
3 Stories

College 'Drunkorexia' More Common Than Thought
College 'Drunkorexia' More Common Than Thought
study says

College 'Drunkorexia' More Common Than Thought

Study finds 8 in 10 engage in the risky behavior

(Newser) - The term "drunkorexia" has been used for several years to describe a particularly risky type of behavior on college campuses—students skip meals or exercise intensely before drinking, or deliberately purge during or afterward. Generally, the idea is to cut down on calories consumed or to increase the buzz,...

'Drunkorexia' Walloping College Kids

Skipping eating for booze threatening health

(Newser) - College kids suffering from eating disorders are increasingly grappling with the added complication of "drunkorexia." Drunkorexics, most of them women, skip eating to reserve calories for binge drinking. While many students are proud of their ability to down copious amounts of booze without gaining weight by relying on...

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women
Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Drunkorexia On Rise in Women

Eating disorders increasingly blending with substance abuse, experts say

(Newser) - Drunkorexia isn't an official medical term, reports the New York Times, but the disorder is on a growing list of afflictions that combine societal acceptance of substance abuse and pressure to be thin. Drunkorexics, who are typically college-age women, shun food to prevent weight gain and to offset the calories...

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