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US Grocery Stores Graded on Food Waste, and One Gets an &#39;F&#39;
US Grocery Stores Graded
on Food Waste, and
One Gets an 'F'
in case you missed it

US Grocery Stores Graded on Food Waste, and One Gets an 'F'

That would Be ALDI

(Newser) - As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It's apparently not an adage that America's grocery stores have taken to heart, at least according to a new report from the Center for Biological Diversity and the Ugly Fruit and Veg Campaign . They...

Mountain of Garbage Collapses, Kills 17

Search and rescue underway in capital of Mozambique

(Newser) - Heavy rains triggered the partial collapse of a huge mound of garbage in Mozambique's capital on Monday, killing 17 people who were buried by debris. Authorities believe more bodies could be buried at the Hulene garbage dump on the outskirts of Maputo, per the AP . The garbage in the...

This Isn't a Landfill. It's a Mediterranean Beach

Lebanon's garbage crisis comes to a pungent head

(Newser) - Lebanon's festering trash crisis came crashing ashore this week, after residents woke up to find a powerful winter storm had laid a mantle of waste at a beach near Beirut—a pile of cattle bones, footwear, tires, and vast amounts of plastic waste that reached more than 100 feet...

Hong Kong Is Almost Completely Trashed
Hong Kong Is Almost
Completely Trashed

Hong Kong Is Almost Completely Trashed

City says its landfills will be totally full in next few years

(Newser) - Hong Kong's 7.4 million denizens create a lot of trash—15,000 tons of garbage are disposed of every day. But at only 427 square miles, the city is quickly running out of space to put all that garbage. In a close look at a smelly subject, Motherboard...

Massive Mound of Garbage Collapses, Killing 16

The homes of 625 people were destroyed or under threat in Sri Lanka

(Newser) - At least 16 people were killed and more than 600 others fled their homes after a massive mound of garbage collapsed on part of a town outside of Sri Lanka's capital during festivities to mark the local new year, officials said Saturday. Four people were rescued from underneath the...

One 2-Ton Whale Was No Match for 30 Plastic Bags

Bags, other waste found in stomach of euthanized whale in Norway

(Newser) - Norwegian zoologists have found about 30 plastic bags and other plastic waste in the stomach of a beaked whale that had beached on a southwestern Norway coast, the AP reports. The visibly sick, 2-ton goose-beaked whale was euthanized, Terje Lislevand of Bergen University said Friday. "The [whale's] stomach...

Flint's New Problem Literally Stinks

Trash pick-up has stopped as the mayor, city council battle over a contract

(Newser) - Flint residents' water is trashed, and now their trash is temporarily, well, trashed, too. The beleaguered city learned on Saturday that trash pick-up would cease effective Monday. "Until a new agreement is officially in place, we ask the residents not set their trash out at the curb to prevent...

Meet the $100K-a-Year Garbage Collectors

It turns out the industry pays pretty well and wages are rising

(Newser) - No one wants to be a doctor in New Zealand for $267,000 a year , but getting paid $100,000 to sift through giant rats, dead animals, and even human body parts is right up Noel Molina and Tony Sankar's alley. Both men made six figures as NYC garbage...

Police Dog Finds Suspect Hiding in Garbage Can

'Great work, Falco!'

(Newser) - Ah, the sweet smell of justice. Or is that garbage? A Fargo police dog named Falco helped the North Dakota Highway Patrol track down an elusive suspect early Friday morning, according to a post on the Fargo Police Department's Facebook page. Falco and his nose led troopers from the...

Man Brings a Bat'leth to a Trash Fight

Damn Klingons

(Newser) - Newser Note: For maximum impact, please listen to this song while reading the following story. KREM reports an argument about garbage escalated—as they are wont to do—until one neighbor was threatening another with a weapon straight out of Star Trek. Carlo Cerutti, 50, has been charged with assault...

EPA Hugely Underestimated How Much Trash We Dump
EPA Hugely Underestimated How Much Trash We Dump

EPA Hugely Underestimated How Much Trash We Dump

Scientists say this also means we're obviously not recycling as much as we thought

(Newser) - Americans are sending more than twice as much trash to landfills as the federal government has estimated, according to a new study. It turns out that, on average, America tosses 5 pounds of trash per person per day into its landfills, according to an analysis of figures in a study...

Our Cigarette-Butt Litter Is Staggering

New York state alone gets 1.5M tons of them annually

(Newser) - Cigarette butts aren't just nasty, they're turning up all over the place and damaging the environment, National Geographic reports. Every year, New York state alone is said to create 1.5 million tons of butts, while 2.1 million of them were found in the world's oceans...

Man Sues When Amputated Leg Turns Up in Trash

The Florida hospital isn't saying why the leg wasn't incinerated instead

(Newser) - John Timiriasieff didn't think much about the whereabouts of his leg after it was amputated just below the knee last fall. Until homicide detectives came knocking, asking the 50-something man in Key Largo, Fla., what it was doing in the garbage—name tag and all. No one at Doctors...

Early Garbage Collector Gets ... Jail Time

A city ordinance requires that trash be collected between 7am and 7pm

(Newser) - Most of us have at some point been woken before dawn by the incessant beeping and slamming sounds of the garbage truck just outside the window. But one Atlanta suburb has a city ordinance that actually prohibits trash collection prior to 7am. As a result, Kevin McGill, who's spent...

Guy in Texas Makes Huge Sums Dumpster-Diving

Matt Malone says he'd make at least $250K annually if he did it full time

(Newser) - Matt Malone has a well-paying security specialist career and owns a promising startup business. Yet if you want to track him down after hours, you'll need to peek inside a bunch of Texas dumpsters. The 37-year-old Austin man told Randall Sullivan, writing for Wired , that he's made a...

Garbage Truck Scoops Up Man Looking for Wallet

Californian survives the trip

(Newser) - A man searching for his wallet in a trash bin in Northern California was scooped up by a garbage truck and taken on a long, presumably smelly, ride. The Oroville Mercury Register reports that the man survived the ride in the rear of a truck. Yolo County Sheriff's Lt....

Hauler Dumps 2 Tons of Trash on Customer's Yard

Officials cite Minnesota company in bill dispute

(Newser) - A bill dispute between a trash hauler and a customer in Minnesota has resulted in a huge mess, literally. The city of Red Wing fined local hauler Paul's Industrial Garage $1,800, plus cleanup fees, after authorities say it dumped nearly 2 tons of garbage on a customer's...

Thanks, Humanity: Ocean Floor Is a Garbage Dump

Study of 32 ocean sites finds not one free of human litter

(Newser) - In the depths of European oceans, you'll find coral, sand—and old Heineken cans. Yup, human litter can be found even in the most far-reaching places on the planet, according to one of the biggest scientific surveys ever done of the seafloor. Using video and trawling surveys between 1999...

Woman Accused of Assault on Garbage Man

'I drive a Range Rover,' she says

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania woman faces assault and harassment charges over her garbage pickup. The 49-year-old in Lower Saucon Township apparently became enraged when the garbage truck passed her home because her trash wasn't out in time, reports Lehigh Valley Live . Then followed three not-so-proud moments,according to court documents:
  • She

Oslo&#39;s Weird Problem: Not Enough Garbage
Oslo's Weird Problem:
Not Enough Garbage
in case you missed it

Oslo's Weird Problem: Not Enough Garbage

Waste-to-energy plants running out of stuff to burn

(Newser) - Oslo has got a problem a lot of cities would love to share: a major shortage of garbage. Around half of the Norwegian capital is heated by garbage-burning power plants, but with recycling rates very high, the plants simply can't get enough of the stuff, the New York Times...

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