
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

Justice Memos Endorse Torture
Justice Memos Endorse Torture

Justice Memos Endorse Torture

Officials gave green light for array of painful interrogation techniques

(Newser) - The Justice Department under Alberto Gonzales secretly endorsed the use of torture techniques during interrogation by the CIA, the New York Times reports. A classified 2005 legal memorandum authorized the harshest  techniques ever used by the CIA, the Times says, including a combination of head-slapping, waterboarding, sleep deprivation, freezing, loud...

Prez Yanks Pick for Top CIA Lawyer
Prez Yanks Pick for Top CIA Lawyer

Prez Yanks Pick for Top CIA Lawyer

'Enhanced interrogation' support drives Rizzo out of the running

(Newser) - The White House has dropped its nomination of John Rizzo as the CIA's top counsel after Democrats and human rights groups slammed him for supporting "enhanced interrogation" techniques. The career CIA lawyer sent a letter to President Bush withdrawing his nomination yesterday, Reuters reports. Rizzo retreated because he had...

Online Book Links Torture Tests to Government

'Torture bible' details studies

(Newser) - A "torture bible" recently unearthed online indicates that the US government sanctioned and funded the torture of test subjects in psychological experiments in the '50s, apparently to perfect interrogation techniques, Boing Boing reports. The studies were commissioned by the government and involve methods "likely to be regarded as...

In China, Yahoo Names Names
In China, Yahoo
Names Names

In China, Yahoo Names Names

Lawsuit accuses net giant of complicity in torture, human rights abuses

(Newser) - Yahoo asked a US federal court yesterday to dismiss a human rights lawsuit accusing the company of abetting the Chinese government. Two imprisoned Chinese journalists accuse the Web giant of passing along information about users that led to the arrest, imprisonment, and sometimes torture of writers and dissidents, the San ...

Psychologists Won't Impose Gitmo Ban

Group votes to list interrogation techniques it won't help with

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association has voted not to ban members from assisting with interrogations at Guantanamo and other military prisons, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Instead, the group approved a measure listing specific procedures members won't help with, including sleep deprivation and water-boarding. "If we remove psychologists from these...

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics
Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Shrinks Fault CIA Torture Tactics

Professional group to condemn interrogation techniques

(Newser) - The American Psychological Association, long chummy with the CIA, is set to condemn tactics the spy agency has been using to interrogate terror detainees, writes Salon. Members have in the past worked with the CIA to design techniques: now the group wants to distance itself by formally opposing a long...

Libya Admits to Torturing Medics
Libya Admits to Torturing Medics

Libya Admits to Torturing Medics

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's son burnished his pro-Western image yesterday by admitting that Libya had tortured 5 nurses and a doctor once accused of spreading HIV among children, the AP reports. Seif al-Islam Gadhafi conceded that the "Benghazi six" were electrocuted and threatened after their 1999 imprisonment, but he did not...

After Uproar, Britain Reviews Asylum Policy

Iraqi interpreters left for dead may win refugee status

(Newser) - A row over the fate of 91 Iraqi interpreters working for the British military took a new turn today, with the government promising to reexamine its refusal to grant them asylum. The Times of London, which broke the story on Tuesday, now reports that Gordon Brown has ordered a review...

Freed Doctor Recounts Libyan Torture

“My wounds are still bleeding,” says Palestinian

(Newser) - In the wake of last week's jubilant homecoming of the Bulgarian nurses released from a Libyan prison, it's their Palestinian cellmate who’s first to go public with his story. Dr. Ashraf al-Hazouz’s joy at release after 8 years is “turning into a hunger for justice,” he...

Khmer Rouge Jailer First to Be Charged

UN-backed tribunal opens amid doubts senior leaders will be brought to justice

(Newser) - A UN tribunal has charged an ex-Khmer Rouge prison chief with crimes against humanity in the torturing and killing of as many as 17,000 people during the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s. Kang Kek Ieu, known as Duch, ordered inmates executed at the "killing fields" near Phnom Penh,...

