
Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations
Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations

Cheney Touts Harsh Interrogations

As CIA boss concedes tactics may be illega

(Newser) - Dick Cheney yesterday defended the use of controversial interrogation techniques, crediting them with possibly “foiling an attack against the US," just as the director of the CIA was conceding to a congressional committee that waterboarding may be illegal. The VP defended the use of  “a tougher program...

New Claims of Taped CIA Torture
New Claims of Taped CIA Torture

New Claims of Taped CIA Torture

Lawyers to present evidence to Senate panel

(Newser) - Evidence that another CIA detainee was videotaped allegedly being tortured by interrogators is expected to be presented to the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow, reports Time magazine. A former suburban Baltimore high school student underwent unspecified "systematic torture" that may have involved waterboarding in a secret CIA prison in 2003,...

US Must Regain Principles, Says Former Gitmo Prisoner

'We want to respect America again'

(Newser) - On YouTube, Adel Hassan Hamad is the face of the anti-Guantanamo movement, the subject of two much-watched videos. In December, the innocent Sudanese aid worker was finally released, the Christian Science Monitor reports, and though he is suing for the five years he spent in captivity, he says he's not...

CIA Acknowledges Waterboarding 3 Suspects

Senate committee hears specifics, warning of possible Al-Qaeda spread

(Newser) - The CIA used waterboarding three times following the 9/11 attacks, the agency's current director testified today. Interrogators used the method on suspected attack planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two top al Qaeda members, Reuters reports. Michael Hayden's statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee marks the first time a US official...

Coulter Picks Clinton Over McCain
Coulter Picks Clinton Over McCain

Coulter Picks Clinton Over McCain

Right-wing icon calls Democratic hopeful 'more conservative'

(Newser) - Conservative shock pundit Ann Coulter endorsed Hillary Clinton over John McCain today, adding to the right-wing furor over McCain's ascent by saying New York's junior senator is “more conservative than he is.” If McCain gets the GOP nod, Coulter says she's not only ready to vote for a...

Look Who's Trying Out Waterboarding
Look Who's Trying Out Waterboarding

Look Who's Trying Out Waterboarding

Young men sample torture technique to settle debate

(Newser) - As the debate over waterboarding continues unabated, it has occurred to more than one cocky—or conscientious—young man that anyone can see for himself what it feels like, and whether it constitutes torture. The Wall Street Journal talks to several who've tried it—using friends with no special training....

Mukasey Won't Budge on Waterboarding

He again refuses to answer senators' questions on legality

(Newser) - Testifying before a Senate committee today, Attorney General Michael Mukasey frustrated attempts to get him to answer on whether waterboarding constitutes torture. "I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to pass definitive judgment on the technique’s legality,” said Mukasey, hedging in a manner that,...

Senate Grills Mukasey Today on Waterboarding

Mukasey warns he'll stonewall on questions about legality

(Newser) - A high-noon face off is looming today between Attorney General Michael Mukasey and the Senate Judiciary Committee over waterboarding, the simulated drowning interrogation technique that many consider torture. Committee chair Patrick Leahy said Mukasey faces "serious questions" on the issue at today's hearing. But Mukasey has warned Leahy in...

Waterboarding Returns to Spotlight
Waterboarding Returns to Spotlight

Waterboarding Returns to Spotlight

Ex-spy chief confirms use of tactic as Mukasey preps for Hill hearing

(Newser) - American interrogators' tactics included waterboarding sometime before 2005, but the tactic "has not been used in years," the ex-director of national intelligence says. John Negroponte's acknowledgment, the most definitive confirmation yet of the Bush administration's use of waterboarding, comes as Michael Mukasey prepares to return to Capitol Hill...

Canadian FM Apologizes for Torture List

Claims US, Israel were 'wrongly' included with other countries

(Newser) - Canadian foreign minister Maxime Bernier has apologized for the inclusion of the US and Israel on a list of countries in which prisoners risk being subjected to torture, the BBC reports. The list, part of a torture awareness guide for diplomats, cited US interrogation techniques and referred to its Guantanamo...

