McCain 2008

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NYT Poll Finds Growing Doubts About Palin

(Newser) - John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin continues to hurt his chances of winning Tuesday's election, a poll from the New York Times and CBS shows. In the survey, 59% of voters said Palin is not qualified to be vice president, up 9 points in a month. About a third of...

Economist : Obama Is Worth the Risk
 Economist: Obama 
 Is Worth the Risk 


Economist: Obama Is Worth the Risk

McCain was a great senator but a poor candidate

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain are both great contenders, the Economist writes, but “the Democratic candidate has clearly shown that he offers the better chance of restoring America’s self-confidence.” Given Obama’s inexperience and decidedly left-wing outlook, “voting for him is a risk. Yet it is...

'B' Hoaxer Avoids Jail Sentence
'B' Hoaxer Avoids Jail Sentence

'B' Hoaxer Avoids Jail Sentence

McCain volunteer who lied about mugging agrees to counseling

(Newser) - The woman who claimed a Barack Obama supporter carved a “B” into her cheek has agreed to probation and counseling and won't serve time, the AP reports. Ashley Todd was released from jail in Pittsburgh today, and her record will be scrubbed clean if she completes a psychiatric treatment...

23% of Texans Say Obama Is Muslim

Fraction under mistaken impression much greater than 5-10% nationally: poll

(Newser) - Nearly a quarter of Texas voters still believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, the Houston Chronicle reports. Polling shows 23% of registered voters there buy internet-fueled rumors the Democrat is hiding his Islamic faith—compared to just 5-10% of voters nationwide. The same poll gives John McCain a comfortable lead...

Palin Plans to Stick Around if GOP Loses

'I'm not doing this for naught,' says candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks the American people will pick the GOP ticket on Tuesday but she's not planning to disappear from the national stage, win or lose. "I'm not doing this for naught," the candidate told an ABC interviewer. She vowed she wouldn't "give up and wave a...

Best, Worst Financial Decisions of Candidates

Candidates have spent a bundle on campaign, but didn't always do it wisely

(Newser) - The next president faces the daunting task of fixing a crippled economy—all the more reason to look at the candidates' best and worst financial decisions during the campaigns. Politico's Jeanne Cummings does the tally:
  • Obama's Best: His decision to hire Facebook's founder, whose interactive Internet fundraising included billboards in

McCain Camp: LA Times Is Suppressing Obama Video

Paper accused of concealing candidate's links to Palestinian scholar

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is accusing the Los Angeles Times of shirking its journalistic duty by sitting on a tape of Barack Obama speaking at a 2003 dinner in honor of a Palestinian-American scholar and activist. The Times—which wrote about the tape in an April article on Obama's ties to...

Religious Right Plots Takeover of GOP

Moderates have pushed party out of power, some argue

(Newser) - Social conservatives are wrangling with moderates for control of the GOP, plotting a January takeover of the Republican National Committee even if John McCain wins, the Los Angeles Times reports. Moderates like Colin Powell say the party has alienated voters—especially minorities—by narrowing its focus, but “moderating our...

GOP Ticket Agrees: Stevens Must Go

Alaska governor stopped short on state's senior senator, now toes nominee's line

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin delivered Ted Stevens a synchronized shooing toward the Senate door today, Politico reports. McCain said  the 84-year-old Republican senator, convicted yesterday of corruption, “should now step down,” while Palin—who stopped short last night of urging her fellow Alaskan to resign—said today...

Who Lost the Race? Blame the Maverick
Who Lost the Race? Blame
the Maverick

Who Lost the Race? Blame the Maverick

Or, more accurately, the gadfly who couldn't run a campaign

(Newser) - John McCain could still win the election, but it would be in spite of himself, writes Rich Lowry in the National Review. If Republicans are laying blame for the 2008 race, they should lay it on John McCain, paradoxically the best and worst candidate they could have fielded. McCain’s...

Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue'
 Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue' 

Mac Aides: Palin 'Going Rogue'

Irked campaign insiders see Palin ditching Mac for 2012 positioning

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is acting like she's more concerned with Palin 2012 than McCain 2008, disgruntled McCain staffers tell CNN. They say the candidate is increasingly going off-message, including at a recent Florida rally where she addressed the $150,000 wardrobe controversy by declaring that the clothes "are not my...

Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar
 Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar 

Palin Effigy Sparks Uproar

Complaints over Halloween display

(Newser) - An effigy of Sarah Palin hanging from a noose outside a West Hollywood house has triggered a community furor, reports the Los Angeles Times. The effigy is part of a grim Halloween display which also shows a John McCain mannequin surrounded by flames and skeletons. Complaints calling the display a...

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP
 Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP 

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP

Republicans try to distance themselves from McCain's campaign strategy

(Newser) - Republicans inside John McCain’s campaign and out are pointing fingers at one another, striking a surprisingly past-tense tone about their efforts, Politico reports. The recriminations go to the top: senior Bush advisers criticized McCain for a poorly run campaign on the heels of an interview in which the candidate...

Palin's 'Reforms' Include State Jobs for Donors

Governor's appointees include loyalists with iffy qualifications

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has touted herself as a reformer, telling voters she "took on the old politics as usual in Juneau." But an LA Times investigation shows the Alaska governor gave more than 100 state jobs to campaign contributors and their relatives, many of whom lacked qualifications for...

Makeup Artist Highest Paid McCain Campaign Staffer

According to campaign's payroll, $11k per week

(Newser) - While no more Saks and Barney's charges have surfaced, records for the first 2 weeks of October indicate that Sarah Palin's makeup artist was the highest paid individual contributor to the McCain campaign effort, pulling in $23,000. Amy Strozzi easily beat out McCain's foreign policy adviser (just $12,500)...

McCain Was Blinded by Beauty
 McCain Was Blinded by Beauty 

McCain Was Blinded by Beauty

Hormones clouded candidate's judgment Parker reckons

(Newser) - For Kathleen Parker, it’s suddenly clear why John McCain picked Sarah Palin. Parker's husband called it first, then a male friend confessed, “I’m sexually attracted to her. I don’t care that she knows nothing.” Robert Draper’s much-discussed New York Times magazine piece notes that...

New York Times : Obama Is the 'Easy' Choice
New York Times:
Obama Is the 'Easy' Choice

New York Times: Obama Is the 'Easy' Choice

(Newser) - The New York Times is endorsing Barack Obama, calling the choice between him and John McCain an "easy" one. In an editorial to run in tomorrow's edition, the Times says "Obama has met challenge after challenge, growing as a leader and putting real flesh on his early promises...

Miss Virginia Strikes Back at GOP Slight

'Real Virginia' swipe ruffles feathers of 3-time winner

(Newser) - Miss Virginia has entered the fray. Former crown wearer Kristi Lauren Glakas takes exception to the division of her state by a top McCain adviser into the "real Virginia" of the conservative South and the urban northern suburbs of DC. Glakas, an honor student at UVA who's won three...

How Revolving Narratives Swamped Would-Be Narrator

McCain's move from tactic to tactic resulted in confused overall strategy

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign has gone through a dizzying number of narratives, as Robert Draper outlines in the New York Times. Draper looks inside a dysfunctional operation driven by two quarreling old McCain friends (Rick Davis and speechwriter Mark Salter), and the Rovian outsider who reconciled them (Steve Schmidt). The...

The Makeover Palin Should Have Had
The Makeover Palin Should Have Had

The Makeover Palin Should Have Had

High-end duds totally at odds with GOP target (or Target) audience

(Newser) - That the GOP dressed up “a no-frills hockey mom” for her star turn is fine, but that they dressed her up in Neiman's, Saks, and Barneys is “mind-boggling evidence of a tin ear for the symbolism of popular culture,” style maven Robin Givhan wails in the Washington ...

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