Tucson, Arizona

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Giffords to Leave Hospital Friday

Her mother sends exuberant email

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords will be released from the hospital on Friday, heading instead to the Institute for Rehabilitation and Research at Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston, Politico reports. The center specializes in brain injury recovery. Giffords’ mother sent out an excited email today, telling friends that Giffords was recovering so well...

Shooting Video Reveals Judge's Heroism

John Roll died saving Giffords aide's life

(Newser) - Judge John Roll pushed another man to the ground and shielded that man's body with his own, apparently saving one life while losing his own, reveals a heartbreaking video of the Tucson attack that is being publicly described for the first time. "It’s very clear to me the...

Christina Taylor Green's Corneas Save 2 Kids' Vision

Just another thing she's given world, says proud dad

(Newser) - Christina Taylor Green’s parents managed to find something “amazing” in the midst of the tragedy of her death: her donated corneas helped two other children to see. “The fact that her organs were able to help people, that was an amazing thing to me," John Green...

Palin Defends Her Use of 'Blood Libel'

Critics are trying to use Tucson to silence me, says defiant Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was angry and defiant in her first interview since the Tucson shootings, vowing to Fox's Sean Hannity: "I’m not going to sit down; I’m not going to shut up." Palin—who described suspected gunman Jared Lee Loughner as "left-leaning"—defended her use...

Giffords' Husband Willing to Meet Loughner's Parents
Hubby Says Giffords
Gave Him Massage in ICU
sign of recovery?

Hubby Says Giffords Gave Him Massage in ICU

Capt. Mark Kelly gives first interview since shooting

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords’ husband knew his wife was getting better when she gave him a massage. It sounds almost too incredible to believe, but he recounts: "She's in the ICU. You know, gone through this traumatic injury. And she spent 10 minutes giving me a neck massage. It's so typical...

Loughner's Trial Likely to Be Switched to California

Authorities seek calmer venue for flash-point case

(Newser) - Federal authorities are planning to move the trial of shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner from Tucson to San Diego to dodge the jury-tainting effects of extensive pre-trial publicity in Arizona. The case is a particular flash point in Arizona, where the state's chief federal judge, John M. Roll, was gunned...

Giffords Can Move Both Sides of Her Body

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand spoke with husband Mark Kelly, passes on details

(Newser) - More good news on the Gabrielle-Giffords-recovery front : She's now able to move both sides of her body. Speaking on Meet the Press today, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said she had spoken with Giffords' husband last night, and the update was a good one: "She's using both sides of her body....

Ariz. Shooting Victim Yanked From Town Hall for Threats

Victim interrupted a taping of ABC News' This Week

(Newser) - A man who was injured in the Tucson shooting last weekend was pulled from a town hall meeting yesterday after allegedly threatening a participant, reports the Arizona Daily Star . James Eric Fuller interrupted the meeting, being taped by ABC's This Week, telling a Tea Party leader on stage, "You're...

Christina's Organs Go to Girl in Boston

Tucson victim's dad would like to give recipient a hug

(Newser) - Christina Taylor Green gave one last time, in the form of some of her organs, which were donated to a little girl in Boston. "It was very poignant to find out. That's what Christina was all about," father John Green tells CNN. "It's a blessing." Green...

John Roll Remembered as Fair Jurist, Regular Guy

Received death threats after controversial 2008 immigration case

(Newser) - Judge John Roll took tough immigration cases on head-on in his courtroom, but yesterday the slain judge was remembered as a guy who loved walking his beloved basset hounds and was prone to getting lost on the way to McDonald's. "That's always a good thing to hear, that people...

Another Loughner Ex: He's Faking Mental Illness

Says he went on 'rants' about government

(Newser) - Another of Jared Lee Loughner’s high school girlfriends has come forward, and this one suspects he’s “faking" mental illness to keep out of prison, Fox News reports. He was a smart, quiet kid whose anger flared when government came up, she says. He had a “temper...

Shooting Victim Speaks: 'This Is Not Happening'

'Good Samaritan' stayed with Pam Simon

(Newser) - Pam Simon's first thought was "this is not happening." The aide to Gabrielle Giffords' next thought was "that's a toy gun." A moment later: "It's happening." Then she was shot, and lay on the ground pretending to be dead, she tells the Wall Street ...

Don't Expect Any Gun Control Bills to Pass: Lawmakers

NRA not expecting a fight, say advocates

(Newser) - The Tucson shooting has prompted the drafting of a number of gun-control bills—but lawmakers don’t expect any major legislation to pass. In fact, insiders said, Congress is looking less likely than ever to step up regulation, reports New York Times , which notes that many members of Congress own...

Ground Zero Flag Raised for Youngest Tucson Victim

Christina Taylor Green, born on 9/11, is mourned

(Newser) - The family of the youngest victim of the mass shooting in Arizona held hands and paused in a moment of silence today under the large American flag recovered from Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks, and later escorted the 9-year-old's small brown casket into the church. Several hundred other mourners,...

Ariz. Hospital Fires 3 for Snooping on Shooting Victims

Three employees accessed confidential medical records

(Newser) - The University Medical Center in Tucson has fired three employees for illicitly accessing confidential medical records on the victims of Saturday’s shooting. The hospital is playing host to six of the people injured in the shooting, including Gabrielle Giffords, according to the Arizona Daily Star . Administrators announced the firings...

Giffords Takes 'Major Leap Forward'
Giffords Takes
'Major Leap Forward'

Giffords Takes 'Major Leap Forward'

Doctors say she's moving arms and legs on command, becoming aware

(Newser) - When Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes for the first time yesterday, it was no fluke. Doctors today gave their most upbeat update yet: She's moving her arms and legs on command and keeping her eyes open for 15 minutes at a stretch. They've started "aggressive physical therapy" and hope...

Tucson Speech Proves Obama's Back
Tucson Speech
Proves Obama's Back
OPINION roundup

Tucson Speech Proves Obama's Back

Most agree his memorial speech was brilliant

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech yesterday was, by most accounts, a smash success. A few takes:
  • “We’ve been complaining for two years about the lack of music and passion in his big speeches. But if he’d moved the country when he was talking about health care or bailing

College Shares Chilling Details of Loughner's Behavior

Paperwork documents his multiple run-ins with campus police

(Newser) - Jared Loughner’s bizarre behavior before the Tucson shootings is already well-documented , and more details are emerging. Documents released by his community college yesterday relate a number of disturbing classroom incidents that caught officials' attention; campus police had seven run-ins with Loughner over seven months. Via the New York Times...

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech
Palin Blew It With
'Un-Presidential' Speech

Palin Blew It With 'Un-Presidential' Speech

Alaskan should have tried to unify instead of punching back

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had an opportunity to recalibrate her image and appear more like presidential material in the wake of the Tucson shootings—but she blew it, argues Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast . It was unfair for liberal detractors to link Palin to the shootings and she had a right...

Obama Visits Giffords, Tucson: 'Gabby Opened Her Eyes'

President urges Americans not to 'turn on each other'

(Newser) - President Obama paid a visit to Gabrielle Giffords and the other survivors of last weekend's shooting spree in Tucson, then delivered great news in his national address: "A few minutes after we left her room ... Gabby opened her eyes for the first time," he said. "She knows...

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