racial slurs

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Target Blasted Over 'Illegal Alien' Costume

(Newser) - Target has apologized for an "illegal alien" Halloween costume that comes complete with green card and orange jail suit. The company is removing the costume from its website after Hispanic groups complained. "It's very disturbing," an official with the League of United Latin American Citizens tells...

Wise Latinas Embrace Their New Label

(Newser) - GOP senators may have pooh-poohed Sonia Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” comment, but wise Latinas everywhere are wearing the phrase like a badge of honor, the New York Times reports. From t-shirts to blogs, women of Hispanic heritage have warmed to the phrase much like other minority groups appropriate slurs,...

Cop Suspended for Gates Slur Sues Over Civil Rights

(Newser) - The Boston police officer suspended for referring to Henry Louis Gates as a “banana-eating jungle monkey” is suing the city and the department for violating his civil rights, the Globe reports. The BPD, police commissioner, and mayor are “conspiring to intentionally inflict emotional distress” and interfering with Justin...

Boston Cop Suspended After Racial Slur on Gates

Calls him 'jungle monkey' in email

(Newser) - The fallout from the Henry Louis Gates arrest continues: A Boston cop has been suspended for referring to Gates as a "jungle monkey" in an email, the Globe reports. Officer Justin Barrett, 36, faces a disciplinary hearing next week and could be fired. He used the phrase while describing...

HuffPo Scrubs Vid of Drunk Israelis' Obama Rants

(Newser) - The Huffington Post censored a video of young people in Israel using using racial slurs to attack President Obama, and Gawker wants to know why. Max Blumenthal, who shot the film, says a HuffPost administrator told him the clip lacked “any real news value.” Notes Blumenthal: “For...

Ex-Driver Sues Knicks Star for Gay Harassment

Man says Curry also used racial slurs, pointed gun at him

(Newser) - New York Knicks center Eddy Curry is being sued for soliciting sex from his former driver, the New York Post reports. David Kuchinsky says the married star approached him in the nude several times with comments like “look at me, Dave, look.” Kuchinsky also says Curry forced him...

Gordon Brown: Harry's Sorry, Now Move On

But victim's dad slams prince

(Newser) - Britain’s PM defended Prince Harry today amid an uproar over an army training-camp home video in which Harry calls a colleague “our little Paki friend,” the Daily Mail reports. “I think Prince Harry knows that these comments aren't acceptable,” Gordon Brown said, in calling for...

Furor Follows Harry's 'Paki' Vid

Prince's taped words 'not acceptable in a modern army': official

(Newser) - Britain's defense ministry has launched a formal inquiry following widespread outcry over a videotape showing Prince Harry calling a fellow military trainee “our little Paki friend” and another cadet “a raghead,” reports the Telegraph. “This sort of language is not acceptable in a modern army,”...

Palin Supporters Berate Media at Ugly Rally

Black sound operator told to 'sit down, boy' amidst other taunts

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s supporters are taking her attacks on the mainstream media to heart. Reporters at a rally yesterday were greeted with jeers and taunts from the 3,000-strong crowd, Dana Milbank reports in the Washington Post. Palin’s supporters banged thunder sticks and shouted abuse at reporters, and one...

Georgia Rep Calls Obamas 'Uppity' Elitists

White Congressman denies racial implications of slam

(Newser) - An Atlanta-area Congressman described Barack and Michelle Obama as belonging to "an elitist class ... that thinks that they’re uppity,” CQPolitics reports. Lynn Westmoreland's comments, inspired by questions about recent speeches by Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama, touched off a linguistic battle over the word's racial implications. "...

Whoopi Reduces Hasselbeck to Tears Over N-Word

Heated face-off sparked by Jackson gaffe

(Newser) - A heated discussion of the N-word between View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Elisabeth Hasselbeck ended in tears yesterday. Goldberg argued that black people should use the term to rob it of its power—and kept TV censors busy with her repeated use of the word. Hasselbeck fretted over how to...

Fox: Jackson Used N-Word in Off-Air Obama Comments

Jesse apologizes, again, to frontrunner

(Newser) - Red-faced civil rights leader Jesse Jackson has again had to apologize to the nation's first black presidential candidate, this time over his use of a racial slur in off-air comments during the taping of a FOX show, reports AP. Fox News confirmed that Jackson said Obama is "talking down...

McLaughlin Draws Ire for Calling Obama 'Oreo'

Venerable TV host in hot water

(Newser) - John McLaughlin is drawing heat for calling Barack Obama an “Oreo” on his show yesterday. The longtime TV host defined the derogatory term as “a black on the outside, a white on the inside,” and wondered aloud if Jesse Jackson was miffed because “an Oreo should...

A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'
A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'

A New Racial Slur: 'Canadians'

Seemingly innocuous description spreading as slur on African Americans

(Newser) - An otherwise insignificant manslaughter trial in Texas has bloggers and citizens of the US' northern neighbor flabbergasted after a prosecutor seemed to refer to blacks on the jury by the euphemism "Canadians." It's apparently not an isolated usage, the Guardian reports: Internet users have dug up many examples...

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