Boris Johnson

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After Beijing Pageantry, London 2012 Tries ... a Bus

Brits less than thrilling in Olympic preview

(Newser) - The Beijing Olympics' closing ceremony was predictably stupendous, with thousands of acrobats and "more orthodontically screened children," writes Guardian columnist Marina Hyde. It certainly ran over the 8-minute tableau promoting the 2012 Games in London. While China spent years preparing its "deliciously understated 16-day world domination infomercial,...

Bike Helmets? Up to You, Says London Mayor
Bike Helmets? Up to You, Says London Mayor

Bike Helmets? Up to You, Says London Mayor

Sometimes it's just too nice out to be safe, writes Boris Johnson

(Newser) - The bicycle-loving mayor of London has a clear message for riders in the capital: wear a helmet, or else don't wear one. Writing in the Telegraph, Boris Johnson admits that despite the obvious arguments about safety, it's not always easy to put on an "undignified plastic hat" in fair...

Boozing Brits Go Down the Tube

Cops collar 17 as thousands celebrate subway alcohol ban

(Newser) - Thousands of drunken revelers filled London's subway last night to christen a new law, against drinking on the subway. One partier called it "boisterous but friendly," although police nabbed at least 17 and shut down two stations, the London Times reports.

London Mayor Bans Subway Boozing

End of the line for lushes

(Newser) - One of the first acts of the newly elected mayor of London was to ban drinking alcohol on London's Tube subway system and buses, USA Today reports. The ban, which was a campaign pledge by Boris Johnson, will take effect Sunday. Public drinking has been commonplace in Britain for decades.

Bloomberg to Greet New Mayor in London

Boris Johnson's Tories see visit as confirming party momentum

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg will visit London on Friday to meet with new mayor Boris Johnson, the Guardian reports, giving UK conservatives another boost in momentum. Bloomberg will dispense advice on the early days of a mayoralty, and help the gaffe-prone Johnson dodge “pitfalls,” an aide said....

'Buffoon' Boris Takes London's Mayor Race

Johnson's huge win deals devastating blow to Brown's Labour party

(Newser) - Self-described "buffoon" Boris Johnson won a hard-fought race last night to become mayor of London, the Guardian reports, dealing British PM Gordon Brown's party a stunning loss in his first election test. Johnson unseated Labour incumbent Ken Livingstone 53% to 47% after a 15-hour count that ended with a...

Brown, Labor Savaged in UK Elections

Labor posts worst election results in 40 years

(Newser) - Labor has suffered its worst showing in 40 years in local elections across England and Wales. Just one year after Gordon Brown became prime minister, his party pulled only 24% of the projected national vote, 20 points behind the Tories and behind even the third-party Liberal Democrats. As for the...

Labour Will Lose London, Final Poll Says

Boris Johnson on course for 10-point victory in mayor's race

(Newser) - With 48 hours to go before the election, a final poll gives Boris Johnson a 10-point edge in the race for mayor of London. The shambolic Tory is poised to romp to victory over incumbent Ken Livingstone Thursday, according to the pollster YouGov. The finding is completely at odds with...

Blair Weighs In on London's Neck-and-Neck Mayoral Race

Ex-PM comes to aid of sworn foe Livingstone

(Newser) - With one week to go, the two main candidates in the race for mayor of London—maverick Labour incumbent Ken Livingstone and clownish Tory Boris Johnson—remain neck-and-neck. As the Labour Party realizes that it could lose the most important elected office in Britain, the Guardian reveals that Livingstone is...

'Buffoon' Leads Incumbent in Race for London Mayor

Boris Johnson holds slight lead for most important elected office in UK

(Newser) - The two leading candidates for mayor of London, Britain's most important elected office, are locked in a neck-and-neck race, according to a new Guardian poll. Ken Livingstone, the fiery Labour incumbent and sworn enemy of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, is now running just behind the Conservative challenger: MP Boris...

Corruption Claims Tarnish London Mayor

Top aide accused of funneling millions in city money to friends

(Newser) - London's left-wing mayor Ken Livingstone faced a harsh 3-hour grilling last night over a deepening scandal that has seen the city's equality adviser accused of nepotism and corruption. Hundreds of e-mails and memos released yesterday cast new light on at least $6.6 million in contracts allegedly awarded to friends...

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