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On Island of Crete, an 'Extremely Interesting' Find

Archaeologists unearth 4K-year-old building from Minoan civilization; airport project may be disrupted

(Newser) - A big, round, 4,000-year-old stone building discovered on a Crete hilltop is puzzling archaeologists and threatening to disrupt a major airport project on the Greek tourist island. Greece's Culture Ministry said Tuesday the structure is a "unique and extremely interesting find" from Crete's Minoan civilization, famous...

144 Years Later, Barcelona Landmark Will Finally Be 'Complete'

Work on Gaudi's Sagrada Familia to wrap up in 2026, though additions are possible

(Newser) - Work began on Barcelona's famed Sagrada Familia in 1882. Today, the massive cathedral towers over the city—but the work continues. The building, long accompanied by cranes and scaffolding, has never been completed. No more than 15% was complete in 1926, the year architect Antoni Gaudi died, per CNN...

Another of Italy's 'Leaning' Towers May Be in Trouble

Garisenda Tower in Bologna, Italy, is now at 'great risk of falling,' city officials say

(Newser) - There's been no dire update of late on the Leaning Tower of Pisa's vertical challenges , so we're guessing it's still standing strong, but one of Italy's other leaning towers seems to now be in a more precarious position than it was just over a month...

Sinking Millennium Tower Just Can't Catch a Break
Planned Fix for Sinking
Tower Hits Big Snag
in case you missed it

Planned Fix for Sinking Tower Hits Big Snag

Roadblock to $100M effort to reverse tilt of San Francisco's Millennium Tower: underground wall

(Newser) - San Francisco has been struggling for years with its Millennium Tower , an architectural fiasco that has seen the building slowly leaning and sinking into the ground below it. Now, the expensive plan to fix it may be in jeopardy, with reports that an underground shoring wall is now a wrench...

Condo Collapse Puts Spotlight on SF's Leaning Tower

Engineer says building is safe amid repairs

(Newser) - The deadly collapse of the condo building in Surfside, Fla., has some fearing a similar disaster in San Francisco, where the tilting 58-story Millennium Tower is still without a fix. The city's tallest residential building has sunk 18 inches and leaned several inches, prompting cracks in the foundation and...

'Robot' Building Is Coming Down
'Robot' Building Is Coming Down

'Robot' Building Is Coming Down

Unused building in Russia is slated for demolition

(Newser) - A hulking, never-occupied building sardonically likened to a robot's head that has loomed over the Russian city of Kaliningrad for decades is to be demolished next year, the region's governor says, per the AP . The 21-story House of Soviets was left unfinished when funding ran out in 1985...

Ever See a Building Walk Before? Here's Your Chance

Historic 85-year-old school moved to new site via 200 robotic 'legs' in Shanghai

(Newser) - It took nearly three weeks, but the Lagena Primary School in Shanghai has been relocated to its new home. If you happened to have been in the Huangpu district earlier this month, you would've seen exactly how it was moved 200 feet to its new space, and you probably...

Dallas' Famous Leaning Tower Finally Falls

'Leaning Tower of Dallas' held on for more than 2 weeks after failed implosion

(Newser) - The "Leaning Tower of Dallas," the iconic remnant of a high-rise building implosion gone awry, finally collapsed in a cloud of dust Monday after two weeks of being whacked with a headache ball. The tower collapsed about 3:15pm after a few last whacks with a wrecking ball...

25 Hurt When Building Explodes
Building Explodes in Germany

Building Explodes in Germany

Explosion in city of Wuppertal has no clear cause

(Newser) - Twenty-five people were injured, four of them severely, when an explosion destroyed an apartment building in the western German city of Wuppertal, police said Sunday. Police said the explosion rocked the several-story building shortly before midnight Saturday with a large bang, scaring people in surrounding homes so much they ran...

