nuclear weapons

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Iran to Reveal Work on Nuclear Detonator

Includes new inspections and addresses detonator concerns

(Newser) - Iran has agreed to boost the transparency of its nuclear program following talks with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency. The country will provide information on its nuclear work in seven new steps to be taken by May 15, CNN reports; the agreement follows a six-step deal in November....

Nuclear Launch Officers Tied to Narcotics Probe

In the latest in a string of embarrassments for Air Force unit

(Newser) - America got yet another reason to worry about the men who have their fingers on the nuclear button yesterday, when two Air Force ICBM launch officers were suspended and named as targets of an illegal narcotics investigation. The two men, part of the 341st Missile Wing at Malmstrom Air Force...

Air Force Nuke Chief Fired for Being Drunken 'Boor'

Michael Carey insulted hosts, cozied up to 'suspicious women' in Russia

(Newser) - When the Air Force fired Maj. Gen. Michael Carey in October, it said only that it was for "personal misbehavior." Now we know what that means. Carey essentially appears to have made a drunken spectacle of himself during a three-day official trip to Moscow in July, insulting his...

US Knows Russia Violated Nuke Treaty: Report

Kerry was briefed as senator before becoming secretary of state, says Daily Beast

(Newser) - Russia has not only violated a major nuclear arms treaty, but the US knows about it and doesn't seem willing to confront Moscow, according to a report in the Daily Beast . The story by Josh Rogin says two top White House officials told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee behind...

Iran Could Have Bomb in a Month: Report

But negotiators point to progress in talks

(Newser) - In just a month, Iran could have enough weapons-grade uranium to build a nuclear bomb, a US expert says. "Breakout times"—a reference to the period needed to get weapons-grade uranium from low-enriched uranium—"are currently too short and shortening further." The findings, from the Institute...

Nuke Honcho Who Signed Hiroshima Bomb, Filmed Blast, Dies

Los Alamos director Harold Agnew helped build 75% of US' nuclear stockpile

(Newser) - Harold Agnew, a physicist who helped build the first atomic bomb and served as a director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, died yesterday at his home in Solana Beach, Calif. He was 92. Agnew, who was suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, died while watching football on TV, the AP...

No. 2 US Nuke Chief Suspended
No. 2 US
Nuke Chief Suspended 

No. 2 US Nuke Chief Suspended

Amid probe for gambling issues: sources

(Newser) - The No. 2 officer at the military command in charge of all US nuclear war-fighting forces has been suspended and is under investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigation Command for issues related to gambling, officials said today. The deputy commander at US Strategic Command, Navy Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, was...

N. Korea Can Make Nuke Parts at Home: Experts

No more need for imports that can be monitored: report

(Newser) - International authorities have for years used export and trade sanctions to keep North Korea from building a nuclear weapon; just today, Chinese officials posted 236 pages of materials barred from export to the North. But such methods might be pointless: Pyongyang appears capable of making important centrifuge parts on its...

Iran May Be Building a Different Kind of Bomb

US and European officials fear switch to plutonium

(Newser) - There's more than one way to skin an atom, and apparently Iran is trying them all. The rogue state may have weapons grade plutonium by next summer, US and European officials tell the Wall Street Journal , which is something of a surprise, given that until now the international community...

In Berlin Speech, Obama to Push for New Nuke Cuts
Obama in Berlin: We Only Need 1K Nuclear Warheads

Obama in Berlin: We Only Need 1K Nuclear Warheads

In Berlin speech, says he wants to see US, Russian arsenals cut by a third

(Newser) - Five years after he addressed a huge crowd in Berlin as a presidential candidate—and 50 years after John F. Kennedy proclaimed "Ich bin ein Berliner"—President Obama gave an address at the iconic Brandenburg Gate today, calling for a major reduction in nuclear warheads. "We may...

US Wants Talks With Iran's New President— and Soon

But Hasan Rowhani says he won't halt nuclear enrichment

(Newser) - The US is hoping the election of Iran's most moderate presidential candidate will be a step forward in nuclear negotiations as he calls for a "new era" in Iran. It's time for the country to "follow the path of moderation and justice, not extremism," Hasan...

Netherlands Storing Nukes for Us: Ex-PM

 Some of Our Nukes Kept 
 ... in the Netherlands 
says former PM

Some of Our Nukes Kept ... in the Netherlands

22 bombs held at air base: ex-PM Ruud Lubbers

(Newser) - Rumors have long circulated that the Netherlands stores US nuclear bombs—and a former prime minister says they're true. There are 22 US nukes in the country, Ruud Lubbers says, and they're kept underground at an air base. The weapons are said to be 50-kiloton B61 bombs from...

Nun, 83, Guilty of Breaking Into Nuclear Plant

Says she did it for 'healing and forgiveness and love'

(Newser) - The 83-year-old Catholic nun and two other activists who broke into the country's only weapons-grade uranium processing facility last year have been found guilty of damaging government property and injuring national defense. The trio face up to 30 years each in prison, but won't know their fate until...

If N. Korea Keeps at It, Nuke Could Reach US: Report

Pyongyang is critical security challenge to US: Pentagon

(Newser) - The Pentagon's annual report card on North Korea's military capabilities gives the dictatorship an A for effort: It says that if Pyongyang continues to apply its very limited resources to nuclear tests and improving technology, its Taepodong-2 missile could eventually reach US shores, Reuters reports. "Advances in...

Pyongyang Can Likely Make Nuclear Missile: US Report
North Korea Nuke Report Declassified by 'Mistake'
say sources

North Korea Nuke Report Declassified by 'Mistake'

Officials cast doubt on nuclear intelligence report

(Newser) - John Kerry has arrived in South Korea amid fears the North could be poised for another missile test, the AP reports. Kerry's first trip to the Asia-Pacific as secretary of state, during which he'll also visit China and Japan, was planned prior to concerns about a possible launch....

Pentagon: North Korea Likely Has Nuke Warheads

Congressman quotes report during hearing

(Newser) - A congressman quizzing the Joint Chiefs chairman dropped a disturbing little nugget during a hearing on Capitol Hill today: The Pentagon thinks North Korea probably already has nuclear weapons ready to go via ballistic missile. The revelation came from Colorado's Doug Lamborn, who read from an assessment by the...

S. Korea: OK, Maybe North Isn't Plotting New Test

Beijing losing patience with Pyongyang

(Newser) - Tensions on the Korean peninsula eased marginally today after South Korean officials backed off earlier reports that Pyongyang was getting ready for another missile test. A top official told reporters that he had misspoken when he said there was an "indication" that another test was imminent , and had been...

Iran Nuclear Talks Hit Friction Early

Iran says it won't make weapons, world doesn't believe it

(Newser) - Talks between Iran and a group of six world powers over Iran's nuclear program began in Kazakhstan today, but insiders tell the AP things are already looking less than promising. The American and European coalitions came to ask Iran to reduce its stockpiles of enriched uranium to below the...

North Korea's Reactor Reboot Has Begun: Report

Construction can be seen in satellite photos: Think tank

(Newser) - Looks like North Korea may be making good on at least one of its threats: After saying it would restart its Yongbyon nuclear reactor , it has apparently launched construction on the site, according to a US think tank. The construction appears visible in a March 27 satellite image of Yongbyon,...

Seoul Lobbies US Hard for OK to Make Nuclear Fuel

Fear move could spark regional arms race

(Newser) - In a move unlikely to calm nuclear tensions on the Korean peninsula, South Korea is pushing the US hard for permission to start creating its own nuclear fuel. The request comes amid a renegotiation of Seoul's 1972 nuclear cooperation pact with the US but while South Korea stresses it...

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