campaign advertising

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Paris Video Riffs on McCain's Ad

Heiress thanks 'white-haired dude' for the endorsement

(Newser) - Paris Hilton says she’s “like, totally ready to lead” in her video response to John McCain—the "wrinkly, white-haired guy"—for his ad comparing Barack Obama to tabloid celebrities like herself, ABC News reports. In the deadpan video posted on, the heiress figures she's...

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama
Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP,
Not Obama

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama

Gag ignores hard facts of energy dependence, vehicle maintenance

(Newser) - Republicans are laughing at Barack Obama’s suggestion that if Americans drove on properly inflated tires and had their vehicles tuned up regularly, they could save as much gas as offshore drilling would produce. The RNC is distributing tire gauges labeled “Barack Obama’s Energy Plan” and cackling with...

Team McCain Giving Out Tire Gauges to Mock Obama

Negative gag slams Democrat's energy plan

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign debuted another Barack Obama gag today as aides distributed tire gauges labeled “Obama Energy Plan” to reporters and donors, Politico reports. The campaign is mocking the Democrat’s suggestion that motorists increase gas mileage by keeping their tires full. The Obama campaign responded by pointing...

McCain Ad Angers Hollywood
 McCain Ad Angers Hollywood 

McCain Ad Angers Hollywood

"Celebrity" ad offends linguists, stars, Paris Hilton's parents

(Newser) - Tinseltown is ticked over John McCain’s recent ad likening Barack Obama to Britney Spears—and to Paris Hilton, whose parents have donated the maximum to the senator's campaign. The problem isn't just looking ungrateful, reports the LA Times, but the fine distinction between a mere “celebrity” and a...

Mac 'Celebrity' Attack Ad Signals New Battle Stage

Tactics echo Bush re-election strategy

(Newser) - John McCain's latest attack on Barack Obama as a self-absorbed "celebrity" candidate out of touch with ordinary Americans marks a new aggressive stage of his campaign, reports the New York Times. The "star power" offensive against Obama, sharper than earlier efforts, comes as key players in President Bush's...

Mac Attack Ad's Endless Media Coverage? Priceless

Spot airs everywhere, despite small spend

(Newser) - John McCain's tough TV spot, which attacks Barack Obama for backing out of a visit to US troops in Germany because he couldn't bring TV cameras along, has become one of the most widely seen ads of the campaign. That's pretty impressive, considering it only aired as a paid commercial...

McCain Ad Slams Obama for Skipping Troop Meeting

But 'he had time to go to the gym,' snipes spot

(Newser) - A new John McCain ad goes on the offensive, attacking Barack Obama for canceling a meeting with wounded troops, Politico reports. The clip, which aired in Denver during Saturday Night Live last night, criticizes Obama over his track record with members of the military, sniping: “He made time to...

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro
McCain Ad
Links Obama
to Castro

McCain Ad Links Obama to Castro

'Guilt by endorsement' ad runs on South Florida websites

(Newser) - The McCain campaign is running an Internet ad composed of photos of Barack Obama and Fidel Castro side by side, with the caption “Fidel Castro thinks he is 'the most advanced candidate,'" the Huffington Post reports. The ad is running on websites catering to South Florida, home to...

Black Media Outlets Focus on Obama Ads

Budget for African-American outreach unclear

(Newser) - The Barack Obama campaign hasn't spent much on advertising in African-American media, a trend many hope the candidate will reverse as he gears up for the general election, Advertising Age reports. "The audience has to be motivated to get out and vote," says a BET exec who cautions...

Obama's No Fool: He Made Right Choice on Funding

He opens himself up to being called hypocrite; that's better than naive

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be taking flak for opting out of public financing, but he would have been foolish to do otherwise, writes Charlie Cook in the National Journal. Cook is "relieved" that a potential president is savvy enough to hang on to a huge spending advantage. And in this...

With Airwaves to Himself, McCain Targets Ohio

Candidate emphasizes economy in big ad buy; Obama still waiting

(Newser) - Right now, John McCain has America’s commercial breaks all to himself, and he’s using them, reports the Wall Street Journal. McCain spent $170,000 Wednesday, which puts him on pace for $1.2 million per week, after spending $1.5 million over the past two months. Most of...

Dems Assail McCain on War
Dems Assail McCain on War

Dems Assail McCain on War

Obama would defy Petraeus to withdraw; DNC ads knock Mac's '100 years' in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain clashed over Iraq today, as the DNC readies an ad campaign criticizing McCain's now-infamous remark about keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. In a Fox News interview, Obama pledged to withdraw troops from Iraq even if Gen. David Petraeus advised against it. But the...

Hillary's 3am Ads Ring Again; McCain Answers

Now pre-dawn spots raise alarm over the economy

(Newser) - The very-late-night caller is back and this time he's raising concerns about the economy. Hillary Clinton has recycled her now-famous TV ad featuring a phone ringing at 3am to hit John McCain—and McCain was quick to strike back with one of his own, USA Today reports. The ads question...

Looking to Knock Out Clinton, Obama Spends Big

Both Dems pumping ad bucks into Texas, Ohio

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lavishing his considerable campaign wealth on advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts in Texas and Ohio, hoping to deal a death blow this week to Hillary Clinton's faltering campaign. The Obama cash blitz is most apparent on television, where he is outspending Clinton nearly 2-to-1 in both states, the...

Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad
Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad

Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad

Candidates trade Texas ads playing on experience ahead of vital vote

(Newser) - Barack Obama threw Hillary Clinton's "red phone" ad right back at her yesterday—with a twist, the Chicago Tribune reports. Clinton's ad showed sleeping children, with a voice intoning that it's 3am, and a phone is ringing the White House. “Who do you want answering the phone?” Barack's...

Obama Pulled In $32M in January
Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Obama Pulled In $32M in January

Meanwhile, McCain makes headway after beginning '08 in debt

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $32 million this month, the Washington Post reports—a massive number in such a short span. The Democrat's campaign manager reported 170,000 new donors in January, raising the total number of contributors to 650,000. The best fundraising day was immediately following Hillary Clinton’s...

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems
No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

No More Mr., Mrs. Nice Dems

Staid debate aside, Nevada's dogfight sets the stage for a nasty campaign

(Newser) - Despite measured tones at Tuesday’s debate, the Nevada race was a dirty one for the leading Dems, Politico reports. The mudslinging began when Hillary Clinton said the Culinary Workers Union was scaring its members into supporting Barack Obama. The Illinois senator, for his part, did not prevent a union-backed...

TV Ads Next for Pro-Obama Clinton-Bashers

Nev. labor group called Hillary 'shameless' in Spanish radio spot

(Newser) - A pro-Barack Obama labor union in Nevada today brings TV ads to its anti-Hillary Clinton barrage, the Washington Post reports. UNITE HERE, which represents textile, hotel, and restaurant workers, last week gave Obama his first endorsement from a union; yesterday, it launched a Spanish-language ad blasting Clinton, whose backers filed...

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