With No Fix in Sight, SF Tower Keeps Leaning
Cracks in SF's
Leaning Tower
Are 'Breathtaking'

Cracks in SF's Leaning Tower Are 'Breathtaking'

And there's no fix in sight for the Millennium Tower

(Newser) - San Francisco's 58-story Millennium Tower has sunk 17 inches and tilted 14 inches to the northwest since building started in 2006, reports 60 Minutes . It's a well-publicized fact thanks to numerous lawsuits from residents, including Joe Montana . Yet it makes the latest sign of its flaws no less...

Church Foreclosures Soar Heavenward

Houses of worship ensnared by same shifty credit as homeowners

(Newser) - Homeowners and banks aren’t the only ones laid low by the reckless mortgage market of years past, as churches across the nation teeter on the brink of foreclosure. Houses of worship ensnared by the promise of low rates and big loans set out on a spree of new construction,...

NYC Man Jumps to His Death—In Front of Kids

Friends say 53-year-old showed no signs he was suicidal

(Newser) - A New York man leapt from his apartment window to his death last night while his young daughters looked on in horror. “There were never any signs of problems,” a friend tells the Post . “I'd never expect anything like this from him.” The 53-year-old died instantly...

In Recession, Homeowners Nail Contractors

As many vie for projects, consumer gains the upper hand

(Newser) - Hiring a contractor to remodel a kitchen or resurface a floor once meant a lot of hassle and some serious cash. But the recession has changed all that: Contractors these days are ready and willing to work on the cheap, Time reports. Projects are smaller, and spending on remodeling is...

Homes Shrink With the Economy

Builders' 'Depression' helps drive reduction

(Newser) - Home sizes are aligned with the shrunken economy, the Los Angeles Times reports: last year, the typical home size dropped 11%—likely the fastest plunge since the 1970s. Some 90% of builders are working on a smaller scale now, an industry poll found. “People are realizing, 'Hey, I don't...

Empire State Building Going Green

Makeover project hailed as a landmark for energy efficiency

(Newser) - The Empire State Building is getting a makeover to reduce its King Kong-sized carbon footprint, NY1 reports. As part of a larger renovation, "green" improvements will be made to the 78-year-old building—including an update for all 6500 of the structure’s windows—to reduce its energy consumption by...

China to Lop Off Tall Buildings in Hangzhou

Hangzhou aims to become World Heritage site

(Newser) - Hoping to turn the city into a World Heritage site, China is lopping top floors off tall buildings in Hangzhou, the BBC reports. Two hotels, a TV tower, and other buildings will get the shrinking treatment in a $5.8 million effort; the city’s government has said that all...

Taj Knockoff Angers India
 Taj Knockoff Angers India 

Taj Knockoff Angers India

Say there might be a copyright issue somehow

(Newser) - A knockoff of the Taj Mahal has caused a full-blown diplomatic incident between India and Bangladesh, the London Times reports, and potentially one of the weirdest copyright disputes ever. Bangladeshi film mogul Ahsanullah Moni began showing his $80 million copy of the Taj this week, enraging Indians. “You can’...

Toll in Haiti Collapse Hits 75
 Toll in Haiti Collapse Hits 75 

Toll in Haiti Collapse Hits 75

(Newser) - The death toll in the Haitian school collapse has risen to 75, the AP reports. The mayor of the Port-au-Prince suburb where it occurred said 17 dead students have been found so far today. Another 80 are being treated for injuries, many of them serious, and hundreds more children could...

Fed Agency Battles Tough Post-9/11 Building Code

New safety rules safety 'too expensive,' officials complain

(Newser) - A federal agency is joining major landlords in fighting tough new building safety standards developed in the wake of 9/11, the New York Times reports. The requirements, added last year after a federal probe into the Twin Towers collapse, call for better fireproofing and extra stairwells. But the General Services...

Dubai High Rise Would Add Novel Twists

Revolving floors just one of 80-story tower's planned innovations

(Newser) - If heights make your head spin, a planned 80-story tower in Dubai might not be the place for you. Set to be the "world's first building in motion," David Fisher's design features doughnut-shape floors that rotate 360 degrees around a fixed cement core, the AP reports. It would...

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