Crystal Ball

Voters worried mostly about economy, while 40% are 'moderate, liberal'

(Newser) - Perhaps the most interesting of yesterday's primaries was the vote by the relatively moderate electorate in the key swing state of Wisconsin. Analysts are salivating over exit poll results, and the hints they may offer into how voters are likely to lean come November. For one thing, the economy,...

Liberals, Conservatives Have Different Brains
Liberals, Conservatives
Have Different Brains

Liberals, Conservatives Have Different Brains

Or least different-sized parts, say scientists

(Newser) - Here's a study sure to stoke controversy—British researchers have found that political orientation correlates to the relative size of certain parts of the brain. Liberals can boast of thicker gray matter at the anterior cingulate, while conservatives can brag about their bigger amygdalas, reports the Sydney Morning Herald . How...

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero
 This Is a Man, 
 Not a Superhero 

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero

Progressives have proved too ready to abandon Obama

(Newser) - Critics of Barack Obama are taking last week's confrontation by Velma Hart , a struggling middle-class black supporter, as proof that the president has lost even the support of African-American voters. Hart, who told Obama she was "still waiting for change" couldn't "have done a better job for the...

Obama Needs a Louder Left
 Obama Needs 
 a Louder Left 

Obama Needs a Louder Left

Without a strong progressive movement, country won't shift leftward

(Newser) - If Barack Obama wants to be a transformational progressive president like Lyndon Johnson or FDR, he’s going to need a strong liberal movement in the streets. “Every Democratic president since Johnson has raised the hope that he would bring with him a new era of progressive reform,”...

He's Baaack: Dean Leads Lefty Charge Against Obama

Almost looks like he's running for something...

(Newser) - Howard Dean’s return to the national stage with stinging criticism of the compromises Democratic leaders accepted on health care reform has thrilled disaffected progressives—and even sparked talk of another run for president. One liberal blogger says his dusted-off bona fides make Dean “perfectly positioned” to challenge Obama...

Health Care Reform Victory, Not Defeat, for Liberals

Progressives actually provided most of the votes

(Newser) - Lately the left has been taking its lumps, courtesy of the conventional wisdom that health care reform passed over liberals’ objections. That’s just plain incorrect, writes Tom Schaller for FiveThirtyEight . A lingering narrative holds that liberals can’t govern because the left is so unmanageable. But progressives provided most...

Nader: Obama Is 'Weak, Waffling'

(Newser) - In an interview with Time to plug his new book, Ralph Nader doesn't mince words when asked his opinion of President Obama: "Weak. Waffling, wavering, ambiguous, and overwhelmingly concessionary." So does this mean we can expect another Nader run? "It's too early to say. One thing is...

Baucus Leaning Left Again
 Baucus Leaning Left Again 

Baucus Leaning Left Again

As interminable mark-up on health bill continues, chair moves on from bipartisan dream

(Newser) - With his health care reform bill finally in committee, finance chair Max Baucus appears to have given up on a truly bipartisan bill. On day one yesterday, "he seemed to be moving back to the left again," writes Mike Madden in Salon. He agreed to a host of...

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up
 Left: Obama 
 Steps Up 

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up

(Newser) - Barack Obama delivered the speech many on the left were waiting for. Will it be enough? Here’s what they’re saying.
  • Obama seemed to shed his inner Adlai Stevenson, and discover “a new role model in the fighting Harry Truman,” writes EJ Dionne of the Washington Post.

Chill Out, Liberals: Remember Last August?

Left feared disaster then—but they won in November

(Newser) - Angry opponents are spewing spittle at the Obama administration over health care and climate change, but progressives should chill out: After all, this has happened before, Ed Kilgore writes in the New Republic. Last August, liberals withered in despair when John McCain tied President Obama at the polls. Just...

Clinton Urges Progressives to Solidify Power

But president, Congress need help cementing it

(Newser) - Political winds have shifted in America, says Bill Clinton: The country has “entered a new era of progressive politics which, if we do it right, could last 30 or 40 years,” the former president told liberal Internet activists at a convention in Pittsburgh. But first, he told Netroots...

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