Jack Layton

4 Stories

Canada Mourns Opposition Leader

NDP leader Jack Layton died of cancer a month after stepping aside

(Newser) - Jack Layton has died of cancer barely three months after leading the New Democratic Party to its strongest-ever result in Canada. The 61-year-old, who shocked the country only a few weeks ago when he announced he was stepping aside as the official opposition leader because of health issues, died yesterday...

Conservatives Win Majority in Canada

NDP now official opposition as Liberals, BQ stumble

(Newser) - After 7 years and four elections, Stephen Harper has led the Conservative Party to a majority government in Canada, according to preliminary results. The prime minister, who has led minority governments since 2006, won a majority of seats in Parliament and a broader mandate for his party after an election...

Canadian PM Buys Time With Parliament Shutdown

Opposition had been gearing up to replace Harper's Conservative government

(Newser) - Prime Minister Stephen Harper got permission today to close Canada’s Parliament until Jan. 26, avoiding a vote next week that would likely have forced him from power, the Globe and Mail reports. Harper’s Conservative government is under fire from a liberal coalition over inaction on the economic crisis....

Canadian PM Widens Probe of NAFTA Leak

Harper's chief of staff accused of releasing Obama memo

(Newser) - Amid cross-party outcry, the prime minister of Canada says he'll expand an investigation into the NAFTA leak that may have contributed to Barack Obama's loss in Ohio, reports the Globe and Mail. The opposition is calling for the head of Ian Brodie, PM Stephen Harper's chief of staff, who is...

4 Stories
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