medical records

Stories 21 - 34 | << Prev 

E-Records Improve Care, But Cost Discourages Doctors

Insurers, hospitals are main beneficiaries; feds weigh financial incentives

(Newser) - Doctors aren’t using electronic health records, though they lead to better care, a study reports. Why? The costs are prohibitive, especially for small private practices. E-records do bring savings—but for insurers and hospitals, not doctors who invest in them. The government is experimenting with financial incentives for doctors...

McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63
 McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63 

McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63

Expert calculates candidate's years in biological time

(Newser) - McCain may be 71.8 years old on paper, but his biological age is a youthful 63.7, according to the physician who wrote You: The Owner's Manual. Dr. Michael Roizen made the estimate based on McCain's recently-released medical records (though some details on the candidate's dietary and exercise habits...

Medical Records Show McCain Fit, Cancer-Free

But senator's medical records also show signs of age

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign gave the AP the first look at 8 years of the 71-year-old senator's medical records, which show no sign of the melanoma he’s been treated for four times, although he had a lesion removed as recently as February and continues to be at risk for new...

McCain to Give Glimpse of Medical Files Tomorrow

Campaign will allow reporters to look under tight restrictions

(Newser) - John McCain will give the media a glimpse of his medical records tomorrow, but restrictions will be tight, the Los Angeles Times reports. The campaign will allow a small group of reporters to review 400 pages of documents in 3 hours. They can take notes but can't remove the files...

14 More Called Out for Medical Snooping

State says 68 people peeked at celebrities' files at UCLA center

(Newser) - Fourteen more staffers at the UCLA medical center have been accused of snooping in celebrities’ files, raising the number to 68, the Los Angeles Times reports. A new state report blames UCLA for its lack of privacy protection and for failing to report the snooping to authorities. It also provides...

UCLA Medical Center Snoop Indicted
UCLA Medical Center Snoop Indicted

UCLA Medical Center Snoop Indicted

Woman accused of selling stars' medical records to tabloids

(Newser) - A former UCLA Medical Center employee has been indicted for snooping in the medical records of the stars and selling the information to tabloids, the Los Angeles Times reports. Lawanda Jackson is accused of making thousands from the sale of information about celebrities including Farrah Fawcett and Maria Shriver. She...

Nosy UCLA MDs Got Off Easier Than Other Staff

Some of the non-docs who peeked at Britney's files were fired

(Newser) - The MDs who wrongly looked at Britney Spears’ medical records while she was being treated on two occasions at UCLA hospitals have gotten off easier than other staff, the Los Angeles Times reports. Of the at least 53 snoopers, 18 non-doctors retired, resigned, or were dismissed, but none of the...

UCLA Worker Snooped in Farrah's Files

News of star's recurring cancer was leaked to tabloid

(Newser) - A UCLA staffer sneaked peeks into actress Farrah Fawcett's confidential health records and apparently leaked information on her treatment for cancer to the media, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sensational headlines about Fawcett's illness subsequently turned up on the website of the National Enquirer before the star had a chance...

Patients' Info Swiped Along With Laptop

Unencrypted data on 2,500 government study subjects missing

(Newser) - A government laptop loaded with personal medical info on thousands of patients just “fell through the cracks,” a top exec with an NIH subsidiary says. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute machine was stolen Feb. 23, apparently at random, from an employee’s car trunk. None of...

Man Admits to Selling Stolen Body Parts

New Jersey dentist ran ring that harvested bones and tissue

(Newser) - A New Jersey dentist who ran a business plundering body parts from corpses in funeral homes pleaded guilty in Brooklyn today, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. Michael Mastromarino, 44, admitted to removing bones and tissue from two dozen corpses, which were sold to tissue processors for use in transplants and other...

UCLA Staff Peeked Into Brit's Records

Hospital moving to fire 13 after second wave of Spears snooping

(Newser) - A California hospital is trying to terminate some 13 employees, and has already disciplined others, for poking around in Britney Spears’ medical records, the Los Angeles Times reports. The firings come after bosses at UCLA Medical Center specifically warned employees about unnecessary perusal of patient files on the morning of...

McCain Mum on Health History
McCain Mum on Health History

McCain Mum on Health History

Senator has battled melanoma 4 times since 1993

(Newser) - John McCain released 15,000 pages of medical records when he ran for president in 2000, but as the nation now contemplates making the 71-year-old the oldest man to occupy the Oval Office, McCain's campaign is largely silent. The Arizona senator has had four melanomas, a potentially fatal form of...

Google Health Will Be Ad-Free
Google Health Will Be Ad-Free

Google Health Will Be Ad-Free

Medical-records service now being tested will profit by increasing search traffic

(Newser) - The newest member of the Google family, Google Health, will not have advertising, CEO Eric Schmidt said this week, but will earn its keep from the traffic it draws to the company’s search engine. The new service stores health records, allowing users to share test results, prescriptions and other...

Google Tests Web Med Records
Google Tests Web Med Records

Google Tests Web Med Records

The company will post health info for up to 10,000 Cleveland volunteers

(Newser) - In a test of a long-anticipated medical-records program, Google will offer up to 10,000 patients at the Cleveland Clinic the chance to create an online medical profile, making it easier for them to share information with doctors or pharmacies, the Wall Street Journal reports today. In the pilot program,...

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