US Makes Canadian Torture List
US Makes Canadian Torture List

US Makes Canadian Torture List

'Torture awareness' manual for diplomats includes US, Syria, Israel, Iran

(Newser) - The US, along with China, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, and Israel, is listed in an official Canadian foreign ministry document of countries where prisoners are at risk of torture, the BBC reports. The "torture awareness" training manual classifies as torture some US interrogation techniques, including forced nudity, isolation, and sleep...

CIA 'Gulled' Court on Torture Tapes, Says Judge

May quiz officials himself

(Newser) - A federal judge said he suspects the CIA lied to his court about tapes showing the harsh interrogations of two al-Qaeda leaders, the New York Times reports. The CIA claims no records exist concerning the tapes, which were destroyed in 2005. But the judge, currently deciding a Freedom of Information...

Waterboarding Is Torture: US Intelligence Chief

Can't imagine 'how painful,' says McConnell

(Newser) - US Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell said it "would be torture" if he were subjected to the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding. "If I had water draining into my nose, God, I just can't imagine how painful!" McConnell told the New Yorker. "For me, it...

Judges Say Guantanamo Four Can't Sue

80 protesters arrested on 6th anniversary of first detainees

(Newser) - Four British citizens who spent over two years at Guantanamo Bay before being released without charge have been told they can't sue Pentagon officials, Reuters reports. The men brought the lawsuit over alleged torture, abuse, and violations of their religious rights. The US appeals court ruling yesterday said the defendants,...

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib
US Officer
Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

US Officer Cleared Over Abu Ghraib

Only officer charged with a crime in torture scandal will face no punishment

(Newser) - The only officer who faced a court-martial over the torture at Abu Ghraib has been cleared of all criminal wrongdoing. The BBC reports that Lt. Col. Steven Jordan was convicted in August of disobeying a gag order, but that decision was annulled and his record is now clean. No officer...

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney
McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

McGovern: Oust Bush, Cheney

Former Dem. nominee rails against duo's 'high crimes and misdemeanors'

(Newser) - Now is the time to impeach President Bush and Vice President Cheney, declares former Democratic nominee George McGovern in a passionate, if quixotic, plea in the Washington Post. The duo have committed a plethora of "high crimes and misdemeanors," says McGovern, including illegal wiretapping, systematic torture, and substantial...

Justice to Probe CIA Tapes
Justice to Probe CIA Tapes

Justice to Probe CIA Tapes

Department launches criminal investigation

(Newser) - The Justice Department has launched a criminal probe into the CIA's destruction of videotapes documenting the interrogation of  two Al-Qaeda suspects. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey appointed John Durham, a federal prosecutor from Connecticut, to head the inquiry. Durham has a reputation as a tough prosecutor; he has overseen investigations...

CIA Tapes Were Made—and Destroyed—for PR

Interrogations filmed to counter mistreatment accusations; stopped when techniques grew harsh, reports NYT

(Newser) - Concern over its image prompted the CIA to first secretly create—and later destroy—tapes depicting the harsh interrogation of detainees, the New York Times reports. In spring 2002 the agency decided to document every moment of senior al-Qaeda operative Abu Zubaydah's custody so that perceptions of mistreatment—by prosecutors,...

Judge Won't Order Probe of Gitmo Tapes

Jurist reluctant to duplicate DoJ's efforts in CIA investigation

(Newser) - In the first public hearing on the issue, a federal judge today refused to immediately order an investigation into the destroyed CIA interrogation tapes. Lawyers for Yemeni nationals held at Guantanamo argued that the destruction violated a 2005 order by Judge Henry Kennedy, who ordered today's hearing. The White House...

Torture Room Discovered in Northern Iraq

Bloodstained chamber thought to belong to Iraq Al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Coalition forces in Iraq have unearthed a blood-stained torture chamber north of the city of Muqdadiya, which the military suspects belonged to Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Troops stumbled upon a network of buildings comprising the torture room, three detention facilities and a headquarters. Forces also uncovered a mass grave containing 26...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>