California primary

17 Stories

Kevin McCarthy Faces Primary Challenge From Trump Backer

David Giglio hopes to oust the former House speaker from Congress

(Newser) - Kevin McCarthy lost his position as speaker of the House because of the right flank of his party. Now he'll have to fend off the same type of challenge in order to keep his seat in Congress. The Hill reports that David Giglio, an avowed supporter of Donald Trump,...

Inside California Dems' Effort to Boot Trump From Ballot

Group asks state attorney general to expedite court ruling on former president's eligibility

(Newser) - Nine Democrats in California are seeking an expedited court ruling that could bar former President Donald Trump from the March 5 presidential primary ballot, claiming he's ineligible to resume office. The lawmakers—who echo conservative law scholars in arguing Trump may have violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment,...

San Francisco Ousts Liberal DA in Heated Recall
San Francisco
Ousts Liberal DA
in Heated Recall
election results

San Francisco Ousts Liberal DA in Heated Recall

And more from the polls Tuesday

(Newser) - San Francisco on Tuesday has voted to recall progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin in a heated campaign that bitterly divided Democrats over crime, policing, and public safety reform. Partial returns showed Boudin losing in what is expected to be a low turnout election. Early returns showed 61% of votes in...

Primaries May Threaten California's 'Governing Regime'

Voters in left-leaning strongholds may send a strong message to liberal candidates

(Newser) - There are primaries in six states today, and many pundits expect voters in California's biggest liberal strongholds to “rebuke the left,” per NBC News, mainly over rising crime and homelessness.
  • Los Angeles: Billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso wants to be mayor of Los Angeles. The longtime

Reactions to California's 'Unprecedented' Election Law

Its constitutionality is questionable, say some

(Newser) - If President Trump wants to be on California's presidential primary ballot come March, he'll have to hand over his last five years of tax returns by November. This after Gov. Gavin Newsom on Tuesday signed a new election law requiring that very thing of all candidates; the requirement...

GOP Race Could Come Down to ... California

State primary support might be critical to nomination

(Newser) - It sounds like a conservative GOP nightmare, but California could end up deciding who the Republican presidential candidate will be. It's looking more and more like the state and its June 5 primary—the second-to-last date on the primary calendar—will be key in the relentlessly fractured race. “...

Birther Queen Orly Taitz Loses Primary in Landslide

Ex-NFL player Damon Dunn beats her 3-to-1

(Newser) - Breathe easy, California: Orly Taitz is not going to be your next secretary of state. Several political experts had actually believed the so-called “birther queen” had a shot at winning yesterday’s Republican primary for the job, according to the Huffington Post , but when the dust cleared, ex-NFL player...

Whitman, Fiorina Win Calif. GOP Primaries

Former eBay chief to face Jerry Brown in gubernatorial race

(Newser) - Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman will face off against Jerry Brown in the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California. Whitman—who poured tens of millions of dollars of her money into her bid to win the GOP nomination—defeated state insurance commissioner Steve Poizner, a fellow tech...

Buckle Up for the Biggest Pre-November Election
Buckle Up for the Biggest Pre-November Election
Today's Primary Guide

Buckle Up for the Biggest Pre-November Election

Blanche Lincoln, Nikki Haley, and Meg Whitman center stage

(Newser) - Voters will weigh in on a host of fascinating primary races today, in the biggest day of voting we’ll get before the November midterms. Politico breaks down the most interesting races to watch:
  • Arkansas: Blanche Lincoln could very well lose to Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, sending a message to

California GOP Holds Breath Over Birther Queen Primary

Orly Taitz may end up on same ticket as Meg Whitman

(Newser) - "Birther Queen" Orly Taitz has been tossed out of courts, press conferences, and even Tea Parties, but she's still on the California ballot, and Republicans fear she might actually win the GOP primary for secretary of state. Taitz—who has filed repeated court cases alleging President Obama was born...

Big States Could Be Tea Party's Undoing

Tomorrow's California primary race its first big test

(Newser) - The Tea Party better eat a good dinner and get a solid night's sleep, because its first major test is tomorrow: specifically, the Republican primary races in Nevada, where party favorite Sharron Angle is the likely winner, and California, where party-darling Chuck DeVore seems doomed to second place. Both races...

Blogger Plans Senate Run
 Blogger Plans Senate Run 

Blogger Plans Senate Run

Online pioneer Mickey Kaus will challenge Barbara Boxer

(Newser) - A prominent political blogger has taken out papers to challenge Barbara Boxer in the US Senate primary in California. Mickey Kaus of Slate likely plans to mount a centrist challenge to Boxer, reports LA Weekly , which scooped Kaus on the story. He says he wants to "argue, as a...

Carly Fiorina Launches Calif. Senate Bid

 Carly Fiorina 
 Launches Calif. 
 Senate Bid 

Carly Fiorina Launches Calif. Senate Bid

Ex-HP chief would face Dem incumbent Boxer

(Newser) - Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina says she'll run for the US Senate seat held by California incumbent Barbara Boxer. Fiorina ended months of speculation today with an announcement in an opinion piece she wrote for the Orange County Register. She's scheduled to make a formal announcement later in the day....

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes
 Team Hillary's
 5 Big

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes

How mood, rules, caucuses, money, and pacing laid her campaign low

(Newser) - With the Clinton campaign in death throes, Karen Tumulty runs down its five crucial  mistakes in Time:
  • Mood. In a season when Democrats were desperate for change, Hillary “completely misread the mood” and went with incumbency.
  • Rules. Clinton's inner circle wasn't up on them. Mark Penn thought California's primary

Superdelegates Should Follow Voters: Pelosi

Speaker agrees with Obama as hopeful gains 14 delegates

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi boosted Barack Obama today by saying superdelegates should vote with the people, Politico reports. “If the votes of the superdelegates overturn what happened in the elections, it would be harmful to the Democratic Party,” the House speaker said on ABC’s "This Week". Ex-lawmaker Bill...

McCain, Romney: I'm the Real Conservative

GOP rivals battle over right-wing credentials

(Newser) - GOP contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney have both staked out claims on the conservative heart of the Republican party, hoping to convince voters heading to the polls today that they're the genuine article. Romney insists conservatives up and down the country have told him: "We don't want Senator...

Mitt Spending Big in Super Tuesday States

Ad buy may force McCain to match

(Newser) - The Romney campaign revealed today it will make a major ad buy in California and several other February 5 states. A spokesman said Mitt made the decision this morning, CBS reports; a small advertising budget would have signaled the campaign didn’t like its chances for the nomination. Romney, worth...

17 Stories
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