McCain 2008

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McCain to Obama: 'I'm Not President Bush'

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama met tonight in the final presidential debate, their testiest meeting so far on a range of issues from the economy to negative campaigning, NBC reports. McCain pushed back against Obama's attempts to link him to the Bush administration. “Senator Obama, I’m not President...

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain
 Obama Ad Blitz 
 Stifles McCain 

Obama Ad Blitz Stifles McCain

Dem using massive fundraising edge to outspend GOP by as much 8-1

(Newser) - Over the past three weeks, Northern Virginia TV viewers have seen 1,342 commercials from Barack Obama … and eight from John McCain. Obama is dominating the airwaves, Politico reports, outspending McCain and the Republican National Committee as much as 8-1 in some markets, blunting GOP attacks with a sustained...

A Baseball Nerd Turns to Election Stats

Nate Silver was right on the Rays; he's now calling the presidency

(Newser) - Give the sheer number of political polls being produced, and the history of many of them proving wrong, it takes a seriously smart statistician (and something of a nerd) to predict the presidential race with any authority. Nate Silver, the man who "revolutionized the interpretation of baseball stats,"...

Joe McCain Slams Big Bro's Handlers
Joe McCain Slams Big Bro's Handlers

Joe McCain Slams Big Bro's Handlers

Let John McCain be John McCain, pleads letter

(Newser) - O brother, where art thou? Joe McCain's frustration with the direction of his older brother's campaign has erupted into an angry letter to strategists, reports the Baltimore Sun. The former journalist, who has been stumping for his brother in swing states, slammed the campaign's "counter-productive" strategy of too tightly...

Obama Lead Up to 14 Points Amid Mac Attacks: Poll

Poll finds Obama ahead 53% to 14% after McCain blows fail to land

(Newser) - John McCain's flurry of attacks against Barack Obama has done the Republican more harm than his opponent, according to the latest New York Times/CBS poll. Obama now commands a 53% to 39% lead, with voters seeing McCain as running the more negative campaign of the two, the poll found. More...

Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter
Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter

Fear-Mongering Palin Scares Mac Straighter

GOP nominee tries for calm with running mate out of control

(Newser) - These days, John McCain is more concerned with calming down his crowds than riling them up, writes Roger Simon in Politico, which “may not be a winning thing to do. But it is honorable.” The problem is that Sarah Palin “is running a separate—and scary—campaign,...

McCain: Protect All Savings
 McCain: Protect All Savings 

McCain: Protect All Savings

(Newser) - Republican John McCain says he would order the Treasury Department to guarantee 100% of all savings for the next 6 months as president. That provision is part of a $52.5 billion plan the presidential candidate laid out to address the nation's deepening financial crisis. "The moment requires that...

Palin's Stumbles Make Women of All Stripes Cringe

VP candidate could be setting feminism back a generation

(Newser) - John McCain must not understand affirmative action. “You don’t run out and hire the first woman you find on the sidewalk and call it a day,” writes Susan Reimer in the Baltimore Sun—you take the time to find someone qualified. But it’s painfully clear McCain...

As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain
As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain

As McCain Shaped Book, Book Shaped McCain

Process of writing memoir recast Republican's political persona

(Newser) - As recently as 1998, John McCain told Esquire that being introduced as a “great war hero” was enough to “make your skin crawl.” Today, however, his POW experience is a pillar of his presidential campaign, a change David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times attributes to the...

'Dysfunctional' Campaign Must Go: Kristol
'Dysfunctional' Campaign Must Go: Kristol

'Dysfunctional' Campaign Must Go: Kristol

Attacks haven't and won't work, so it's time to go back to basics

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign isn’t working, and if he’s smart, he’ll “junk the whole thing and start over,” William Kristol writes in the New York Times. McCain’s current “combination of strategic incoherence and operational incompetence has become toxic,” the high-profile conservative argues....

McCain Camp Shifts Into Comeback Mode

'We’ve got them just where we want them,' speech reads

(Newser) - Trailing badly in the polls, John McCain plans to reboot his campaign today, Politico reports, with a speech depicting himself as a scrappy fighter on the comeback trail. “The national media has written us off,” reads an excerpt. “Sen. Obama is measuring the drapes. But they forgot...

Bristol's Baby Daddy Denies 'Shotgun Wedding' Talk

In rare interview, Johnston says he likes Obama

(Newser) - Levi Johnston is perfectly happy to be marrying Bristol Palin, he told the AP in a rare interview today. “We were planning on getting married a long time ago,” he said, “with or without the kid.” Johnston, 18, says his much-discussed MySpace page, on which he...

McCain: I'll Whip Obama's 'You Know What'

Maverick, in Virginia, confident ahead of Wednesday's debate

(Newser) - John McCain plans to "whip" Barack Obama's "you know what" in Wednesday's debate, the Republican told Virginia supporters during a pep talk. But he quickly reminded the swing state volunteers to “conduct a respectful race,” and emphasized that despite "stark differences," he respects...

Mac's 'Aimless' Debating Skills Need Boost: Coaches

Senator struggled to prove his point in last match-up

(Newser) - John McCain needs to sharpen his rhetorical skills before the final presidential face-off on Wednesday, debating coaches tell Politico. Whatever advice renowned trainer Brett O’Donnell is giving McCain, they say, has not helped him avoid pitfalls like looking "aimless" and saying "my friends." Voters polled...

Letterman Fits McCain Into His Schedule

(Newser) - Three weeks after turning himself into a punch line by blowing off David Letterman, only to surface within hours elsewhere on CBS, John McCain has scheduled a return engagement with the late-night icon. After lengthy negotiations—during which Letterman continued his on-air taunting by saying McCain was being "squirrely"...

Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics
Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics

Pro-Obama Media Let Him Slide on Specifics

Media have played softball with Democratic nominee

(Newser) - The mainstream media is quick to pounce on Sarah Palin for being short on specifics, but it's happy to give Barack Obama a free ride for the same shortcoming, writes Carrie Lukas in the National Review. Obama’s stands on issues such as trade (what exactly will he do with...

Foo Fighters: McCain's Not Our 'Hero'

Band complains that candidate is using song without permission

(Newser) - When it comes to the “rock music” the kids are so into these days, John McCain just can’t catch a break. Joining an increasingly long line of ticked-off rockers, the Foo Fighters are accusing the candidate of using their song “My Hero” without permission, Wired reports. "...

McCain Talks Economy as Women Break for Obama

Housing seen as way to win over white moms

(Newser) - John McCain is shifting focus to the economy in a bid to win over white women who are rapidly flocking to Barack Obama. Any bump McCain saw with female voters after selecting running mate Sarah Palin has utterly evaporated, the Boston Globe reports. Polls show Obama leading by 17% among...

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool
Hey, GOP:
Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Hey, GOP: Let's Emulate Obama's Cool

Attack ads worked in 2004. That's not where we're at: Frum

(Newser) - David Frum plans to vote for John McCain, but with the economy in ruin, anyone who thinks the GOP can win “by banging on about William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright put it mildly...severely under-estimating the electoral importance of pocketbook issues.” These desperate attacks “are...

McCain Ranks High With Military: Poll

Nearly 70% of career service members say he's their man in November

(Newser) - Career members of the military are nearly three times as likely to vote for John McCain for president in November as Barack Obama, reports the Military Times. In a survey of 4,300 subscribers of the Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, and Air Force Times—mostly older and...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>