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Human Rights Watch: UN Supports Atrocities in Congo

Mission provides logistical support to brutal national army

(Newser) - Women and children beaten to death with clubs, hacked up with machetes—or, if they're "lucky," gang-raped and left alive. Such shocking acts are sadly commonplace in the conflict that has consumed Congo, perpetrated by both Rwandan rebels and their enemies in the Congolese army. The army, however,...

Ex-Liberian Prez: War-Crimes Charges 'Lies'

Taylor calls himself 'lover of humanity'

(Newser) - Former Liberian president Charles Taylor took the stand today in the Hague, calling war-crimes allegations against him “lies,” the BBC reports. “It is very, very, very unfortunate that the prosecution, because of disinformation, misinformation, lies, rumors would associate me with such titles or descriptions,” he said...

Tamil Tigers: 'Battle Has Reached Its End'

Sri Lanka president earlier declared victory

(Newser) - Sri Lanka's rebel Tamil Tigers have declared a ceasefire after a 26-year war in a statement lamenting thousands of deaths in the past 24 hours, the BBC reports. “This battle has reached its bitter end,” said a Tamil Tigers spokesman on the group’s website. The statement later...

Sri Lanka Declares Victory Over Tigers
 Sri Lanka Declares 
 Victory Over Tigers 

Sri Lanka Declares Victory Over Tigers

(Newser) - Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa said today that his country had defeated the Tamil Tiger rebels on the battlefield and emerged victorious from its quarter-century civil war. "My government, with the total commitment of our armed forces, has in an unprecedented humanitarian operation finally defeated the LTTE militarily,"...

Sri Lanka Hospital Attack Kills 49: Doctor

Shell strikes only working facility in war zone

(Newser) - A mortar shell struck the only functioning medical facility in Sri Lanka's northern war zone this morning, killing 49 patients and bystanders and wounding more than 50 others, a government health official said. It was the second time this month that the facility has been hit. Shells were still hitting...

UN: Sri Lanka Conflict a 'Bloodbath'

Aid groups urge Japan to push for Security Council action

(Newser) - After intense weekend fighting, the UN says the battle between rebels and the government in Sri Lanka has become a “bloodbath,” the New York Times reports. A government doctor estimates 1,000 civilians died in the heavy shelling of the small coastal area occupied by a few hundred...

Sri Lanka Rejects Rebels' Ceasefire Call

Gov't calls Tigers' move 'a joke,' demands a full surrender

(Newser) - Surrounded by government forces and citing an “unprecedented humanitarian crisis,” Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers declared a unilateral ceasefire today that was immediately rejected, the Guardian reports. Sri Lanka’s defense chief called the ceasefire “a joke. They were not fighting with us, they were running from...

Maoist Train Hijackers End Siege in India

300 passengers freed

(Newser) - Suspected Maoist rebels who hijacked an India train ended a four-hour standoff with authorities and released 300 passengers, reports CNN. No one was injured. Hundreds of men surrounded and disabled the train as it traveled through a forest in the state of Jharkhand early today. Rebel attacks in the area...

Sri Lanka Kills 1K Civilians in Raid: Rebels

Government denies claim, says noncombatants escaped from rebel areas

(Newser) - Sri Lanka's Tamil rebels said today that 1,000 civilians died in a government raid on their territory, an operation the military says freed thousands of noncombatants from the war zone. Government forces deny the accusation, and say they rescued thousands of civilians yesterday after they broke through a barrier...

18 Dead in Indian Election Violence

Maoist guerrillas kill, kidnap electoral officials

(Newser) - Eighteen people have died as a result of attacks by Maoist guerrillas during the first day of voting in India's national elections, the Guardian reports. The guerrillas, called Naxalites, staged violent attacks today on polling stations, killing security guards and kidnapping at least four electoral officials.

