convention delegates

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Nikki Haley Releases Delegates
Nikki Haley
Releases Her

Nikki Haley Releases Her Delegates

Urges them to support Donald Trump

(Newser) - Ahead of the Republican National Convention next week in Milwaukee, Nikki Haley has released the 97 delegates she secured from 12 states during the primaries. "The nominating convention is a time for Republican unity," the former South Carolina governor says in a statement. "I encourage my delegates...

Barron Trump Is Making His Political Debut
Melania's Office: Barron
Won't Be RNC Delegate

Melania's Office: Barron Won't Be RNC Delegate

18-year-old 'regretfully declines ... due to prior commitments,' per office of former first lady

(Newser) - Looks like we're not going to get to see Barron Trump's political debut this summer after all. It was announced earlier this week that former President Trump's youngest son would serve as an at-large Florida delegate to the Republican National Convention, but new word from the office...

Norovirus Hits California RNC Delegation
 Hits California 
 RNC Delegation 

Norovirus Hits California RNC Delegation

At least a dozen staffers are stuck in hotel 60 miles away

(Newser) - Republican National Convention organizers are worried about a guest even less welcome than the Clinton family would be: norovirus. The highly contagious virus, which causes vomiting and diarrhea and is known for turning cruises into hellish experiences, has struck down at least a dozen members of the California delegation, the...

Judge Rules in Favor of 'Never Trump' Delegate

Virginia can't force him to vote against his conscience

(Newser) - A GOP delegate from Virginia who says his conscience won't let him vote for Donald Trump scored a big victory in federal court Monday. The judge ruled that Virginia can't force Carroll Correll Jr. to vote for Trump because a state law requiring Republican National Committee delegates to...

Convention-Goers Trapped on RNC Buses for Hours

Needless to say, not a great ending to the night

(Newser) - Republican delegates had a rousing day at the Tampa convention yesterday, were moved by Ann Romney's and Chris Christie's speeches , and then … spent two hours trapped on buses before finally being dropped off at their hotels in the wee hours. Convention attendees boarded buses to leave the...

GOP Makes It Harder for Future Ron Pauls

Rule change will clamp down on insurgent candidates

(Newser) - For his efforts on the campaign trail this year, Ron Paul will get ... a video tribute at the Republican convention on Tuesday night. He'll also get to listen to son Rand speak on Monday night, but Ron himself has been shut out of any speech-making. Paul's followers aren'...

Gingrich Finally Tells His Delegates: Back Romney

Releases delegates in letter published on his website

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich exited the race for the GOP nomination on May 2, but it took him another three and a half months to let go of his 142 delegates. The former GOP candidate released his delegates last night via a letter posted to his website, reports the AP . And though...

Ron Paul Playing GOP Puppetmaster —But Why?

GOP gadfly is gaming the delegate game, but no one's sure what he wants

(Newser) - Ron Paul's campaign has been expertly gaming the GOP primary system, taking advantage of just how boring its behind-the-scenes machinations are to collect more delegates than his vote totals would indicate. Paul's fans have been flooding the otherwise sleepy meetings where state delegates are chosen and electing themselves,...

Rick Cries Foul as Mitt Gets Extra Michigan Delegate

We explained the rules wrong, state GOP says

(Newser) - Michigan's GOP has outraged Rick Santorum's campaign by flip-flopping on how delegates are awarded. Before this week's primary, officials repeatedly said two delegates would be awarded for each congressional district, with two at-large delegates to be split between candidates who received more than 15% of the vote....

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee
 Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee 

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee

Winner-take-all primaries favor unpopular Palin

(Newser) - She may be hugely polarizing, but Sarah Palin’s the odds-on favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, thanks to the party’s winner-take-all primary system. The party establishment may not want Palin, but if she can maintain, say, 35% support in a multi-candidate field, she could win...

Tearful Biden Thanks His Del. Constituents

Also apologizes for serial gaffes, praises Michelle Obama

(Newser) - An emotional Joe Biden gave thanks to delegates from his home state of Delaware at the Democratic National Convention today, the New York Times reports. At a private breakfast, Biden said his vice-presidential nod “pales in comparison to the honor I’ve had representing you.” He also apologized...

Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations
 Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations

Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations

But compromise shouldn't endanger Obama

(Newser) - The much-contested delegations from Michigan and Florida will receive full voting rights at the Democratic National Convention tonight, the Washington Post reports. Michigan and Florida’s primaries favored Hillary Clinton, but adjustments have been made in Obama’s favor, and Clinton seems poised to release her delegates to vote as...

Clinton Backers Push for Convention Nomination

Supporters say symbolic roll-call vote will recognize 18 million Hillary voters

(Newser) - A group of Hillary Clinton's delegates are working to make sure their candidate's name is put up for nomination at the Democratic convention, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Clinton backers say the symbolic move will serve as recognition for the 18 million voters who chose Hillary in the primaries, and...

Obama Seeks Full Votes for Discounted Delegates

Urges DNC to restore Fla., Mich. seats

(Newser) - Barack Obama is urging the Democratic National Committee to count Florida and Michigan primary votes at full strength, the Chicago Tribune's Swamp blog reports. In a letter to the DNC, Obama wrote that the delegates—demoted 3 months ago to half-votes in a committee compromise—"must know that they...

Dems Have Uncertain Path Ahead
Dems Have Uncertain
Path Ahead

Dems Have Uncertain Path Ahead

Much depends on Clinton, who seems resolved to defeat

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made a very public point of keeping her options open—with Harold Ickes angrily reserving the campaign's right to appeal today's delegate decision—but she seems increasingly resolved to defeat, the New York Times reports. Instead of taking the fight to the convention, close associates think she'll drop...

Dems Hashing Out Delegates
 Dems Hashing Out Delegates 

Dems Hashing Out Delegates

Daylong meeting seeks compromise on Florida and Michigan

(Newser) - Democratic party leaders continue to wrangle over the disputed delegates of Florida and Michigan today, hearing impassioned pleas from representatives of both states and campaigns. Hundreds of protesters are gathered outside the Washington meeting as the party's rules committee seeks a compromise, the AP reports. “We are strong enough...

Clinton Ready to Take It to Convention

Defiant candidate emphasizes the importance of Florida's vote

(Newser) - A defiant Hillary Clinton signaled yesterday that she might take the nomination fight all the way to the convention, the New York Times reports, again emphasizing the importance of seating Florida and Michigan delegates in a swing through the Sunshine State. Those delegates still wouldn't erase Barack Obama's lead, but...

Delegate Calculus Blurs Big Picture

Clinton campaign makes own rules regarding Fla., Mich.

(Newser) - The Clinton campaign is looking past 2,025—the current delegate threshold for clinching the nomination—and focusing on 2,208, the magic number if the party seats Michigan and Florida delegates, the Washington Times reports. “That’s what we believe is the standard for deciding this,” says...

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again
Obama Wins
in Iowa, Again

Obama Wins in Iowa, Again

He nets 7 delegates over Clinton as Edwards backers shift in second-round voting

(Newser) - Barack Obama netted seven more delegates in Iowa tonight, two months after the state held its caucuses, the AP reports. How so? Some of the delegates who originally backed John Edwards shifted to Obama during the state's county conventions, the second part of Iowa's election process. These are generally of...

Florida Will Go With June 3 Mail-In Primary

Despite opposition, Florida Dems

(Newser) - Florida Democrats will announce plans for a new June 3 mail-in primary, despite opposition from the state's congressional delegation and concern from both candidates,  USA Today reports. Opponents are concerned ballots may fail to reach low-income voters who tend to change addresses frequently. Hillary Clinton wants the results of...

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