Stories 21 - 38 | << Prev 

Look to Ukraine for N. Korea's Missile Engines: Expert

Expert analysis points to Dnipro factory as producing engines scooped up by Pyongyang

(Newser) - Many are worried over North Korea's ICBM launch last month, which analysts say indicate its weapons can now reach the US. And what may be behind this apparent success: liquid-propellant rocket engines from a Ukrainian factory linked to Russia's missile program that were then scooped up on the...

Big Flaw Spotted in N. Korea Missile Test

Mock warhead apparently failed to survive re-entry

(Newser) - North Korea's latest missile launch was seen as a worrying success that means much of the US mainland is now in reach of Pyongyang's missiles—but analysts have seen signs that not everything went according to plan. Video shows that the mock warhead on the intercontinental ballistic missile...

Responding to N. Korea, US Takes Bombers for a Run

B-1 bombers fly over South Korea in show of strength as military says 'we are ready'

(Newser) - The United States flew two supersonic bombers over the Korean Peninsula on Sunday in a show of force against North Korea following the country's latest intercontinental ballistic missile test. The B-1 bombers were escorted by South Korean fighter jets on a low pass over an air base near Seoul...

N. Korea Launches Missile That Lands Near Japan

It traveled 45 minutes and 620 miles

(Newser) - North Korea continues to defy warnings to quit messing with missile tests, this time with an apparent launch into the sea near Japan, the AP and Reuters report. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the missile, which was launched Friday night, looks to have landed in the country's exclusive...

N. Korea Missile Something 'We've Not Seen Before'

Pentagon says missile launch 'has our attention'

(Newser) - North Korea's test of an intercontinental ballistic missile Tuesday—already causing a stir—is now said to have featured a new type of missile the Pentagon has "not seen before," Reuters reports. Pentagon spokesperson Navy Capt. Jeff Davis says the ICBM, which was fired from a mobile...

North Korea Says It Launched ICBM
North Korea Says
It Launched ICBM

North Korea Says It Launched ICBM

Pyongyang claims it can now 'strike anywhere on earth'

(Newser) - The stakes just got even higher on the Korean Peninsula: North Korea says the missile it test-launched early Tuesday was an intercontinental ballistic missile, not the intermediate-range missile that US and South Korean authorities initially said they detected. North Korea's military described the launch of the Hwasong-14 as the...

US Will Try to Shoot Down an ICBM for 1st Time

Pentagon worried about possible nuclear missile from North Korea

(Newser) - For the first time ever, the US will attempt to shoot down an intercontinental-range missile speeding toward the homeland, the AP reports. The Pentagon has scheduled a test of its Ground-based Midcourse Defense system for next Tuesday. The test was announced three days after the director of the US Defense...

N. Korea: We'll Test ICBM 'Any Time'

US says it will shoot down any potential threat

(Newser) - In what the New York Times calls a rebuke to Donald Trump, North Korea declared Sunday that it will launch an intercontinental ballistic missile at any time from "anywhere determined by supreme headquarters." The statement from a Foreign Ministry spokesman to Pyongyang's official KCNA news agency follows...

N. Korea 'Now Ready' to Launch Another Rocket

Improved facility may be designed to launch long-range missiles, US institute says

(Newser) - North Korea has been busily working on its Sohae Satellite Launching Station for the past year, and a US think tank says that satellite images indicate construction is complete and the facility is likely ready to launch longer-range missiles with bigger payloads, the New York Times reports. "North Korea...

Nuclear Launch Officers Tied to Narcotics Probe

In the latest in a string of embarrassments for Air Force unit

(Newser) - America got yet another reason to worry about the men who have their fingers on the nuclear button yesterday, when two Air Force ICBM launch officers were suspended and named as targets of an illegal narcotics investigation. The two men, part of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force...

Scientist: Turn ICBMs Into Disaster-Relief Tools

They could deliver supplies to hard-to-reach areas

(Newser) - A Japanese scientist has an intriguing idea on how to convert mothballed ICBMs in the US and Russia from instruments of war: Use them to deliver supplies to hard-to-reach areas after disasters. "These rocket engines are still functioning," Huai-Chien Chang of the University of Tokyo tells LiveScience . "...

Test a Success: India's New Missile Can Strike Beijing

Agni-V test leaves China unruffled

(Newser) - India's test launch of a missile capable of striking major Chinese cities went smoothly this morning, and Indian officials say the country has now emerged as a major missile power. The nuclear-capable Agni-V missile, with a 3,100-mile range, will be added to India's arsenal after more tests...

&#39;Sky Halo&#39; Spotted Over Hawaii
 'Sky Halo' Spotted Over Hawaii 

'Sky Halo' Spotted Over Hawaii

Missile launch stumped astronomers

(Newser) - A strange expanding halo of light captured by a webcam outside an observatory in Hawaii left puzzled astronomers turning to "Citizen Science" for help. Users of the Starship Asterisk determined that a Minuteman III missile had been launched from California the same night and was almost certainly responsible for...

Glitch Boots 50 Nukes Offline
 Glitch Boots 50 Nukes Offline 

Glitch Boots 50 Nukes Offline

Commanders unable to communicate with ninth of arsenal for nerve-wracking hour

(Newser) - A hardware glitch knocked 50 nuclear missiles—a ninth of America's land-based arsenal—offline for nearly an hour over the weekend. Commanders at an Air Force base in Wyoming found themselves unable to communicate with the missiles as engineers scrambled to find out what the problem was, the Atlantic reports....

North Korea Threatens 'Strong Steps' if Punished

(Newser) - North Korea says it will view any punishment for its recent rocket launch as a threat to its very sovereignty and will take "necessary and strong steps" in response, the BBC reports. It did not specify what those steps might be. "Every country has the inalienable right to...

N. Korea Launches Rocket
 N. Korea Launches Rocket 

N. Korea Launches Rocket

(Newser) - North Korea told the world to go stuff it today, launching a long-range rocket over Japan in defiance of international pressure. The State Department confirmed the launch, which took place Sunday morning in the North, Reuters reports. The US thinks Pyongyang is testing a Taepodong-2 missile, which could carry a...

New North Korean Missile Launch Pad Discovered

ICBM facility is 1-2 years from completion

(Newser) - Pyongyang is building a new intercontinental ballistic missile launching facility, the AFP reports. Satellite imagery of the new site, on the west coast of North Korea, shows it to be larger and more sophisticated than the country’s current launch pad, security analysts say —though it won't be operational...

Russia Tests New Missile System
Russia Tests New Missile System

Russia Tests New Missile System

Russian nuclear arsenal can now circumvent defense shields

(Newser) - Russia tested a new line of missiles yesterday that the Kremlin claims can penetrate any defense system. Putin took the opportunity to reiterate his warning that the US plan to to deploy an anti-missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic will turn the region into a "powder keg,...

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