Gitmo Prisoner Fights His Own Release

Algerian prefers detention to torture as terrorist—or by terrorists—at home

(Newser) - A detainee at Guantanamo Bay is doing everything he can in court—to stay in prison. Algerian Ahmed Belbacha, 38, is contesting his imminent release from the notorious detention camp because he fears he'll be tortured by Algerian security agents as a  suspected terrorist—or killed by Islamic terrorists for...

Libya Reveals Source of $$$ to Free Medical Workers

(Newser) - Libya announced details today about the deal that freed six foreign medical workers, as it  officially protested the pardoning of the workers by the Bulgarian government, BBC reports. The group had been imprisoned in Libya since 1999 for infecting 438 children with HIV/AIDS. But international experts say there was...

Cheney Book Offers Rare Bits of Candor

Secretive VP admits missteps, displays humor in new bio

(Newser) - Dick Cheney makes jokes about his own penchant for secrecy in a new biography due out tomorrow by journalist Stephen Hayes, Raw Story reports. The veep makes a rare admission of error, confessing to Hayes that the appointment of the Coalition Provisional Authority in the early stages of the war,...

Bush OKs New Interrogation Guidelines

CIA program will continue with "enhanced" methods

(Newser) - President Bush set broad new limits for questioning of CIA terror detainees yesterday, the Washington Post reports. The new regulations for "enhanced" interrogations—used to press suspects by means not allowed in US military custody—are an attempt at partial compliance with the Geneva Conventions.

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics
CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

CIA Helped Devise Torture Tactics

Agency believed to have teamed up with Pentagon

(Newser) - The CIA apparently colluded with the US military to develop torture techniques for interrogating terrorist suspects, Salon reports. The program was based on methods originally designed to teach American special forces how to withstand abuse if captured. While the military's role in this "reverse engineering" had been previously exposed,...

U.S. Raid Frees 42 Al Qaeda Captives in Iraq

US officials say Diyala residents are turning against Sunni insurgents

(Newser) - U.S. troops freed 42 kidnapped Iraqis from an al Qaeda hideout in Diyala province, north of Baghdad yesterday. Some of the prisoners had been tortured for months, including some who had broken bones and had been hung from the ceiling, AP reports. One captive said he was 14 years...

Botched Execution Takes 2 Hours
Botched Execution
Takes 2 Hours

Botched Execution Takes 2 Hours

Condemned killer took bathroom break during lethal injection

(Newser) - Prison staff at Southern Ohio Correctional Facility spent two hours administering lethal injection to condemned killer Christopher Newton—inserting needles ten times before finding a suitable vein to inject the deadly chemicals. Newton had been sentenced to die for killing his cellmate during an argument after a chess game.

McCain Opposes Water Boarding
McCain Opposes Water Boarding

McCain Opposes Water Boarding

But he's the only GOP candidate who does, as field wrestles with detainee treatment

(Newser) - If Rudy Giuliani is the only GOP presidential candidate who differs from the pack on abortion, John McCain stands alone on treatment of detainees, the LA Times notes. In the second debate, while Mitt Romney and Giuliani sanctioned using some forms of torture, including water boarding, on suspected terrorists, former...

'High-Value' Gitmo Detainee Alleges Torture

Pakistani national denies scouting for Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - A 27-year-old Pakistani says he has been tortured since being moved last year from a CIA jail to the Guantanamo Bay detention center. Majid Khan, who once lived in Maryland, denies belonging to Al-Qaeda, but he was transferred to Cuba in September with 13 other "high-value" operatives after being...

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls
Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Debate Torture for GOP Hopefuls

Front-runners clash over interrogation techniques, conservative credibility

(Newser) - Ten Republican presidential candidates mixed it up in an often boisterous and contentious debate last night at the University of South Carolina. John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, in particular, clashed on the war in Iraq, abortion rights, immigration, each other's conservative credentials and the use of torture in...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>