presidential election

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Giuliani on 'Rigged' Election: Dead Folks Vote Democrat

Former NYC mayor alleges voter fraud is going to happen in inner cities to help Clinton

(Newser) - Dead men may not wear plaid, but they do vote for Hillary Clinton—at least according to Rudy Giuliani. Donald Trump is convinced the presidential election is rigged , and the former NYC mayor, one of his top surrogates, think he knows who's coming out of the woodwork to help...

Maryland's GOP Governor Isn't Voting for Trump

Larry Hogan says he might write another name on ballot

(Newser) - Maryland's Larry Hogan has become the latest governor to decide that being a Republican doesn't mean you have to vote for Donald Trump. After months of skirting the question, Hogan told reporters Wednesday that he doesn't plan to vote for Trump in November, reports the Baltimore Sun...

Trump Will Treat You to the Benghazi Movie Tonight

If you live in Iowa and are somehow able to RSVP

(Newser) - Moviegoers in Urbandale, Iowa, can take in the movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi for free Friday night … courtesy of Donald Trump. He's rented out space at the Carmike Cobblestone 9 Theatre and anyone who RSVPs can attend the 6pm showing free. That's an $8...

Obama Gives Biden His 'Blessing'

"Certainly he's got something at stake here," says White House spokesman

(Newser) - Big day for Joe Biden: Over lunch at the White House, he received President Obama's "blessing" to run for the Oval Office. A top Democrat gave CNN the news and said Obama would neither advise Biden against running nor hinder his candidacy. What's more, sources say Biden...

Rand Paul Trolls Hillary for Valentine's Day

He mocks her love for, among other things

(Newser) - Aw, what's Valentine's Day without one possible 2016 presidential candidate trolling another? That was apparently Rand Paul's line of thinking yesterday when he set up a fake Pinterest account to deride Hillary Clinton and pull out the Internet slang, the Washington Post reports. "If Hillary Clinton...

Paul Ryan: I'm Not Running for President

Republican lawmaker says he's given it 'a lot of thought'

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Paul Ryan announced today that he will not run for president in 2016, instead focusing on building his resume in Congress. Ryan, of Wisconsin, was the Republican candidate for vice president in 2012. There had been much speculation about his ambitions for 2016. But with the start of...

Mitt Romney: I Might Run for President

Romney makes announcement to fund-raising group

(Newser) - Heads up, Jeb Bush and Chris Christie: Mitt Romney said today that he may run for president in 2016, the Wall Street Journal reports. Sources say he made the announcement at a meeting with Republican donors in New York City. "Mitt told the group of 30 or so guys...

Why Warren Has a Real Shot at Winning

David Brooks: The left is getting angrier, and she taps into it better than Clinton

(Newser) - Progressives dearly want Elizabeth Warren to run for president, even if conventional wisdom suggests that as a populist candidate, she doesn't stand much of a chance of beating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. But "something is in the air," observes David Brooks in the New York ...

Evo Morales' Win Sets Presidential Record in Bolivia

Politician to become country's longest-serving leader consecutively in office

(Newser) - Evo Morales coasted to victory in Bolivia's presidential elections, winning an unprecedented third term as voters rewarded the former coca grower for delivering economic and political stability in what has traditionally been one of South America's most ungovernable nations. Morales is now on track to become Bolivia's...

Tennis Star: George W. Bush Beer Bender Led to DUI

John Newcombe breaks silence on 1976 ticket

(Newser) - Mere days before the US presidential election in 2000, George W. Bush admitted to an old DUI arrest. Now the details of that beer-guzzling night are leaking out, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. "George was a bit of a party boy in those days," former tennis champion John...

Socialist Michelle Bachelet Wins Presidency in Chile

But 41% turnout worries new Chilean leader

(Newser) - Chile's once and future leader Michelle Bachelet easily won today's presidential runoff, returning center-left parties to power by promising profound changes in response to years of street protests. Bachelet won with 62% of the vote to 38% for the center-right's Evelyn Matthei, who promptly congratulated her rival....

Azerbaijan Announces Election Winner —Before the Election

Results sent out on smartphone app

(Newser) - Voting for the next president of Azerbaijan wasn't supposed to start until yesterday—but the day before, results were already amazingly posted on a Central Election Commission smartphone app. The app said incumbent president Ilham Aliyev was winning with 73% of the vote, continuing his family's decades-long reign...

Assad: I May Run Again Next Year

But not if Syrians don't want me: interview

(Newser) - Syrian president Bashar Assad says it's still too early to say whether he'll run for re-election in next year's presidential vote. Assad says "the picture will be clearer" in the next four to five months because Syria is going though "rapid" changes on the ground....

GOP's Cruz Tries to Silence Own Birthers

Ted Cruz releases birth certificate and, you guessed it, he's Canadian

(Newser) - In an effort to silence the whispers about his presidential eligibility, Ted Cruz released his birth certificate yesterday, and sure enough, he's Canadian. The Texas senator gave the certificate to the Dallas Morning News , which reveals that Cruz was born to an American mother and Cuban father in Canada....

South Korea Elects First Female President

Park Geun-hye is the daughter of a former dictator

(Newser) - South Korea has elected its first female president in conservative candidate Park Geun-hye, who narrowly beating out liberal challenger Moon Jae-in with a 50.1% to 48.9% lead with 84% of votes counted, reports the BBC . More than 63% of South Koreans came out to cast their ballots this...

Race to 270: Obama vs. Romney
 Obama Wins 2nd Term 
election 2012

Obama Wins 2nd Term

He wins Ohio ... and the Oval Office

(Newser) - Barack Obama has won a second term as president after taking Ohio, the AP reports. Though Mitt Romney won the battleground state of North Carolina along with a number of deep red states, the president's victory in Ohio eliminated any chance of a Romney win. Obama thanked his supporters...

How to Follow Ohio&#39;s Results
 How to Follow Ohio's Results 

How to Follow Ohio's Results

By tonight, we might know who's ahead, but not who's won

(Newser) - All eyes are on the swing state of Ohio tonight, but when polls close at 7:30pm, there's a good chance we won't know anything for certain. For those following at home, here's what we'll know, when we'll know it, and what factors could make...

Here's How It Feels to Lose the Presidential Election

The 'Daily Beast' talks to three men who know firsthand

(Newser) - You campaign for months—years, even—only to lose it all on Election Day. That can't feel great, right? The Daily Beast found out exactly how bad it feels by talking to Walter Mondale (who lost to Ronald Reagan in 1984), Michael Dukakis (who lost to George HW Bush...

Rove: Romney's Going to Win a Squeaker

Poll numbers, early results all in Romney's favor, says Karl Rove

(Newser) - Political guru Karl Rove may be predicting a Mitt Romney win next week, but at least he's keeping his predictions more modest than Dick Morris' " landslide ." Instead, Rove notes in the Wall Street Journal that Romney has a thin lead in national polls—he's ahead in...

Will Sandy Rain on Campaign?
 East Coast Braces for Sandy 

East Coast Braces for Sandy

Storm could toss election up in the air

(Newser) - Want to hear God laugh? Make a plan in the path of a Category 1 Frankenstorm. Sandy is disrupting lives and presidential campaign schedules all along the East Coast. Here's what's happening:
  • Both President Obama and Mitt Romney have canceled events in Virginia, and Obama today canceled a

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