
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Watered-Down Insider Trading Bill Set to Pass House

Eric Cantor takes out provisions that Senate passed unanimously

(Newser) - House legislators are almost sure to pass a bill officially banning them from insider trading today, but it will be missing a few teeth compared to its Senate counterpart. Eric Cantor has pulled out a provision that would have required K Street consultants who sell Congress' inside tips to Wall...

Congress Moves to Ban Its Own Insider Trading

Bill an attempt to restore faith of hostile public

(Newser) - Soon, insider trading may be illegal for lawmakers, too . In an effort to boost its historically low approval rating, the Senate will today hold a procedural vote allowing it to later this week pass a bill banning Congress from trading on nonpublic info, or giving that info to others to...

Vatican Transfers Corruption Whistleblower

Vatican confirms letters penned by whistleblower, calls reports 'banal'

(Newser) - Italy is reeling from news last night that a high-ranking official of Vatican City who tried to blow the whistle on corruption was ignored and was forced to transfer positions, reports Reuters . Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who was the No. 2 man at Vatican City in charge of maintaining the...

China Leaders Love Luxe Cars
 China Leaders Love Luxe Cars 

China Leaders Love Luxe Cars

Activists fume as officials drive Bentleys, Maseratis

(Newser) - China's political leaders have long loved pricey cars, but public anger is rising over bureaucrats who wheel around in Bentleys and Maseratis, reports the LA Times . Defying government censorship, angry citizens are snapping photos of luxury autos and posting them on websites. "Corruption on wheels is an accurate...

Israel's Ehud Olmert Indicted on Bribery Charges

Counts date back to time as mayor of Jerusalem

(Newser) - Things got worse for Ehud Olmert today, as the former Israeli prime minister was indicted on charges related to bribes he allegedly took back when he was mayor of Jerusalem. Olmert is already on trial for three unrelated counts, but the new charges are the most serious: He’s accused...

Mexico Disbands Corrupt Veracruz Police Force

Navy takes over law enforcement after corrupt cops sent packing

(Newser) - Mexican authorities have stamped out corruption in the Veracruz police force by stamping out the Veracruz police force. The port city's police department has been disbanded, and all 800 officers and 300 administrative staff have been fired, the BBC reports. The Mexican navy is taking responsibility for law enforcement...

Lawmakers Give Inside Info to Big Investors—Legally

Brokerage firms arrange meetings with legislators

(Newser) - Congressmen aren’t the only ones trading on their inside info . A lucrative practice has sprung up in Washington, in which hedge funds and other investors pay handsomely for private meetings with top lawmakers or their aides, who give them an early scoop on market-moving news, the Wall Street Journal...

France Finds Chirac Guilty of Corruption

Suspended sentence seen as seachange against French corruption

(Newser) - A French court found former President Jacques Chirac guilty of embezzling public funds to illegally finance the conservative party he long led, in a historic verdict today with repercussions for his legacy and France's political elite. Chirac will not go behind bars, but was handed a two-year suspended prison...

Rod Blagojevich Seeks Prison Rehab
 Blago Seeks Prison Rehab 

Blago Seeks Prison Rehab

Ex-gov granted extra month of freedom

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich is seeking to join a substance abuse program in federal prison, but some suspect the disgraced former Illinois governor is trying to shave time off his sentence rather than deal with a genuine drug or alcohol problem. Under federal guidelines, Blagojevich is likely to serve just under 12...

For Blago, 71 Days of Freedom Left

And no pension, to boot

(Newser) - Gone was the defiant Rod Blagojevich who protested his innocence , promised a comeback , and called himself "frankly … stunned" at his guilty verdict: The Blago on display yesterday at his sentencing was apologetic and emotional, but he was sentenced to 14 years for corruption nonetheless. Now he has just...

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Sentenced to 14 Years for Corruption
 Blagojevich Gets 14 Years 

Blagojevich Gets 14 Years

Former Illinois governor sentenced for corruption

(Newser) - Rod Blagojevich, the ousted Illinois governor whose three-year battle against criminal charges became a national spectacle, was sentenced to 14 years in prison today, one of the stiffest penalties imposed for corruption in a state with a history of crooked politics. "When it is the governor who goes bad...

As Cuba Opens Up, Castro Hits Corruption

Free market reforms require crackdown, say Cuba officials

(Newser) - Cuba is in the midst of one of its biggest anti-corruption crackdowns in years, with Raul Castro jailing foreigners and kicking out scores of small companies even as he institutes free market reforms. But many are wondering if the crackdown will cure or kill the patient, reports the AP . "...

Abramoff: Reforms Won't Stop 'Bribery' in Congress

Tells CBS he had once pull with 100 lawmakers

(Newser) - Lobbyists still “own” Congress, according to Jack Abramoff, dismissing the “faux reform efforts” passed in the wake of the scandal that landed him in prison . “The system hasn’t been cleaned up at all,” Washington’s most infamous ex-peddler of influence tells 60 Minutes in an...

US Cracking Down on War Zone Corruption

Prosecutions for bribery, theft in Iraq and Afghanistan rising

(Newser) - American prosecutors have been making it a lot more difficult for people involved in reconstruction work in Iraq and Afghanistan to line their pockets and get away with it. Prosecutions for bribery, theft, and other crimes have risen sharply this year, according to two government reports. Those convicted include a...

Cain's Campaign Buys $86K of His Own Books

Campaign paying own foundation for autobiography

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s campaign has spent $86,523 buying copies of the candidate’s autobiography and other books—and it’s buying them from Herman Cain THE New Voice, Cain’s own motivational speaking company. “They are buying my books and my pamphlets,” Cain confirmed for Bloomberg, but...

NYPD Frames People for Drug Arrests: Detective

Ex-narcotics cop testifies it's done to meet quotas

(Newser) - NYPD narcotics officers routinely trump up drug charges against innocent people so they can meet their arrest quotas, a former detective testified. The detective, Stephen Anderson, was busted for planting cocaine on four people in 2008, a practice called “flaking,” the New York Daily News reports. He said...

Puerto Rico Police Brutal, Corrupt: Justice Dept.

Scathing report finds department routinely violates civil rights

(Newser) - Violent crime is on the rise in Puerto Rico—and the police department is part of the problem, a scathing new report from the Justice Department concludes. The department is “broken in a number of critical and fundamental respects,” according to a copy of the report obtained by...

Indian Anti-Graft Crusader Freed to Start Hunger Strike

Tens of thousands rally in support of Anna Hazare

(Newser) - Indian authorities, facing huge protests in cities and towns across the country, have backed down and agreed to allow anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare to begin a 15-day hunger strike. The 74-year-old activist was arrested along with at least a thousand supporters Tuesday. Despite an order for his release, he had...

Lagarde Faces Probe in $400M Deal

Court orders look at $400M arbitration deal

(Newser) - Well, at least there’s no maid involved this time: A special French court has ordered an investigation into newly minted IMF chief Christine Lagarde, over her role in a $400 million arbitration deal with tycoon Bernard Tapie. The much-maligned settlement, awarded in 2008, came after Tapie sued a French...

Show-Off Mistress Tips Chinese to Red Cross Graft

Charity accused of embezzling public donations

(Newser) - One young woman's online boasting will likely derail the gravy train for a lot of people involved with the Red Cross Society of China. After the 20-year-old vamp's posts on China's equivalent of Twitter showed her with luxury cars and designer goods and identified her as a...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>