Joe Scarborough

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Joe Scarborough Slams Gingrich's 'Hate Speech'

Morning Joe thinks Newt's getting rich off throwing red meat at cable news

(Newser) - We're gonna guess that Joe Scarborough is off Newt Gingrich's Christmas card list. The MSNBC host—and former Republican Revolutionary—absolutely savages Gingrich in a column for Politico today, calling him a “cartoonish cable news fixture” who “smears” anyone he disagrees with. “The same politician who once...

Meet the GOP's 2016 Nominee
 Meet the GOP's 
 2016 Nominee 
Marc Ambinder

Meet the GOP's 2016 Nominee

Why Joe Scarborough is the perfect man for the job

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough insists he’s not running for president. He says he’s perfectly happy as MSNBC’s morning host, where, he argues, he has more influence than your average senator. But there’s a “studio apartment industry of conservatives” who think Scarborough is the man Republicans will need...

'I'm the Most Conservative Guy at a Liberal TV Network'

Scarborough of 'Morning Joe' is happy he survived

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough and his Morning Joe show on MSNBC get a whole lot of love in a flattering new profile in GQ . "He's the conservative liberals suddenly think is swell," writes Lisa Depaulo, and his show has "become the best and most buzzed-about political show on television....

I Did Not Roll My Eyes at That Woman: Chris Wallace
 I Did Not 
 Roll My Eyes 
 at That Woman: 
 Chris Wallace 
Denies Belittling Palin

I Did Not Roll My Eyes at That Woman: Chris Wallace

Joe Scarborough accused Fox News anchor of laughing her off

(Newser) - Fox News anchor Chris Wallace did not, repeat, not roll his eyes at the camera after airing a sit-down interview with Sarah Palin, as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has alleged. But that’s just the “quick answer.” In an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox, Wallace goes on...

MSNBC Tells Olbermann, Scarborough to Cool It

Spat between the two hosts prompts memo from the boss

(Newser) - MSNBC President Phil Griffin wants his big-name hosts to play nice with each other. After another dust-up this week—this time between Joe Scarborough and Keith Olbermann—Griffin sent a memo to staff to say enough already with the infighting. "I want to reiterate my long-standing policy: We do...

Petraeus 2012? GOP Mulls New Candidates

Republicans take hope in Obama's lowered poll numbers

(Newser) - With President Obama’s poll numbers sinking, Republicans are feeling more confident about 2012—and eying a new crop of potential candidates, Politico reports. Among them: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former GOP congressman who’s slammed Obama but is also ready to criticize his own party, and Gen. David...

'I'm Terribly Sorry, But David Gregory Had a Fit'

Scarborough cancels on Stephanopoulos

(Newser) - The highbrow news shows are seeing a little soap-opera drama—and a good old-fashioned hissy fit: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough had to cancel an appearance on George Stephanopoulos' This Week on ABC, reports the New York Post. "I'm terribly sorry," he told Stephanopoulos, "but David Gregory had a...

MSNBC Slaps Tape Delay on Scarborough
MSNBC Slaps Tape Delay on Scarborough

MSNBC Slaps Tape Delay on Scarborough

Parenting groups applaud response to Morning Joe's F-bomb

(Newser) - MSNBC is putting a 7-second muzzle on Joe Scarborough, after the Morning Joe host accidentally uttered the F-word during Monday’s show. Though cable networks are immune from FCC decency rules, MSNBC confirmed that it was instituting the delay to prevent a repeat incident and noted it had done the...

Scarborough Slips F-Word Into Morning Joe
Scarborough Slips F-Word Into Morning Joe

Scarborough Slips F-Word Into Morning Joe

Host has crusaded against TV profanity

(Newser) - MSNBC host Joe Scarborough dropped what he calls an F-bomb on Morning Joe today, letting the profanity slip when describing Rahm Emanuel's hard-charging style as “flipping people off and screaming F-you at the top of their lungs.” Which might be inconsequential, writes Glenn Greenwald for Salon, except that...

MSNBC Anchors in DNC Slugfest
 MSNBC Anchors
 in DNC Slugfest

MSNBC Anchors in DNC Slugfest

Gets personal and political on-air at the DNC

(Newser) - Infighting between MSNBC anchors is turning the Democratic National Convention into a partisan catfight. Joe Scarborough, who once served as Republican representative, got touchy when David Shuster yesterday referred to “your party, the Republican Party” and Scarborough and Tom Brokaw are miffed at the channel’s decision to increase...

Why Liberals Like Joe Scarborough

Conservative pundit takes relaxed, questioning attitude on new morning show

(Newser) - Joe Scarborough was a conservative Republican congressman who gained office in the 1994 House sweep that launched Newt Gingrich. His MSNBC show Scarborough Country was initially devised as a like-minded answer to Bill O’Reilly. But, as Mark Binelli puts it in New York magazine, "Scarborough never quite mastered...

Cable Guys Won't Likely Fill Russert's Seat

Execs don't want pundits messing with 'pristine' NBC News

(Newser) - Early word on Tim Russert's Meet the Press successor focused on in-house candidates, like Chris Matthews, David Gregory, or Joe Scarborough. But one insider now tells Variety that there’s “no way” a cable personality will land the gig. NBC’s broadcast division would rather stay “pristine”—...

Who Will Replace Him?
 Who Will Replace Him? 

Who Will Replace Him?

A battle between Chris Matthews and David Gregory may be looming

(Newser) - It will be hard to replace Tim Russert, who led the top-rated Meet the Press for 17 years—but insiders are already guessing who will sit in his chair, the Los Angeles Times reports. Three on-air NBC personalities are reportedly possible: Race for the White House host David Gregory, Hardball's...

Huckabee: Lay Off Obama Pastor
 Huckabee: Lay Off
Obama Pastor 

Huckabee: Lay Off Obama Pastor

Former minister goes to bat for controversial figure

(Newser) - Barack Obama got some unexpected help yesterday from Mike Huckabee, of all people. The former candidate called Obama’s speech “historic” and said it wasn’t fair to hold candidates accountable for everything the people near them say, ABC News reports. Huckabee, once a pastor himself, said he understood...

She Shouldn't Stand by Him
She Shouldn't Stand by Him

She Shouldn't Stand by Him

Spitzer takes backlash for taking wife along; reactions run along gender lines

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer is going up in flames, but Americans are wondering why his wife has to go with him:
  • The Los Angeles Times talks to angry people on the street, including one divorcee who insists, “She should’ve said, ‘This is your fight. ... You stand there and get

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