nuclear weapons

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Nuke Blunder Last Straw for Booted Air Force Brass

Secretary Wynne, chief of staff Moseley long at odds with Pentagon

(Newser) - The Secretary of the Air Force and the service's chief of staff were forced to resign today on the heels of a report highly critical of the handling of nuclear weapons and technology, the Air Force Times reports.

Ayatollah: Iran Will Not Build Nukes

But country won't halt nuclear energy program, either

(Newser) - Iran isn’t interested in nuclear weapons, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei proclaimed in a speech today, but will pursue its nuclear energy program despite international pressure. “No wise nation would be interested in making a nuclear weapon today,” said Iran’s supreme leader. “They are against rational thought....

Rogue al-Qaeda Backers Call for Nuke Attack in Online Video

But no evidence of specific plot, says FBI

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda supporters will use an Internet video to call for the use of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons in a new attack on civilians in the West, reports ABC News. FBI officials have alerted US law enforcement of the tape, said a spokesman, but emphasized that there is no evidence...

UN Nuke Watchdog Accuses Iran of Hiding Data

Tehran says it has 'left no question unanswered'

(Newser) - The UN's nuclear watchdog blasted Tehran today for hiding data on its nuclear weapons program, BBC reports. The UN said Iran had blocked access to documents and experts while running 3,500 centrifuges, which can enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. Iran quickly vowed to keep enriching uranium and said it...

Video Links North Korea to Syrian Reactor

Design similar to North Korean nuke technology

(Newser) - Video showing a nuclear reactor under construction in Syria is expected to be released today by the White House, the New York Times reports. The video, shot before the reactor was obliterated by Israeli air strikes, confirms that Syrians had North Korean technological help. The design is similar to one...

Engineer, 84, Busted in Israeli Spy Case

Accused of passing weapons secrets to Israel in the '80s

(Newser) - An 84-year-old engineer has been arrested in New Jersey on charges he passed military secrets to Israel in the '80s, Reuters reports. Ben-Ami Kadish, who holds both US and Israeli citizenship, is accused of giving classified information—including details on fighter jets, missiles, and nuclear weapons—to an Israeli consul...

Army Engineer Accused of Spying for Israel

American gave away information on nuclear weapons, fighter jets

(Newser) - An 84-year old American engineer was arrested today on charges of providing information on US military technology to Israel, Reuters reports. Ben-Ami Kadish, 83, has already admitted in FBI interviews to giving an unnamed Israeli source around 100 documents on nuclear weapons, the F-15 jet and the Patriot missile defense...

US Reports Some Progress in North Korean Nuke Talks

But envoy says no 'major breakthrough' yet

(Newser) - Six-country negotiations aimed at producing a formal disclosure of North Korea's nuclear activities have advanced, Reuters reports, but aren't close to being settled. "We've definitely made some progress," said US envoy Christopher Hill today. "We still have a lot of work ahead of us. I don't want...

Sarkozy: France Will Cut Nuclear Arsenal

Country will maintain 300 weapons, half its Cold War max

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy said today the country will cut its nuclear weapons arsenal to 300, or “half the maximum number we had during the Cold War,” the BBC reports. The move is aimed at cutting costs and modernizing the arsenal; Sarkozy said he is committed to maintaining...

No Progress on Missile Deal After Rice's Russia Visit

US, Russia no closer on defense system in Eastern Europe, but more polite about it

(Newser) - Moscow talks between top US diplomats and their Russian counterparts haven't edged the two sides any closer to deals on a proposed US missile shield in Eastern Europe and a nuclear-arms reduction treaty, the Financial Times reports. Condoleezza Rice heads home empty-handed, but US-Russia relations at least seem to have...

UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions
UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions

UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions

Security Council continues to press Tehran on nuclear concerns

(Newser) - The UN hit Iran with a third round of sanctions today for refusing to halt its nuclear enrichment program, Reuters reports. The 14-0 security council vote approved more travel and financial limits and boosted trade restrictions, but was curbed by a US report that Tehran had scuttled its nuclear weapon...

Obama Brain Trust's Key 'Ism' Is Pragmatism

Team of behavioral economists bucks convention, ideology

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s brain trust leans heavily on behavioral economics, the New Republic reports, with academics who start small in their analyses—looking at everyday anomalies—and are relatively ideology-free pragmatists. From his top economic adviser to his health-care and Social Security aides, Obama is surrounded not by "big-think...

Iran Nukes Raise 'Serious Concern' for UN

Watchdog group says Tehran has failed to explain its programs

(Newser) - The UN’s nuclear overseers warned today that Iran hadn’t explained various intelligence reports suggesting it was making atomic weapons and called the matter a “serious concern.” Tehran dismissed the intelligence data as "fabricated" and provided unacceptable answers, the UN report says. The developments could lead...

EU Experts Say Iran Closer to Nuke Weapon

Tehran a year away on uranium; separate UN report out today

(Newser) - A new report from a European Union agency concludes that Iran could have enough uranium to build an atomic bomb within one year. The EU results—which precede a major UN report coming out today—look nothing like the findings of the US intelligence community, writes Der Spiegel: the recent...

Saddam Faked Nukes to Scare Iran, Not US: Agent

Did not believe US would invade over weapons of mass destruction

(Newser) - Saddam Hussein revealed in FBI interrogations that he had no nuclear or biological weapons of mass destruction, but hid that fact to avoid invasion by Iran—and was stunned when the US invaded. "For him, it was critical that he was seen as the strong, defiant Saddam to prevent...

Group Counts 932 Falsehoods in Runup to War

False statements by Bush, top officials were 'orchestrated campaign'

(Newser) - President Bush and top administration officials made hundreds of false statements—932, to be exact—about the national security threat from Iraq following 9/11, report two nonprofit journalism organizations. In the two years after the attacks, Bush and top officials stated at least 532 times that Iraq had weapons of...

NATO Must Be Ready to Strike 1st With Nukes: Manifesto

Call for 'nukes in the quiver' deterrent

(Newser) - Top military strategists from the US and Europe say that NATO must be prepared to launch a preemptive nuclear strike to keep the world safe, the Guardian reports. The five ex-military chiefs have issued a manifesto calling for a sweeping overhaul of NATO to deal with a world where the...

Musharraf Puts Nukes Under His Control

Arsenal's safety, January vote factor into president's move

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf moved today to put Pakistan’s nuclear weapons under the control of the president rather than the prime minister, the BBC reports. The ordinance comes amid concern from abroad about the safety of Pakistan's arsenal—termed "foolproof" by the country's military—and with parliamentary elections set for...

Iran Halted Nuke Weapons Work in 2003: US Report

In reversal, NIE says Tehran hasn't been building weapons for 4 years

(Newser) - Iran stopped work on its nuclear weapons program in 2003, a US National Intelligence Estimate revealed today. The report, which represents the consensus of America’s 16 spy agencies, contradicts a 2005 report that concluded Tehran was working toward building a bomb, the New York Times reports. The new assessment...

Sharif Joins Pakistan Fray
Sharif Joins Pakistan Fray

Sharif Joins Pakistan Fray

Musharraf's bitterest rival files for elections, vows to boycott unless emergency rule is lifted

(Newser) - Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, who returned to Pakistan yesterday after 8 years in exile, today filed papers to run in January's nationwide election, although he says he will boycott the vote unless President Pervez Musharraf lifts emergency rule, the BBC reports. Sharif—who was welcomed by throngs of supporters ...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>