right wingers

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Rush to Barney Frank: Oh Yeah? You Live on Uranus

Finds town hall protester 'fabulous and hilarious'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is eating up the town hall protests. Covering the Barney Frank town hall last night, Rush said it was “fabulous and fantastic and hilarious” that a woman showed up with a poster of Obama as Adolf Hitler and asked why Frank supported a Nazi health care policy,...

Frank Rumbles With Town Hall Wacko

(Newser) - Town hall crazies, you have met your match. Rep. Barney Frank had no time for a woman who asked why he supported Barack Obama's "Nazi" policies, calling it "vile, contemptible nonsense" and asking, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" When the questioner...

Gun-Toting Obama Protester Is a Birther

Secessionist group included among his MySpace friends

(Newser) - William Kostric, the man who showed up to protest at Obama’s town hall meeting yesterday with a loaded gun strapped to his leg, told Chris Matthews that he wasn’t affiliated with birther groups. But a web user by the same name has left a digital trail that proves...

Anti-US Gov't Militias Are Awakening

(Newser) - Anti-government militia groups largely dormant during the Bush years are making a comeback and dozens of new ones are sprouting up, AP reports. Such groups, fueled by the poor economy and distrust of the Obama administration, are poised to grow rapidly, according to a report from the Southern Poverty Law...

Pelosi, Hoyer: Health Reform Haters Ignore Facts

After a century, it's time to get this done

(Newser) - The debate over universal health care has lasted almost a century, and once again, an overhaul faces tough odds. This time, not only are opponents trying to “misrepresent” legislation—many others have been crashing meetings and making “civil dialogue” on the issue impossible, write Nancy Pelosi and Steny...

Beck: I Want to Poison Pelosi ... Kidding!

Sure, no one likes her, but still...

(Newser) - So a few advertisers abandoned Glenn Beck’s show after his last bout of verbal diarrhea—so what? That didn’t stop him from “joking” that he wanted to poison Nancy Pelosi last night on his show, during a skit about hanging out at her “liberal, elitist wine...

Birther Boss Tantrum Gets YouTube Remix

And yes, it's pretty funny

(Newser) - Orly Taitz has so many YouTube-friendly elements going for her: She’s the leader of a fringe movement, she has the bizarre career combo of dentist/lawyer—oh, and she’s “insane” and went “berserk” on MSNBC earlier this week while discussing the birther movement, writes the Cajun Boy...

Birther Boss Is This Year's August Nutjob

Birther boss Orly Taitz gets undue mainstream coverage

(Newser) - With its chronic deficiency of serious news, this is the month when, each year, the crazies—call them “August personalities”—get a chance to shine, writes Meghan Daum in the Los Angeles Times. “August personalities tend to have both an ax to grind and a chip on...

Grass Roots or Astroturf? Protests Disrupt Town Halls

Dems come home to hecklers swinging at health care legislation

(Newser) - Many Democrats' August recess is off to a noisy start, as conservative dissenters flood town-hall meetings to protest health care legislation, the Boston Globe reports. Using tactics and questions prescribed online, hecklers do their best to disrupt the events, yelling questions and shouting out while videotaping the exchange. Republicans say...

New DNC Ad Slams GOP's 'Angry Mobs'

Dems use town hall protests to fire back

(Newser) - In a new online ad, Democrats return fire at “angry mobs” driven by the Republican Party, the Huffington Post reports. “They lost the election. They lost on the Recovery Act, the budget and children’s health care,” says the ad. “Now, desperate Republicans and their well-funded...

Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker
Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker

Southern Rednecks Killing GOP: Parker

Is it any surprise that birthers are common down there?

(Newser) - Asked recently what was wrong with his party, Ohio Sen. George Voinovich didn’t hold back. “It’s the Southerners,” he said. “They get on TV and go ‘errrr, errrr.’ People hear them and say, ‘These people are Southerners.’” No one’s...

Stewart to 'Birther' Dobbs: Do You Even Watch CNN?

Scam would have had to start in 1961, after all

(Newser) - The “birthers” who doubt Barack Obama’s citizenship are multiplying, but CNN performed a “thorough debunking of this silliness on July 17,” Jon Stewart said last night on the Daily Show. So why did Lou Dobbs bring it up again three days later? “Do you even...

It's Alive! Obama 'Birther' Conspiracy Spawns Nut Nest

(Newser) - The conspiracy theory that the first black president is an alien and not an American citizen is bizarrely growing a full head of steam and spitting out a wacky cast of characters, notes Eric Etheridge in the New York Times. The fact that Barack Obama has a Hawaiian birth certificate...

David Duke Goes to the Birds in Austria

Former Ku Klux Klan leader runs nature photography business

(Newser) - David Duke appears to have traded in burning crosses for a high-powered camera lens, reports the Telegraph, which tracked the former Ku Klux Klan honcho to a village in Austria. The onetime US presidential candidate now sells photos of birds and other wildlife he’s taken as he traipses through...

Obama Hatred Boils Over
 Obama Hatred Boils Over 

Obama Hatred Boils Over

For some, the economic crisis has catalyzed cultural suspicion of the president

(Newser) - President Obama has enjoyed a pretty good week—the rescue of the kidnapped cargo-ship captain went swimmingly, and the first family enjoyed some softball coverage of its new dog. But this week also saw the boiling-over of the segment of Americans who loathe the president, observes the Economist. Besides the...

Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck
Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck

Even the Right Can't Stand Glenn Beck

Conservatives take issue with histrionic Fox newcomer

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s prophesies of doom don’t just infuriate the left. Some conservatives are denouncing the histrionic Fox anchor as well, worried he’ll endanger the movement, reports Benjamin Sarlin of the Daily Beast. Fellow Fox anchor Shephard Smith often mocks Beck, calling his show the “fear chamber....

US Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism

Homeland Security: Recession is catalyst

(Newser) - Right-wing extremist groups may be taking advantage of volatile economic times and the election of the first black president to drum up membership in the US, the Homeland Security Department says. The nine-page report, sent to police agencies nationwide, says extremism isn't limited to racist hate groups but "may...

Fellow Conservatives: Obama Is Not the Antichrist

(Newser) - Barack Obama is not the incarnation of evil, David Horowitz cautions his right-wing brethren in FrontPage Magazine. Don’t get him wrong: Horowitz remains fundamentally opposed to Obama’s liberal leanings and thinks he’s shown “surprising ineptitude,” but he’s tired of fellow conservatives’ increasingly “hysterical”...

Germany Bans Group Behind Nazi Summer Camps

'Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend' indoctrinated children with racism, minister says

(Newser) - The German government today banned a neo-Nazi youth group it says ran summer camps where children were instructed in racist and National Socialist ideology, Der Spiegel reports. “Heimattreue Deutsche Jugend,” the German Youth Faithful to the Homeland, allegedly included military exercises and “racial science” classes—which discussed...

'Birthers' Dog Obama From GOP Fringe

'Birthers' are 'filthy conservative imposters'

(Newser) - The belief that Barack Obama is not American—and therefore is ineligible to be president—is thriving on the conservative fringes, Politico reports. Officials have denied the claim, citing Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate, but 300,000 people have signed a petition demanding more evidence. So-called “Birthers” are also...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>