campaign advertising

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Colbert Super PAC Ad Attacks... Colbert

And Samuel L. Jackson narrates

(Newser) - The Definitely Not Coordinating With Stephen Colbert Super PAC is certainly spending a lot of time and money urging people not to vote for Stephen Colbert . The latest ad released by the super PAC is an all-out attack on Colbert, an "East Coast Hollywood elite" who is "turning...

Obama Defends Energy Policy in First Campaign Ad
 Obama Airs First Campaign Ad 

Obama Airs First Campaign Ad

New ad targets 'secretive oil billionaires'

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign has unveiled its first ad and there is no mention of hope or change. Instead, the ad attacks "secretive oil billionaires" and defends Obama's record on clean energy and jobs, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ad, titled "Unprecedented," will air...

Newt Wants Super PAC to Pull False Bain Attacks

Anti-Romney documentary gets taken to task by fact-checkers

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich today called on the super PAC supporting him to stop airing ads springing from its 29-minute documentary-style infomercial bashing Mitt Romney's Bain Capital tenure , which has been savaged by fact-checkers. "It's important why my campaign is different than some other people's campaigns," Gingrich...

Iowa Caucuses Nearly Three-Way Tie: Paul, Romney, Santorum Top Latest Poll
 Latest Poll: 
 Iowa Nearly a
 3-Way Tie 
and more from iowa

Latest Poll: Iowa Nearly a 3-Way Tie

Candidates make last-minute preparations

(Newser) - A day ahead of Iowa voting, three candidates are within two points of each other in the latest poll: Ron Paul is leading the field at 20%, while Mitt Romney follows at 19% and Rick Santorum boasts 18%, having jumped eight points since earlier this week, notes Public Policy Polling...

Santorum Ad Inspired by ... Pop Up Video

GOP candidate channels VH1's late-'90s hit

(Newser) - GOP hopeful Rick Santorum's latest campaign ad doesn't exactly scream 2012. The video is seemingly inspired by VH1's cult classic TV show Pop Up Video, which was a huge hit after it debuted in 1996 (it was resurrected in October of this year ). In the 60-second...

Rick Perry Ad Inspires Wave of Parodies

Atheists, rabbis, National Lampoon ridicule 'Strong' spot

(Newser) - If all press is good press, then Rick Perry's in luck. His "Strong" campaign ad — now the most-"disliked" campaign video on YouTube—certainly has people talking. Its message about gays in the military, prayer in schools, and the "War on Christmas" has inspired a wealth...

Perry Ad Is YouTube's No. 3 Most-Disliked Video

'Strong' ad behind only Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black videos

(Newser) - Rick Perry's controversial new campaign ad is closing in on the YouTube record for most disliked video ever. The ad—which currently has close to 400,000 "dislikes"—is now behind only Justin Bieber's video for "Baby," and Rebecca Black's "Friday" video....

VIDEO: Rick Perry's New Campaign Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed,' Mitt Romney's New Ad Takes Swing at Newt Gingrich

 Perry's New Ad 
 'Must Be Seen 
 to Be Believed' 

Perry's New Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed'

Plus: Mitt finally takes a swing at Newt

(Newser) - To say that Rick Perry's new campaign ad is eliciting some strong reactions may be a bit of an understatement. In the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri writes that the ad—which "must be seen to be believed"—fills her "with despair" and "scrapes the bottom...

Romney Defends Use of Out-of-Context Obama Quote

Ad's message is 'guess what, it's your turn,' he says

(Newser) - Signalling a no-holds-barred fight ahead, Mitt Romney is standing by the use of an out-of-context quote from President Obama in his first TV ad . The ad—slammed by Democrats and called "ridiculously misleading" by non-partisan campaign watchdog Politifact—features Obama saying, "If we keep talking about the economy,...

