domain names

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Domain Name Bug Worries Web Providers

Firms race to fix flaw in Internet's architecture before crooks find it

(Newser) - ISPs worldwide are racing to patch a flaw in the design of the Internet that could allow criminals to steal personal and financial details of Web users by diverting them to fake sites. The flaw resides in the procedures of the Domain Name System, which translates URLs into numerical Internet...

Brangelina Babies Off to Busy Start

Domain names, photo shoots on the agenda for hot-ticket twins

(Newser) - At just 2 days old, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline are the world's most sought-after celebrity pair—and parents Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in managing mode. Just Jared reports the Brangelina lawyers bought out all domains with the bambinos' names—and experts tell USA Today that a photo...

Domain-Name Rule Change 'Brand Owner's Nightmare'

Firms must guard against squatters

(Newser) - The decision of an internet oversight body to allow more domain names opens the playing field to cybersquatters—who register domain names in the hopes someone else will have to purchase them later, BusinessWeek reports. No more is it a matter of simply .com or .net: Squatters may now buy...

Internet Group Eases Rules for New Domain Names

(Newser) - The Internet's key oversight agency relaxed rules today to permit the introduction of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of new Internet domain names to join ".com," making the first sweeping changes in the network's 25-year-old addressing system. The panel, meeting in Paris, unanimously approved new guidelines to streamline review of...

Free Expression Comes to Domain Names

Policy would allow custom URLs for businesses, people

(Newser) - Domain names may soon be open for anyone to create, providing companies and individuals with unprecedented freedom to carve out their own corner of the Net, the BBC reports. The Internet's biggest shakeup in decades "will allow groups, communities and business to express their identities online,” sad the... Name Sells for $2.6M Name Sells for $2.6M Name Sells for $2.6M

1994 buyer (for 20 bucks) cashes in

(Newser) - The domain name sold at auction yesterday for $2.6 million, netting a tidy little profit for a Baltimore man who bought 14 years ago for $20, the Baltimore Sun reports. Seller Chris Clark held onto the name over the years, making sure to keep up with the...

Domain Snatchers Hit With Lawsuit
Domain Snatchers Hit With Lawsuit

Domain Snatchers Hit With Lawsuit

ICANN also named for allowing frontrunning practice

(Newser) - A class-action lawsuit filed yesterday targets a top purveyor of domain names and its alleged practice of “frontrunning,” Network World reports. Network Solutions essentially registers a domain name the second a customer searches for it, forcing the customer to pay the company’s above-market rate of $35 for...

Google Sours on 'Domain Tasters'
Google Sours on
'Domain Tasters'

Google Sours on 'Domain Tasters'

Cuts ad revenue for registrants tying up millions of domains 5 days at a time

(Newser) - Google aims to stop entrepreneurs from "domain name tasting," the AP reports. The practice exploits a 5-day grace period during which registrants can return a domain for a full refund; meantime, the buyer puts up ads and evaluates whether the site would bring in enough revenue to keep...

Latest Domain Name Hack Disguises Its Danger

Can secretly steer Windows users wrong

(Newser) - The misdirection of “open-recursive” DNS servers, which facilitate web-surfing by translating verbal domain names into numerical IP addresses, is the new, more covert face of cyber-criminality, and could explode into a new wave of phishing attacks, IDG News reports. Hackers can use these types of DNS servers to redirect...

Foreign Domain Names Coming to Net
Foreign Domain Names Coming to Net

Foreign Domain Names Coming to Net

After years of complaints, ICANN fast tracks non-Latin web addresses

(Newser) - Soon, Chinese domain names can at long last be in Chinese. Addressing one of international critics’ longest-standing complaints, ICANN, the independent non-profit that regulates the Internet, is putting internationalized domain names on the fast track, ZDNet reports. Studies are already underway on how to integrate domains with non-Latin characters into...

Insider Trading May Have Net Variant

Agency investigates claims of shady profits from domain names

(Newser) - Someone call Michael Milken: Insider trading trailblazers may have found a new perch online. ICANN is investigating a poaching practice it's calling “front running,” in which buyers with inside information grab desirable domain names before others can register them. Speculation on the shadowy URL snatchers runs to viruses...

NFL Team Yanks $275K Bid for

Dallas claims it intended to offer just $275 for domain

(Newser) - The Dallas Cowboys wanted the domain name, but not that badly. The team had to withdraw a winning bid of $275,000 after realizing how much it had offered; the 'Boys claimed they intended to bid only $275 in a URL auction conducted by phone this month, ComputerWorld...

Is It a Top?
Is It a Top?

Is It a Top?

Domain name sells for $5 million, raising the specter of a virtual real estate bubble

(Newser) - WashingtonVC has purchased the domain name (as in "search engine marketing") for $5 million for its portfolio company Web Targeted.  With a large percentage of Web traffic now coming from search engines, optimizing Web sites for visibility to them has become one of the hottest...

Web Mogul Controls $300 Million in URLs

Meet Kevin Ham, the Donald Trump of virtual real estate

(Newser) - Kevin Ham rules the shadowy Internet domain name market, having amassed an online real estate empire worth over $300 million, Business 2.0 reports. The doctor-turned-tech tycoon began buying and selling URLs in the nascent days of the web; today he trades hundreds of addresses a day, sometimes for as...

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