US Funded Failed Attack on Ugandan Rebels

LRA escaped 'poorly planned' attack, massacred civilians

(Newser) - The US military helped fund and plan a disastrous attack on a Ugandan rebel group that resulted in reprisals against civilians, the New York Times reports. Uganda had hoped to rout the infamous Lord’s Resistance Army from the Congolese national park it was hiding in, but it failed to...

Sri Lankan Troops Capture Rebel Capital

Tamil Tigers flee into jungle as government makes final push to crush separatists

(Newser) - Sri Lankan government troops have captured the Tamil Tiger capital of Kilinochchi after months of heavy fighting, Reuters reports. Soldiers are mopping up the last of the rebel resistance and many have fled into the jungle, say officials. The capture of Kilonochchi is a devastating blow to the Tigers, leaving...

Islamists Take Somalian Port, Near Capital

Insurgents encroach Mogadishu

(Newser) - Islamist rebels in Somalia captured the port city of Merka today as they continue to move in on Mogadishu, the weak transitional government’s stronghold, the New York Times reports. Hundreds of militants entered Merka, unopposed because government forces had fled the city the previous night. After weeks of steady...

Hijacked Sudan Airliner on the Ground in Libya

Former Darfur rebels among 102 still aboard as talks continue

(Newser) - A Sudanese flight hijacked today after lifting off from a Darfur airport has landed in Libya, the AFP reports. Authorities are still negotiating with hijackers; three former members of a rebel group are said to be among 102 on board. Yesterday, the UN reported 33 dead after a clash between...

130K Flee Rebels in Philippines
 130K Flee Rebels
 in Philippines

130K Flee Rebels in Philippines

Battles with Islamic separatists threaten humanitarian disaster

(Newser) - Fighting in the southern Philippines between government forces and Islamic separatists has now displaced 130,000 people, the New York Times reports, and welfare officials are warning of a humanitarian disaster as battles once confined to two provinces have spread throughout the island of Mindanao. Thousands, most of them Muslims,...

Freed US Hostages Bare Brutal Life With 'Animals'

Captives chained by the neck

(Newser) - Three freed American hostages who spent more than five years as captives of Colombian guerrillas paint a harrowing picture of their treatment in a CNN interview. Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes, rescued last week, spent much of their time in captivity chained by the neck, and were subjected...

Darfur Sinking Into Chaos of Warring Rebel Groups

Rebel factions endanger massive relief effort

(Newser) - The civil war in Darfur has degenerated into a tangled mess of militias and warlords battling each other, a development that threatens efforts to bring relief to the 2.5 million people affected by the fighting. Dozens of rebel groups are at war with each other, not just the government,...

Be Brave, Mac: Pick Condi for VP
Be Brave, Mac: Pick Condi for VP

Be Brave, Mac: Pick Condi for VP

Rice remains popular despite links to Iraq policy: New Yorker

(Newser) - Ditch the banal short-list and pick a running mate with pizazz—like Condoleezza Rice, Hendrik Hertzberg urges John McCain in the New Yorker. The best-liked Iraq war planner would trigger an "avalanche of positive publicity" on her personal success story, and let GOP voters crack a race-gender ceiling without...

Chavez Sends Troops to Colombian Border

Venezuelan prez angry after rebel is killed

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez sent thousands of Venezuelan troops to the Colombian border today after Colombia killed a FARC rebel leader, CNN reports. Chavez accused Colombia of being a US puppet and said Ecuador's border was violated in the attack. "We have to liberate Colombia," said Chavez, who is linked...

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad
12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

12,000 Flee Darfur Raids for Chad

Sudanese gov't says attacks on 3 villages aimed at rebels

(Newser) - Government attacks on Darfur villages, ostensibly directed at rebel fighters, have caused a new exodus of at least 12,000 people from western Sudan into Chad, the BBC reports. The government acknowledges bombing three villages Friday, but said it was targeting fighters from the Justice and Equality Movement. Rebel leaders...

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