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There&rsquo;s a Staggering Number of Insects Above Us
There’s a Staggering
Number of Insects Above Us

There’s a Staggering Number of Insects Above Us

Those that fly over the UK each year have the mass of 20K reindeer

(Newser) - Step outside and imagine there's a blanket of billions of insects overhead—because there probably is. Researchers who spent a decade tracking insects 500 to 4,000 feet above the ground in south-central England using radar beams and nets found about 3.5 trillion bugs and butterflies migrate across...

With Nowhere to Land, Geese Descend, Die On Toxic Water

Their usual landing site, several others were mostly frozen

(Newser) - A "perfect storm" of a late migration and a snowstorm left thousands of snow geese dead in the toxic waters of an old mine pit in Montana last week, authorities say. A spokesman for the Montana Resources mine company says witnesses described the scene as "700 acres of...

Tiny Bird Doesn&#39;t Land for 10 Months
Tiny Bird Doesn't
Land for 10 Months

Tiny Bird Doesn't Land for 10 Months

Common swift steals longest continuous flight for a bird

(Newser) - The common swift makes its cousin's six months in continuous flight look like nothing more than a hop, skip, and a jump. The tiny bird easily steals the record for longest continuous flight by spending 10 months in the air without landing once, reports NPR , by way of a...

First Americans Didn't Arrive on a Land Bridge

They 'must have taken a different route'

(Newser) - You probably remember the Bering Land Bridge theory from history class: North America's first inhabitants traveled along a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska and discovered an immense new world less than 15,000 years ago. Just like the land bridge did 10,000 years ago, that belief now...

Scientists Crack Monarch Butterflies' Big Secret

They're able to monitor time and the sun

(Newser) - Monarch butterflies "are not just pretty animals. They are a biological treasure trove." That's the takeaway from a new study on how the tiny insects manage to navigate thousands of miles from the US and Canada to Mexico: Eli Shlizerman of the University of Washington and his...

World's Longest-Distance Flier Is Identified

Tiny dragonfly covers 4.4K miles between continents

(Newser) - The world's longest-distance flier is a fly—a dragonfly to be exact. That's what scientists at Rutgers University-Newark claim in a new genetic study of Pantala flavescens, also known as the wandering glider, per Discovery News . Populations of the dragonfly, which is only 1.5 inches long, have...

Puzzling Ocean Buzz Could Be Fish Farts

Scientists say the Pacific Ocean is filled with strange sound at dusk and dawn

(Newser) - When scientists first started hearing an odd noise emanating from the depths of the Pacific Ocean a few years ago, they didn't know what to think. The sound (described as a continuous humming or buzzing that only happens at certain times of day) wasn't from typical ocean activity...

Tiny Bird Migrates Incredible 1.7K Miles Over the Ocean

Blackpoll warbler weighs only half an ounce

(Newser) - A tiny songbird that summers in the forests of northern North America has been tracked on a 1,700-mile, over-the-ocean journey from the northeastern US and eastern Canada to the Caribbean as part of its winter migration to South America. Scientists had long suspected that the blackpoll warbler had made...

Mexico Spots Hopeful Glimmer for Dwindling Monarchs

Migrating butterflies turn up early after hitting lowest levels last year

(Newser) - Experts in Mexico said yesterday there is a tentative sign of hope for the mass migration of monarch butterflies, whose numbers dropped to their lowest level ever last year. The head of Mexico's nature reserves, Luis Fueyo, said the first butterflies have been seen entering Mexico earlier than usual...

Rare White Whale Spotted Off Australia

Migaloo is migrating to warmer waters for breeding: researchers

(Newser) - A celebrity albino humpback whale has been spotted for the first time this year off the coast of Australia. The famous Migaloo—who, until 2011, was the only documented all-white whale in the world—has been seen making his way north past Sydney on the country's east coast over...

Webcams Show Polar Bear Migration

Cameras capture bears as they trek through Manitoba

(Newser) - Every year, hundreds of Canadian polar bears journey to the Hudson Bay to hunt seals—and this year, you can watch it happen. The bears travel through the small Manitoba town of Churchill, where cameras have been set up to allow people all over the world to view the trek,...

NYC Dims Lights for Migrating Birds

Feathered friends confused by the light, scientists believe

(Newser) - The city that never sleeps will be a little less bright through Nov. 1, as buildings hit the lights to protect migrating birds. An estimated 90,000 birds die each year by slamming into buildings in NYC alone; turning lights off can reduce that number by 83%, according to one...

Global Warming Could Push 6.7M Mexicans to Migrate to US

Crop failures, cuts in food production projected to boost relocation

(Newser) - Rising temperatures due to climate change could result in mass migration from Mexico to the US, according to a study. Based on the assumption that climate projections are correct, experts estimate that up to 6.7 million Mexicans could migrate by 2080 as a result of crop failures and reduced...

Wealthy Americans Migrating South: IRS Data

 Wealthy Americans 
 Migrating South: 
 IRS Data 
see your county's stats

Wealthy Americans Migrating South: IRS Data

Good weather, low taxes lure rich, even during recession

(Newser) - Wealthy Americans are on the move, largely to the low-income-tax havens of the Sunbelt. A new Forbes analysis of IRS data from 2008 shows Collier County, Fla., at the head of the pack, picking up 15,150 new residents with an average income of $76,161—compared to $26,128...

Seeking Cheaper Land, Amish Go West

Population in Colorado surges

(Newser) - With fewer than 1,000 residents, Westcliffe, Colo., looks like a lot of other Western towns—until you notice the buggy crossing sign and the hitching post outside the supermarket. Amish farmers are seeking out the rural community 3 hours south of Denver, where land is six times cheaper than...

Missing SF Sea Lions Appear in Oregon

They went north for better fishing, scientists now say

(Newser) - The mystery of San Francisco’s vanishing sea lions looks to have been solved: They went north for the winter, to Oregon. When the stench off Pier 39 disappeared last month, scientists floated any number of theories—even, the BBC reports, that the beasts cleared out ahead of impending earthquake—...

Birdfeeding Changes Evolution

Free lunch rocks birds' futures

(Newser) - Darwin never made allowances for birdfeeders, but modern-day scientists have discovered that giving feathered friends a helping hand can have profound evolutionary consequences. Filling up birdfeeders with seeds and suet can convince birds to hang around for the free lunch, rather than take off of their migratory routes, researchers have...

On Calif. Coast, Great Whites Lurk Closer Than You Think

Turns out they winter off beaches, in 'Frisco Bay

(Newser) - The great white shark population in the eastern Pacific Ocean has a more regimented migratory schedule than previously thought—and one which brings the predators much closer to shore than was previously believed. Researchers in California tracked 179 great whites over 10 years, using acoustic tags and satellite info. Rather...

For Boom-to-Bust Ireland, Another Great Migration

(Newser) - The collapse of the Celtic Tiger is prompting another mass exodus from Ireland's rural west, the Wall Street Journal reports, with young workers once again abandoning their hometowns for London or the US. After a rare decade in which emigrants were flooding back to the island, as many as 40,...

Recession Cools Worldwide Migration
 Recession Cools 
 Worldwide Migration 

Recession Cools Worldwide Migration

(Newser) - Facing a tough job market, immigrants are returning home around the world, reversing historic migration patterns and giving up on income that once fed their families, the Wall Street Journal reports. With construction workers going back to Mexico and domestic servants to the Philippines, wealthy nations are also bound to...

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