
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Jordan's King Fires Cabinet After Protests

But opposition leader says they're not like Egypt

(Newser) - King Abdullah II cleared out his government today, after thousands of protesters took to the streets to demand the ouster of Prime Minister Samir Rifai, who many blamed for high fuel prices and slow political reform, according to al-Jazeera. The king has asked Marouf Bakhit, an ex-army general and former...

Majority of World Muslims: Islam Belongs in Politics

Majority of world's Muslims say Islam has place in politics

(Newser) - A majority of the world’s Muslims want their religion to influence politics, a Pew Research poll finds. In Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, and Nigeria, majorities would back the legalization of stoning to punish adultery, the amputation of thieves’ hands, and the death penalty for converts from Islam to other religions,...

Dead Sea's Trouble Unites Israel, Palestinians

They're working with Jordanians on bid to save it

(Newser) - You know the Dead Sea is in bad shape when Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinians start working together to try and save it. For the past few decades, the Dead Sea has been drying up, its shoreline retreating a little more every year, with massive sinkholes opening up where the...

Jordan Too Polluted for Baptisms

Environmentalists say it's been horribly mismanaged

(Newser) - It’s the patch of water where, legend has it, John the Baptist washed Jesus clean. And these days, it’s filthy. Thanks to “severe mismanagement,” the Jordan River is now too polluted for baptisms, an environmentalist group declared this week. Though the Israeli health ministry says the...

Al-Qaeda Claims Afghan CIA Attack

7 Americans killed included 2 Blackwater contractors

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda became the latest terrorist organization to claim responsibility for the blast that killed eight operatives at a CIA base in Afghanistan last week, with a statement on the al-Qaeda website identifying the bomber as Abu Dujana, a prominent Islamist author and staple on jihadi websites, CNN reports. US intelligence...

CIA Suicide Bomber Was Double Agent

Agency thought Jordanian was spying on al-Zawahiri for US

(Newser) - The suicide bomber who killed seven senior CIA officials last week was a double agent the CIA thought was hunting down Ayman al-Zawahiri for the US. Intelligence officials tell NBC the culprit was Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a doctor and al-Qaeda sympathizer arrested by Jordanian officials more than a year...

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan
 CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan 

CIA's Key Shadow Ally: Jordan

Afghan bombing spotlights Amman's pivotal counterterrorism role

(Newser) - The death of a Jordanian intelligence operative alongside seven CIA agents in last week's bombing of a CIA facility in Afghanistan offered an unusually visible sign of Jordan's emerging role as a low-profile but crucial US counterterrorism ally. Since 9/11, the Middle Eastern nation's role in the fight against Islamic...

Obama More Popular Than US in Mideast

Jordan is Obama's biggest fan in new survey of Arab world

(Newser) - A new survey has found President Obama to be more popular in the Middle East than the country he leads, and analysts say he may be able to use that goodwill to help restore America’s relations with the region. The president has an average approval rating of 48% across...

In Jordan, Pope Decries 'Manipulation' of Religion

(Newser) - The top religious adviser to Jordan's king thanked Pope Benedict XVI today for his expression of "regret" after a 2006 speech that many Muslims deemed insulting to Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Benedict told the audience of religious leaders and officials at an Amman mosque that the history of the two...

Israel, Palestine Need Outside Support for Lasting Fix

Neighbors must be involved: Friedman

(Newser) - The dominant theory holds that the two-state solution is the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But the war in Gaza has pushed tensions past the point where an equitable sharing of geography is enough, argues New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He wants a "five-state solution—Palestine, Egypt, Jordan,...

Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout From Gaza War
Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout
From Gaza War

Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout From Gaza War

Facing citizens' anger, governments may be held responsible

(Newser) - As Israel's Gaza offensive wears on, officials in bordering Egypt and Jordan worry that the carnage is imperiling the possibility of a two-state Israel-Palestine solution. Egypt and to a lesser extent, Jordan, fear that responsibility for the humanitarian crisis there will fall to them, and that they may be forced...

Arab States Cancel New Year's Festivities

Celebrations halted in solidarity with Gaza

(Newser) - Dubai's ruler has canceled its ritzy public New Year's Eve celebrations "in solidarity with the Palestinian people" in Gaza, the Times of London reports. Festivities also were called off in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Turkey. In Dubai, residents and tourists scrambled to come up with alternative plans. "We...

Dig May Confirm Solomon's Mines

Biblical account matches unearthed copper center in Jordan

(Newser) - Science and the Bible have a rare moment of “confluence,” says an archaeologist who helped unearth possible proof of King Solomon's reign, Newsweek reports. In present-day Jordan, scientists have found a 10th-century BC copper production center that coincides with the rule of the Biblical king of Israel. A...

Portman Wants to Talk About Microloans, Not Movies

Teams with Jordan's queen to help women

(Newser) - Among Hollywood actresses, Natalie Portman may be an anomaly. “As opposed to talking about fashion,” the 27-year-old says she prefers discussing poverty alleviation. The Israeli-American discovered FINCA International, a microfinance program for women, through her inspiration, Jordan’s Queen Rania, a Palestinian and an “incredible woman whom...

Jordan's King Pledges Iraq Support

First visit by Arab head of state big boost for Iraqi government

(Newser) - In a key sign of returning stability in Iraq, King Abdullah of Jordan paid a surprise visit to Baghdad yesterday, becoming the first Arab head of state to travel to the nation since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by the US military. The trip, postponed from last month after a...

Jordan's Queen Uses YouTube to Bash Clichés

Rania's youth-focused campaign focuses on Arab stereotypes

(Newser) - Jordan’s Queen Rania is taking on Arab stereotypes through a venue not particularly known for engendering serious discourse: YouTube. The Christian Science Monitor follows her successes and frustrations as she self-publishes videos, hoping the experiment can teach Arabs and Westerners more about each other. Rania began the series by...

Obama Appears Cocky, Presidential
 Obama Appears
 Cocky, Presidential 

Obama Appears Cocky, Presidential

The media fawns, McCain glowers, but Obama gets raves: Dowd

(Newser) - The better Barack Obama’s foreign excursion goes, the more nervous Republicans get,  Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times. Images of John McCain happily sharing a golf cart with Bush 41 don’t contrast well with images of Obama happily sharing a helicopter with David Petraeus. But...

In Jordan, Obama Urges Iraq-to-Afghanistan Shift

With security improved, US must focus on fighting terror, Dem says

(Newser) - Barack Obama said today that, with improved security in Iraq, the US should turn its attention to Afghanistan. “There is security progress, but now we need a political solution” in Iraq, Obama said in Amman, Jordan—in his first news conference abroad, the AP reports. Afghanistan, the “central...

Obama to Meet With Abbas During Mideast Swing

Dem to meet Palestinian president in Ramallah

(Newser) - Barack Obama will visit Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank next week, a top Palestinian official said today. The Ramallah meeting with the president of the Palestinian Authority will happen on July 23, CNN reports. Details on the international trip have been guarded, but the Times of London says Obama...

United Arab Emirates Cancels Iraq's $7B Debt

Baghdad wins boost from key Arab states

(Newser) - Iraq's diplomatic isolation among its Arab neighbors is easing, reports the BBC. The United Arab Emirates canceled Iraq's entire debt of close to $7 billion and appointed a new ambassador, while Jordan's King Abdullah will become  the first Arab head of state to visit Iraq since 2003, boosting the Baghdad...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>