Romney Unveils First TV Ad
 Romney Unveils First TV Ad 

Romney Unveils First TV Ad

Obama campaign blasts 'deceitful' attack ad

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has rolled out the first TV ad of his 2012 campaign—and he has John McCain to thank for its most effective line. The ad begins with images of President Obama on the stump in 2008, saying: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of...

GOP Pounces on Obama's 'Lazy' Remark

He was talking about foreign investment, but it doesn't matter

(Newser) - Prepare to hear the word "lazy" a lot in future political ads. As Politico notes, Republicans are jumping all over comments President Obama made last weekend in response to a question about the US luring foreign investors. "We’ve been a little bit lazy, I think, over the...

GOP Ad War Begins
 GOP Ad War Begins 

GOP Ad War Begins

As first primaries near, TV ad blitz rolls out in key states

(Newser) - With less than 10 weeks to go until Republican primary voting, the campaign for the GOP nomination is stepping up to a whole new level—the level where you can't turn on your TV without hearing someone utter, "I approve this message." The first round of candidate...

Herman Cain Creates Buzz With Smoky New Video

His chief of staff's cigarette plays a starring role

(Newser) - Herman Cain's new campaign video is generating lots of attention, but not because of 9-9-9 or 9-0-9 or anything remotely related to policy. It's all about a cigarette: The video (it's in the gallery at left) features chief of staff Mark Block praising his boss for about...

Offensive Ad's Creator to Critics: 'Suck it'

Turn Right USA not apologizing for ad many are calling racist, sexist

(Newser) - If you were offended by the Turn Right USA ad featuring machine-gun-toting gangsters ordering a Democratic candidate for Congress to "Give me your cash, bitch, so we can shoot up the streets,” well, tough. Ladd Ehlinger Jr, the conservative filmmaker who created the ad, tells Salon that critics...

Is This Most Racist, Sexist Political Ad Ever?

'Give us your cash, ho, so we can shoot up the streets,' chant gangsters

(Newser) - The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is blasting what could be the most stunningly racist, sexist campaign ad in history. The web ad, produced by the ultra conservative Turn Right USA PAC , features machine-gun toting black ganstas ordering "bitch" and "ho" Democratic candidate for Congress Janice Hahn to give...

Palin Releases Bus Tour Video

She uses clips from media coverage to narrate

(Newser) - So it’s not a presidential campaign, but the Sarah Palin bus tour has produced what looks a lot like a commercial. The three-minute piece from SarahPAC offers an account of the trip narrated with clips from the very “lamestream media” to whom Palin refused to give a tour...

House Candidate: Vote for Me ... My Wife Is Korean!

So vote for Dan Adler, because 'we minorities should stick together'

(Newser) - Dan Adler is campaigning for Jane Harman 's vacated House seat, and the California Democrat has an odd, possibly offensive reason certain people should vote for him: His wife is Korean! Oh, and he himself is Jewish, and as his odd campaign ad states, "We minorities should stick...

Station 'Forgets' to Air O'Donnell Infomercial

24-minute spot only shown online

(Newser) - Following the lead of President Obama's 2008 campaign, Christine O’Donnell has made a 24-minute campaign ad to show on the eve of the election—but the Delaware cable station her campaign paid to run it hasn’t done so, the Huffington Post reports. “The campaign bought the time...

Stewart: Negative Campaigning Has Gone Too Far

Unless, of course, you think your opponent really might be the Antichrist...

(Newser) - When we go to the polls on Tuesday, we won't just be "selecting the candidate who may or may not best represent your political values." Based on the proliferation of negative campaign ads, we'll be "choosing between hard-line Marxist state tyranny and autocratic Taliban religious crazies,"...

Dem Apologizes for Nazi Campaign Ad

Flyer used photo of soldiers in German WWII uniforms

(Newser) - "In combat, you always want another soldier covering your back," read a flier from North Carolina state legislator Tim Spear touting his voting record on veterans’ issues. Problem was, the accompanying photo showed soldiers in Nazi uniforms, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Democrat apologized after supporters who...

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