David Axelrod

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Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet
 Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet 

Axelrod to Rove: Be Quiet

Obama adviser dismisses criticisms from Bush's brain

(Newser) - If Karl Rove’s so smart, how come his party’s the one locked out of power? That’s what top White House adviser David Axelrod seemed to ask in an interview with the Washington Post. Dismissing Rove’s criticisms of Obama’s stimulus plan as “intramural stuff,”...

In Obama's White House, Informality Rules

New prez jettisons Bush's insistence on jacket and tie

(Newser) - When George W. Bush was in charge, no one was allowed to enter the Oval Office without a suit and tie—and 43 even demanded business attire on weekends. Barack Obama's White House is a more casual place, where even the president himself works in shirtsleeves, the New York Times...

First 100 Days? Too Slow for O
First 100 Days? Too Slow for O

First 100 Days? Too Slow for O

In new White House, change will happen in 100 hours—or maybe mere minutes

(Newser) - At minute one, everything changes. The inaugural passing of the baton will happen at lightning speed today, Politico reports, as the new team hits the ground running, amid an economic crisis that makes the traditional timetable obsolete. Through the morning, White House staff will work furiously to get the building...

Pelosi Open to Prosecuting Bushies
Pelosi Open to Prosecuting Bushies
Talk show ROUNDUP

Pelosi Open to Prosecuting Bushies

Emanuel: Blago didn't imply anything shady in talks with me

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi would consider prosecuting some Bush White House officials, she told Fox News Sunday, even though Barack Obama has signaled that he doesn't favor such a move. "We cannot let the politicizing of, for example, the Justice Department to go unreviewed," says the speaker of the House....

Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It
Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It
Talk Show Roundup

Axelrod to Warren Haters: Get Over It

Obama aide says tax cut coming; Laura Bush defends George

(Newser) - To those who object to Rick Warren delivering the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration, chief adviser David Axelrod has a message: chill out. On today's Meet the Press, he heralded the choice as political bridge-building: A conservative pastor praying for a progressive president "is a healthy thing and...

73% of Americans Back Obama
 73% of Americans Back Obama 

73% of Americans Back Obama

Poll reveals reservoir of national goodwill for prez-elect

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama will begin his term of office with an enormous reservoir of goodwill among American voters, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. The poll found 73% of adults approve of his preparations to take over, with even 29% of John McCain voters now viewing Barack Obama...

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman
'Public Sick of Partisanship':
talk show roundup

'Public Sick of Partisanship': Lieberman

Joe says Obama never called back; politicos talk bailouts on TV

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman told Meet the Press today that he regrets "some things I said in the heat of the campaign that I wish I'd said more clearly," and hopes Barack Obama will put, er, "country first" by leading in a bipartisan fashion. Lieberman said he called...

Political Office Is Gray Area at White House

Obama won't say he'll shutter nerve center of 'perpetual campaign'

(Newser) - Barack Obama made transcending partisan politics part of his campaign pitch, but he remains noncommittal on a proposal to abolish the White House political office. A Reagan Administration creation, it played a vastly different role under Karl Rove than it had previously, Politico reports. John McCain has called for eliminating...

Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC
Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC

Pay Cut, Scrutiny Await Axelrod in DC

Consultant's finances would come into sharp focus

(Newser) - David Axelrod would pay a steep price to follow his most famous client to the White House, Politico reports. Barack Obama’s right-hand man would probably have to sell his stakes in the lucrative consulting firms he founded  and open his finances to public scrutiny. Axelrod’s firms have collected...

Talking Heads Vow Restraint ... Sort of

Networks vow some restraint

(Newser) - Television news executives have vowed they won't jump the gun and project a president-elect until one man has 270 electoral votes. And they won't count electoral votes until polls are closed, reports the Los Angeles Times. But if key states in the East and Midwest back Obama, viewers will likely...

Aide: Mac 'Greatest Closer of All Time'
 Mac 'Greatest 
 Closer of All Time' 

Aide: Mac 'Greatest Closer of All Time'

Davis predicts McCain surprise win

(Newser) - McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told Fox News Sunday that the Republicans will seize Pennsylvania and the Southwestern states for a come-from-behind finish on Tuesday, the Hill reports. “John McCain may be the greatest closer politician of all time,” he said. Other highlights from the talk shows:
  • An

Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term
Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term

Obama, Not McCain, Would Be Third Bush Term

Dem doesn't offer much hope of change from current president

(Newser) - Barack Obama has freely used the Bush card, reminding voters that John McCain has agreed with the president 90% of the time—but “the irony here is that Obama actually has much more in common with Bush than McCain does,” Bill Siegel writes in the National Review. He...

Role in White House for Obama Strategist?

Strategist Axelrod seen as key policy cog, but he could be a target in Washington

(Newser) - With Barack Obama holding a lead in the polls, Democrats have begun discussing what, if any, role his top campaign strategist might have in an Obama White House, Politico reports. David Axelrod, say those who know him, is seriously weighing an administration position; where he ends up could be key...

Chicago Ties Sustain Obama
 Chicago Ties Sustain Obama 

Chicago Ties Sustain Obama

Key aides, friends go way back in Obama's hometown

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s Chicago home base has provided the candidate with a wealth of influential allies who serve him in a variety of ways, from the political to the personal, the Washington Post reports. While some play official campaign roles or are informal advisers, others keep Obama grounded on his...

Obama's Campaign Manager Denies Being a Lobbyist

Does David Axelrod qualify for the title?

(Newser) - As John McCain struggles to purge his campaign staff of lobbyists, Barack Obama’s campaign manager is denying he fits the bill, too. "I've never lobbied anybody in my life," says David Axelrod, who is the senior partner at a consulting firm that has done what Newsweek calls...

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears
 Obama Gears Up
 for GOP Smears 

Obama Gears Up for GOP Smears

Camp McCain is seeking ways to attack without seeming racist

(Newser) - John McCain is prepping for a smear campaign this summer while camp Obama, ever cool and controlled, awaits the first strike. "It's going to be Swift Boat times five on both sides," said one McCain adviser who expects Obama to return fire. McCain's challenge is to hit above...

David Axelrod: Obama's Mastermind —and No. 1 Fan

He gets passionate about his candidates

(Newser) - David Axelrod isn’t just a political hired gun. Instead, Barack Obama’s chief strategist backs his candidates with the same passion he reserves for his beloved Cubs and Bulls, the Washington Post reports in a lengthy profile. “He loves his candidates when he starts. He’s usually let...

The Long, Slow Breakup of Wright-Obama

The Long, Slow Breakup of

The Long, Slow Breakup of Wright-Obama

Why the coolly focused candidate fumbled his toughest test

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a very long fuse, the New York Times notes, and so his break-up with his pastor and surrogate father has been playing out in slow motion, since even before the day he launched his presidential campaign. It took Jeremiah Wright's direct assault on Obama's credibility in his...

Obama Aide: Dems Don't Win White Working Class Anyway

Bill Clinton pounces on comments in NC

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s top strategist yesterday downplayed the demographic that sank his candidate in Pennsylvania on NPR, noting that the “white working class has gone to the Republican nominee for many elections, going back even to the Clinton years.” Added David Axelrod: "This is not new that...

Firebrand Pastor Worried Obama Campaign Early

Aides uninvited Wright from Barack candidacy announcement

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s campaign uninvited his controversial former pastor Jeremiah Wright from speaking at his candidacy announcement last year, reports the Los Angeles Times. The campaign didn’t want to "make him the target and a distraction on a day when Senator Obama was going to announce his candidacy,...

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