Great Firewall of China

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Zuckerberg Pic With China Prez's Book Raises Ruckus

Facebook honcho cozying up to 'executioners of Internet,' says dissident

(Newser) - A photo of Mark Zuckerberg with a copy of Chinese President Xi Jinping's book on governance at his desk is creating quite a stir after a Chinese government news portal released it today. The Facebook founder was hosting a top Internet regulator from China, known for tight censorship. Zuckerberg,...

As Tiananmen Turns 25, China Yanks Google

Search engine, Gmail services have been down since last week

(Newser) - One of China's most famous crackdowns—that at Tiananmen Square—turns 25 this week, and China is apparently marking the occasion with another crackdown, this time on Google, reports Reuters . Censorship watchdog says that services including Gmail and the search engine have been disrupted since last week....

Glitch Reroutes China's Internet... to Wyoming

Great Firewall seems to have backfired

(Newser) - Hundreds of millions of Internet users in China struggled to get online yesterday after most of the country's web traffic was mysteriously rerouted to a small building in Wyoming. Chinese authorities say the redirection was the result of a glitch in the country's domain system, but analysts believe...

China Blocks NY Times Site for 'Smearing' Leader

Report on Wen Jiabao's wealth angers Beijing

(Newser) - China has blocked the New York Times' website and all searches for "New York Times" on microblogs, accusing it of smearing Wen Jiabao with a story about the immense wealth his family has amassed during his reign as prime minister. A foreign ministry spokesman said the report "blackens...

World Wonders: Where's China's Next Leader?

Expected president Xi Jinping cancels meetings, disappears

(Newser) - The global rumor mill is swirling around the sudden conspicuous absence of Xi Jinping, who is scheduled to ascend to China's presidency in a matter of weeks. Xi hasn't been seen in public in 10 days, according to the Telegraph , and last week he took the unheard of...

China Censors Flood Coverage
 China Censors Flood Coverage 

China Censors Flood Coverage

Beijing's disaster response sparks criticism

(Newser) - China did a marvelous job dealing with the floods that have killed at least 37 people in Beijing—at least, according to anything you're likely to read in China. The city's propaganda chief has ordered the media to report exclusively "achievements worthy of praise and tears,"...

Google Provokes China With Tool to Skirt Censorship

Typing bad term brings Google message warning user

(Newser) - Google and China have long had a rocky relationship over the software company's overly thorough search engine and refusal to filter search results, and for many years searching for a forbidden or even a sensitive word could cause a China user's Google connection to be cut off for...

Glitch Lets Thrilled Chinese Access Facebook, YouTube

Great Firewall cracks, users urge Obama to push for China human rights

(Newser) - An apparent glitch in China's "Great Firewall" this week allowed the country's Internet users to enjoy the rest of the world's favorite websites without having to rely on expensive virtual private networks. Large numbers of Chinese flocked to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Google+ while the crack...

Chinese Bloggers Mock US' SOPA Outrage

Even as some say they support the protesters

(Newser) - Chinese Internet users were just a wee bit amused by American protests over the Stop Online Privacy Act . "Don't understand the hoopla over Wikipedia blackout in the US today," one microblogger wrote, according to the LA Times . "We blacked it out here years ago. Where are...

China Accuses US of Waging 'Internet War'

Sees 'shadow of America' behind Arab uprisings, urges tighter controls

(Newser) - The Chinese military issued a report today accusing the US of waging a worldwide "internet war" aimed at fomenting uprisings in the Middle East and elsewhere. Written by military academy scholars, the report urges the government to tighten its control of the web even further, according to the AP...

Facebook Looking for Way Into China: Report

Social networking site currently censored there, but in talk with partners

(Newser) - Facebook is in talks with would-be partners about ways it could gain access to the millions of Chinese people just dying to friend someone. The talks are in preliminary stages, and might not amount to anything, sources tell Bloomberg . Right now, Facebook is censored in China, as are Twitter, YouTube,...

China Cracks Down on Social Networking Sites

Politically sensitive material blocked after day of protests fizzles

(Newser) - The Chinese government has stepped up censorship of the Internet following a failed effort to use social networking sites to kickstart a North African-style "Jasmine Revolution ." Facebook and Twitter are banned in China but the Chinese equivalents have been flourishing. Government censors, however, moved swiftly to block all...

New Kindle Finds Hole in 'Great Firewall of China'

Device selling like hotcakes on gray market

(Newser) - Amazon’s Kindle 3G has become the hottest item on China’s gray market, and not just for its e-book features. Chinese bloggers have been gleefully recommending the device because it can circumvent the government’s censorship measures—or as one put it, “scale the wall automatically.” Its...

China Lets Porn Through Great Firewall

Beijing hasn't announced a policy change, but sites are still up

(Newser) - Get nasty, China: Beijing’s internet censors appear to have loosened up on pornography. Though there’s been no official word of a change in porn policy, Chinese blogs and Twitter accounts have been buzzing over the sudden availability of smut, the AP reports. It’s been eight weeks since...

China Unblocks Internet Porn
 China Unblocks Internet Porn 

China Unblocks Internet Porn

Sudden glut of online porn puzzles Chinese

(Newser) - Chinese web censors suddenly and unexpectedly unblocked tens of thousands of pornography sites this week, sparking—among other things—widespread speculation over its motives. Some believe that the government is trying to distract attention from today's anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, while others believe it's a move aimed at...

Tough-Guy China Shows Weakness in Google Fight
 Tough-Guy China 
 Shows Weakness 
 in Google Fight 
Nicholas Kristof

Tough-Guy China Shows Weakness in Google Fight

Beijing reveals its insecurity in its hard stance

(Newser) - If you want to understand why China took such a hard stance on Google, listen to the lesson of Sun Tzu. Once, the great strategist held a military demonstration using palace concubines for soldiers. When the women didn’t take it seriously, he beheaded two of them. After that, the...

China Partially Blocks Google's Hong Kong Site

Cell phone companies drop Google deals under pressure from Beijing

(Newser) - China fought back Google’s assault on the Great Firewall today, blocking any questionable content from Google’s Hong Kong site, and putting the screws on Google’s other operations. Google is currently redirecting mainland Chinese users to its uncensored Hong Kong site, but the government has stepped in to...

Google Shutters China Search Operation

Move to Hong Kong sidesteps censorship requirement

(Newser) - Unable to operate within China's stringent censorship regulations, Google will move its search operation to Hong Kong, retaining sales and R&D offices on the mainland. "The Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement," the company said today. The...

Chinese People Dread Losing Google

Activists at once support search giant and feel betrayed

(Newser) - Google’s seemingly inevitable exit from China will have a profound effect on its people, with many saying they support the search giant’s stand yet feel abandoned. One human rights activist brought flowers to Google headquarters, as both a sign of support and a kind of funeral bouquet. “...

Google Appears to Defy Chinese Censorship Laws

Sites about Tiananmen Square are now accessible

(Newser) - Google appears to have quietly stopped filtering from its Chinese search engine, a staggering defiance of the powers that be in Beijing. Though the search giant denies changing its policy, NBC reporters in China have been able to access previously verboten sites relating to Tibet, the Xinjiang independence movement, and...

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