terror suspects

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Terror Suspect Led Typical Suburban Life

But Boyd fought in Afghanistan, said 'good Muslims' waged jihad

(Newser) - The arrest of construction worker Daniel Boyd and his sons for conspiring to support terrorists came as a complete shock to their neighbors in North Carolina, who describe the 39-year-old father as a friendly gardener and fisherman. But Boyd has followed an uncommon path. After converting to Islam in the...

7 NC Men Charged With Plotting Foreign Terror Attacks

Suspects accused of conspiring to carry out jihad attacks on Israel

(Newser) - A North Carolina construction worker, his two sons and four other men in the state have been charged with plotting to carry out terror attacks abroad, the BBC reports. The men, all but one of whom are US citizens, conspired to carry out jihad attacks in countries including Jordan and...

Bush Considered Deploying Military for US Terror Arrests

(Newser) - President Bush seriously considered deploying the military to arrest terror suspects in a Buffalo suburb in 2002, former Bush administration officials tell the New York Times. Dick Cheney was in favor of the almost unprecedented deployment of troops on American soil, the officials say, while Condoleezza Rice and others were...

Report on Closing Gitmo Delayed 6 Months

(Newser) - President Obama's task forces on the detention and interrogation of terror suspects will miss today's deadline for reporting their findings, the Washington Post reports. The review on detention policy has been given a 6-month extension, raising fears that the Guantanamo Bay prison may not be closed in January next year...

Inside the CIA Torturers' Heads
Inside the CIA Torturers' Heads

Inside the CIA Torturers' Heads

Post: Higher-ups pushed interrogators for harsher methods than they wanted

(Newser) - The FBI was already getting information out of a suspected terrorist in a series of relatively friendly interrogations in 2002 when the CIA stepped in, a former US official tells the Washington Post. Agency contract psychologists escalated the techniques to sleep deprivation, extreme cold, and waterboarding, which the FBI interrogators...

Feds Plan to Build Team of Terror Interrogation Pros

(Newser) - The Obama administration is working on plans to create a team of interrogation experts drawn from different agencies, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal. The unit would take the job of debriefing "high-value" terror suspects away from the CIA, the sources say, and would be tasked with creating new,...

Obama Plans Indefinite Terror Detentions

Executive order echoes Bush approach, signals Gitmo impasse

(Newser) - In a move that echoes the Bush administration’s approach to terror suspects, the Obama White House has drafted an executive order that would allow for their indefinite detention, the Washington Post reports. The move is said to be motivated by growing concerns that President Obama won’t be able...

Need a Gun? On the Terrorist Watch List? No Problem

Feds OK sales thanks to controversial law

(Newser) - People placed on Washington's terrorist watch list can be prevented from boarding an airplane or getting a visa, but they can still buy a gun, the New York Times reports. In the last 5 years, people on the list tried to buy guns nearly 1,000 times, and current laws...

Two on Flight 447 Labeled Terror Threats

Investigators find passengers on French list of radical Muslims

(Newser) - Two people on board crashed Air France Flight 447 were on a French list of radical Muslims seen as terror threats, London’s Evening Standard reports. French security officials sent to Brazil discovered the passengers’ status; a security insider called the terror link “highly significant,” though it could...

Pakistan Releases Mumbai Suspect, India Outraged

India unhappy with move

(Newser) - Pakistan has released the leader of a group who had been arrested in connection with November’s Mumbai attacks, the New York Times reports, enraging neighboring India. A Pakistani court deemed Hafiz Muhammad Saeed’s detention unconstitutional, said his lawyer, after concluding there wasn’t enough evidence to hold him....

Save the Trauma Excuses: You Failed on 9/11

Cheney, Rice too often resorted to the extreme without doing their homework

(Newser) - Ironically, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice have defended their post-9/11 decisions by appealing for empathy, arguing that only those in charge on that bleak day could understand. “I have little sympathy for this argument,” Richard Clarke, who was there, retorts in a withering piece for the Washington Post,...

You Broke Promises, Obama: Now Quit

(Newser) - That jarring thud you just heard was Obamania crashing back to earth. For reneging on promises and making "Bill Clinton look like a paragon of integrity," President Obama must quit his post, Ted Rall writes in the Springfield Journal-Register. “Obama is useless. Worse than that, he’...

US Lets Allies Detain, Grill Terror Suspects

Program could lead to prisoner abuse, bad intel, critics say

(Newser) - The Obama administration is stepping up its reliance on foreign allies to capture, interrogate, and detain mid-level terror suspects seized outside of Iraq and Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. In the last 10 months, Middle Eastern governments have handled the cases of about six al-Qaeda operatives. “It’s...

FBI Neglected Terror Watch List: Audit

Suspects may have traveled into US while off the list

(Newser) - The FBI is slow to update the national terror suspect watch list, and the lapses pose real risks to US security, according to a Justice Department audit. Twelve terror suspects who were either not listed or were slow to be added may have traveled into or out of the US,...

Al-Qaeda Agent Pleads Guilty to Supporting Terrorism

Al-Marri entered US the day before 9/11

(Newser) - An al-Qaeda sleeper agent who entered the country the day before the 9/11 attacks pleaded guilty to supporting terrorism in federal court today and faces 15 years in prison, the Peoria Journal Star reports. The government says Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, who had been designated an "enemy combatant" and...

Suspects in Brit Terror Raids Freed for Lack of Evidence

Government seeks to deport men busted in touted sweep

(Newser) - Nine of the 11 suspects arrested in Britain's terror raids earlier this month have been released without charge due to lack of evidence, the Telegraph reports. The release of the remaining two is expected soon. The government is seeking to deport the men—suspected of being involved in what Prime...

Obama's Intel Chief: Interrogations Yielded 'High Value Information'

(Newser) - President Obama's own intelligence chief said harsh interrogations of terror suspects yielded "high value information" that "provided a deeper understanding" of al-Qaeda, the New York Times reports. Dennis Blair made the statement in a memo to his staff last week, the same day the Obama administration released the...

UK Terror Busts Thwarted Big Easter Attack: Cops

Investigators probing Pakistani extremists' links to al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Britain's arrest of a dozen terror suspects this week—nearly overshadowed by the public blunder and subsequent resignation of a top terror official—is believed to have foiled a major plot to bomb Easter shoppers, sources tell the Daily Telegraph. The suspects, mostly Pakistani nationals in the UK on student...

UK's Anti-Terror Chief Quits Over Photo Faux Pas

Learns the hard way not to carry top-secret memos in plain sight

(Newser) - The crack British counter-terrorism official who was inadvertently photographed carrying a paper with details of raids that snared 12 men linked to al-Qaeda yesterday has stepped down, the Wall Street Journal reports. Bob Quick, who was bringing the document to a meeting at Downing Street, had previously apologized for the...

US Will Charge 'Combatant' in Military Custody

In policy shift, he will get civilian trial, not military tribunal

(Newser) - Ali al Marri, the only alleged enemy combatant held on US soil, will be charged by the Justice Department, possibly for supplying material support to terrorism, ABC News reports. The move to a civilian criminal trial is an about-face from the policies of the Bush administration, which had insisted on...

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