Senate Banking Committee

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Dodd: 'I Saved AIG Bonuses at White House Request'

He was follwoing White House orders, sayd Senate Banking Committee chair

(Newser) - The bonus loophole mystery has been solved. Banking Committee Chairman Sen. Chris Dodd added language to the stimulus bill that allowed the AIG bonuses to stand—at the request of the White House, he told CNN. The Connecticut Democrat said he did so reluctantly at the insistence of unnamed Obama...

AIG Regulator: We Should Have Stepped in Sooner

(Newser) - A “multitude of regulators” failed to spot the liquidity risk AIG was piling on until it was too late, and should have stepped in sooner, the Office of Thrift Supervision told the Senate today. A relatively small unit of AIG was piling up credit default swaps, and “no...

Bernanke: Recession Should End This Year

2010 will be 'year of recovery'

(Newser) - If the government’s plans work, the recession will be over by the end of this year, Ben Bernanke told senators today, making 2010 a “year of recovery.” But, the Wall Street Journal reports, the Federal Reserve chief pointed to continuing storm clouds, saying the US is undergoing...

Dodd Backs Nationalizing Banks; White House Doesn't

Banking chair weighs short-term moves

(Newser) - Chris Dodd says the US may have to nationalize the most troubled banks for “a short time” to save the financial system, Bloomberg reports. The chairman of the Senate Banking Committee joined Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan in calling for serious consideration of nationalizing flailing institutions such as Bank...

Detroit's Big 3 Plead Their Case in Washington

(Newser) - The CEOs of the Big Three automakers told the Senate today that a $25 billion bailout of the industry is necessary to prevent "catastrophic" effects on the economy, the New York Times reports. “If the domestic industry were allowed to fail,” said GM's Rick Wagoner, it would...

Lawmakers: We Have a Deal
 Lawmakers: We Have a Deal 

Lawmakers: We Have a Deal

Dodd touts 'fundamental agreement' ahead of meeting with Bush

(Newser) - The bipartisan group of legislators working on either a Wall Street bailout or a rescue package has reached "a fundamental agreement on a set of principles," Senate Banking Committee Chris Dodd said today. Racing to make a deal before a scheduled 4pm meeting at the White House, the...

Alabama Senator Leads GOP Charge Against Bailout

$700B bailout doesn't jibe with free-market principles, says Shelby

(Newser) - Republican Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby is proving to be one of the toughest opponents of the Treasury Department's proposed bailout of financial firms, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee is leading the charge against the plan by Republicans who view it as a...

Tough Sale: Paulson, Bernanke Can't Sway Critics

(Newser) - Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke ran into a bipartisan buzzsaw of criticism and skepticism during a 5-hour pitch for their massive bailout plan on Capitol Hill today, the Washington Post reports. Afterward, Sen. Chris Dodd, the Democratic chair of the Senate's banking panel, flatly declared the plan "unacceptable."...

Without Bailout, Recession Likely: Bernanke

Markets in 'fragile condition,' Fed chair warns Congress

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke bluntly warned Congress today that they risk a recession if they fail to pass the Bush administration's $700 billion plan to bail out the financial industry. "The financial markets are in quite fragile condition and I think absent a plan they will get worse," Bernanke said,...

Prickly Congress Greets Paulson, Bernanke

Dodd, Shelby show skepticism

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson implored Congress to swiftly pass a $700 billion bailout bill today, as they testified before the Senate Banking Committee. But there was an air of skepticism in the room. Chairman Chris Dodd’s introduction was noticeably prickly, and ranking Republican Richard Shelby was outright hostile,...

Wrangle Over $700B Bailout Heats Up
Wrangle Over $700B Bailout Heats Up

Wrangle Over $700B Bailout Heats Up

Lawmakers seek pay caps, homeowner help, as doubts mount

(Newser) - Congress and the Bush administration are edging closer to an agreement on a bailout for financial firms—but several major sticking points remain, the New York Times reports. Progress has been made on oversight for the $700-billion fund, but lawmakers are pushing for taxpayers to get an equity stake in...

'No Immediate Plans' to Prop Up Freddie/Fannie: Paulson

Bernanke gives gloomy outlook for rest of 2008, but raises growth forecast

(Newser) - The US government won't be lending capital to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the near future, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told a Senate committee today. "There are no immediate plans to access either the proposed liquidity or the proposed capital backstop,'' Paulson said, and any lending to...

Housing Industry Funnels Cash to Lawmakers

Campaign contributions soar compared to 2006

(Newser) - The housing industry has given more campaign cash to lawmakers and political parties this election cycle than it gave through the entire 2006 cycle, the Wall Street Journal reports, as an emergency housing bill containing favorable provisions for the industry has been working its way through Congress. Cash has flowed...

Mortgage Deal Close in Senate
Mortgage Deal Close in Senate

Mortgage Deal Close in Senate

Bipartisan bill would expand insurance for refinanced loans, boost feds' oversight

(Newser) - A Senate committee is close to agreeing on expansion of a government insurance program for refinanced mortgages, the Wall Street Journal reports. Though ridden with partisan conflict as recently as a week ago, staff for Democrat Chris Dodd and Republican Richard Shelby said today the sides were nearing a compromise,...

Fed, Execs Defend Bear Bailout
Fed, Execs Defend Bear Bailout

Fed, Execs Defend Bear Bailout

Collapse would have spread throughout economy, they argue

(Newser) - Bear Stearns was just hours from collapse, and letting it go down would have been disastrous, executives and regulators argued on Capital Hill today while defending the controversial bailout, the New York Times reports. Without the takeover, “we would all be facing a far more dire set of challenges,...

Lawmakers Go Bipartisan on Housing
Go Bipartisan
on Housing

Lawmakers Go Bipartisan on Housing

It wasn't April Fool's Day, it was 2 weeks with voters that did it

(Newser) - Lawmakers are suddenly coming together on housing, with Republicans supporting a bill they left for dead two weeks ago, and Democrats cooling the political rhetoric for a change. The difference: those two weeks were spent back home with constituents, Politico notes. “Unless every member of the Senate was in...

Housing Bill Clears Key Senate Hurdle

Package of relief measures garners bipartisan support

(Newser) - The Senate voted 94-1 to move a housing legislation package into formal consideration today, reports the New York Times. Banking committee chair Chris Dodd and ranking Republican Richard Shelby now have until noon tomorrow to work out a compromise acceptable to both parties. “Inaction is not an option,"...

2 Probes Launched Into Bear Stearns Deal

Two Senate panels to investigate takeover

(Newser) - The controversial acquisition of Bear Stearns by rival JP Morgan Chase, aided by billions of dollars of government credit, is about to become one of the most scrutinized deals in Wall Street history. Two separate Senate investigations will soon be under way, one by the Banking Committee and another by...

Bernanke Suggests Rate Cuts Ahead
Bernanke Suggests Rate Cuts Ahead

Bernanke Suggests Rate Cuts Ahead

Fed chief sees threats from employment, housing, credit

(Newser) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke signaled today that further interest rate cuts might be necessary, citing continuing fallout from the credit and housing market collapses, reports the Wall Street Journal. Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee he expected "a period of sluggish growth, followed by a somewhat stronger pace...

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