
Stories 61 - 77 | << Prev 

New Soda Sizes Aim to Cap Fizzling Sales

Coke, Pepsi try out alternatives to 20-ounce bottle

(Newser) - Coke and Pepsi are testing new bottle sizes in an effort to boost deflating soda sales, reports the Wall Street Journal. Coke pulled 20-ounce bottles of Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Coke and other drinks from Virginia convenience store shelves this week and re-stocked them with 16-ounce and 24-ounce bottles. Pepsi plans...

Behind Organic Labels Lurk Megacorporations

The nation's top 30 food processors have quietly cornered the green market

(Newser) - Yes, your probiotic flaxseed Kashi cereal is still organic, but shoppers looking to stick it to the man by going green be advised: the nation's top 30 corporate food processors—think Pepsi, Kellogg, Kraft, General Mills—have been quietly buying up vast swaths of the organic aisle of your supermarket,...

Smashing Pumpkins Sue Virgin Over Pepsi Ads

Pepsi Stuff promotion violated contract, undermines artistic integrity: rockers

(Newser) - The Smashing Pumpkins are suing Virgin Records, claiming the company illegally used the band's name and music in ads for Pepsi and, the Guardian reports. The rockers' contract does not allow using the band in promotional campaigns such as the Pepsi Stuff ads, and members would “never...

Mexico May Overtake US as Fattest Country

Obesity expands south of the border

(Newser) - Mexico is the second-fattest nation after the US, and it could top the list within 10 years if waistlines continue to expand at the current rate. Nearly three-quarters of Mexican women and two-thirds of men are overweight, and diabetes is now the main cause of death. Health officials are launching...

Boardroom Hoax Has Street Abuzz
Boardroom Hoax Has Street Abuzz

Boardroom Hoax Has Street Abuzz

Analyst imposter gets access to top execs and has everyone baffled

(Newser) - Joe Herrick asks wonk-like questions about the impact of lean Six Sigma management techniques, is unfailingly polite and talks the talk of quarterly corporate conference earnings calls, fitting in nicely with the other securities analysts asking questions of the company’s head honchos. The problem is, reports the Wall Street ...

2007's Weirdest at-Work Hijinks
2007's Weirdest at-Work Hijinks

2007's Weirdest at-Work Hijinks

Some crazy stuff happened at the office in 2007

(Newser) - Not everyone burns down the office in retaliation over a lost stapler, a la Office Space's Milton, but some pretty strange stuff goes on at work. The weirdest occurrences of 2007, according to CNN:
  1. Worker eats 32 vending-machine items to win bet with co-workers (and $300 for charity).
  2. Pepsi worker

Gaza Loses Fizz in Face of CO2 Blockade

Attempt to bottle up economy idles soft drink plant

(Newser) - The Israeli and international blockade of Gaza means Ammar Yagezi, a third-generation soft drink bottler, has been unable to supply Palestinians with Pepsi and 7Up. Tel Aviv says the freeze on imports of cement, fertilizer and—in this case—CO2 is for “security reasons,” but Time says the...

Pepsi, Amazon Could Spark Digital Music Revolution

Promotion deal pushing music companies to switch to DRM-free MP3 format

(Newser) - Pepsi and Amazon aren’t music producers, but they may inspire large-scale changes in the industry, Reuters says. The two companies will launch a music download promotion of MP3 songs during the Super Bowl next year, a deal pushing music titans like Warner Music and Sony BMG to consider distributing...

3 Stars Means It's Healthy, Right?
3 Stars Means It's Healthy, Right?

3 Stars Means It's Healthy, Right?

Experts fear that new health ratings systems may befuddle shoppers

(Newser) - Stars, numbers, and letter grades are coming to grocery stores near you, the New York Times reports—but experts fear that these health ratings may befuddle shoppers with conflicting information. Consumer advocates are studying three new food ranking systems, while the FDA, approached by a nutrition group, is soliciting ideas...

Companies Go Green for Consumers— and Profit

Frito-Lay works to turn a chip plant eco-friendly

(Newser) - As consumers look for more eco-friendly products, a Frito-Lay plant in Arizona is working toward ways to turn 500,00 pounds of spuds into environmentally friendly potato chips, the New York Times reports, changing an energy- and water-hogging process into one that uses renewable fuel, solar energy, and recycled water...

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets
US Forces
Hunt Down
Iraqi Rackets

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets

Illegal schemes funnel key money to insurgents

(Newser) - Iraq's mafia-style rackets are funneling big money to insurgents, making them key targets for US commanders. Corruption and kickbacks in real estate, soft drinks, cement—even the extortion of US contractors—are fueling what Maliki calls a “second war” in Iraq. "We have got to attack the insurgency...

Wal-Mart Era Reaching Its End
Wal-Mart Era Reaching Its End

Wal-Mart Era Reaching Its End

Brands and consumers looking beyond the big box

(Newser) - Wal-Mart may be king, but its throne is shrinking: A judge awarded $62.3 million to underpaid workers today, yet another blow to the mega-seller. Big-name brands like PepsiCo are opting for companies like Whole Foods, as rivals lure American buyers and the Internet dwarfs Wal-Mart's 142,000-item stock, reports...

Freddy Adu Heads to Portugal
Freddy Adu Heads to Portugal

Freddy Adu Heads to Portugal

Onetime MLS savior turns 18, signs with Benfica

(Newser) - Teenage phenom Freddy Adu is leaving American soccer for the Portuguese Benfica squad. The midfielder, who's played in MLS since the age of 14, has signed a 5-year deal with the 103-year-old European club for an undisclosed amount. Though he's had his eye on an oversease contract for a decade,...

Aquafina Is Tap Water
Aquafina Is Tap Water

Aquafina Is Tap Water

Label will show it's l'eau de tap

(Newser) - Pepsi has agreed to reveal the source of its Aquafina brand of bottled water on the label: the tap. In response to a backlash against the bottled water industry, the company will add the words "public water source" to each bottle, Reuters reports. Like Coke's Dasani, Aquafina is a...

Bud Plans to Ditch Earnhardt
Bud Plans to Ditch Earnhardt

Bud Plans to Ditch Earnhardt

King of Beers eyes Kahne; Pepsi bubbles to rebound Jr.

(Newser) - Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s number 8 car is fixing for a makeover: ESPN says the Hendricks Motorsports driver is likely to lose his Budweiser sponsorship to number 9 Kasey Kahne. And though negotiations are largely undisclosed, rumor has it that Jr.'s Chevy will be painted in PepsiCo colors next...

Coke Takes Swig of Glac&eacute;au
Coke Takes Swig of Glacéau

Coke Takes Swig of Glacéau

Soft drink giant tries to boost its offerings with $4.1B VitaminWater buy

(Newser) - Coca-Cola is adding some fizz to its line of non-soda offerings, acquiring the maker of Glacéau VitaminWater today in its biggest purchase ever. The $4.1 billion purchase of Energy Brands will give Coke a strong foothold in the market for non-carbonated products and help it close the gap...

Ex-Coke Employee Gets 8 Years
Ex-Coke Employee
Gets 8 Years

Ex-Coke Employee Gets 8 Years

Former secretary stole secrets and samples; tried to sell them to Pepsi

(Newser) - A former secretary for Coca-Cola was sentenced to eight years in federal prison Wednesday for conspiring to steal trade secrets—documents and samples of unlaunched products—and then sell them to Pepsi. Joya Williams was nabbed after the FBI traced a letter soliciting a kickback from Pepsi, sent by one...

Stories 61 - 77 | << Prev