John F. Kennedy

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Kennedy: 9/11, Obama Inspired Me to Seek Senate Seat

Campaign work pushed hopeful towards politics

(Newser) - The terrorists attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and her work for Barack Obama's campaign helped push Caroline Kennedy towards a career in politics, the Senate hopeful tells the AP. Kennedy credited her mother with giving her the courage to seek the job, and said she hopes she will be able...

Send Princess Caroline to DC
 to DC 

Send Princess Caroline to DC

Senate seat the perfect ending to her 'fairy tale'

(Newser) - Sure, you can make a case against it, but Caroline Kennedy becoming a senator would be the perfect ending to a "modern fairy tale," Ruth Marcus writes in the Washington Post. Putting aside her tendency to "recoil from political dynasties," Marcus points out that there are...

Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'
Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'

Obama Should Beware 'Best and Brightest'

A la JFK's Cabinet, too often masks poor judgment, inexperience

(Newser) - Barack Obama has won praise for appointing “the best and the brightest” to his Cabinet during a time of war and economic hardship. But all the back-patting sounds a little too familiar, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. “The stewards of the Vietnam fiasco had pedigrees...

Meet 'Renegade,' 'Rosebud,' 'Radiance,' 'Renaissance'

Secret Service will use 'R' names for First Family

(Newser) - John McCain called himself a “maverick,” but the Secret Service has dubbed Barack Obama the real “Renegade," according to the Chicago Tribune. In keeping with tradition that’s been around since Harry Truman (“General”), the agency has given the president-elect’s family corresponding alliterative...

At White House, Youth Will Be Served

Obamas must shelter girls from negatives, capitalize on positives on time in spotlight

(Newser) - Malia and Sasha Obama will be the youngest residents of the White House since 1977, and it will be a major responsibility for their parents to keep the spotlight from burning them, experts tell Newsday's parenting columnist. Today's 24/7 news cycle and the Obamas' status as the nation's first black...

White Obama Support Defies Doubters
 White Obama Support 
 Defies Doubters 


White Obama Support Defies Doubters

44% of white voters swing to Obama

(Newser) - A minority of white voters—44%—are now supporting Barack Obama, but he trails by less than previous Democratic presidential candidates, reports the New York Times, including Bill Clinton. Both the impact of racial attitudes and the proportion of white voters in the electorate have diminished, analysts say. In a...

10 Senate Races to Watch
 10 Senate Races to Watch 

10 Senate Races to Watch

Dems could pick up 8 seats; GOP could oust Landrieu in La.

(Newser) - With 35 Senate seats up for grabs Tuesday, Chris Cillizza, in the Washington Post, predicts Democrats will flip eight. Two more are close calls for the Dems, while the GOP has one hope for a pickup. Starting with the most likely:
  1. Virginia is in the bag for Mark Warner; he

Running for Prez? How's Your Health?
Running for Prez? How's Your Health?

Running for Prez? How's Your Health?

Unlike JFK, Mac and Obama must reveal medical woes

(Newser) - John F. Kennedy, the standard-bearer of youthful Camelot and the picture of presidential health, suffered from a litany of ailments including osteoporosis, back pain, and Addison’s disease, Robert Dallek writes in the New York Times. But the president’s loyalists buried the secrets for 40 years, prompting Dallek to...

Jackie's Charm Sparked US Visit by Mona Lisa

First lady persuaded French to loan painting, boost our culture

(Newser) - Jackie Kennedy executed a diplomatic coup in 1962, when she convinced the smitten French culture minister to send the Mona Lisa on a perilous journey. The painting's visit to the US—"then regarded as a country with hardly any culture at all," in the words of one historian—...

Kennedy Crafts Proposal for Paid National Service 'Army'

Bill would recruit 175,000 workers

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Kennedy has crafted a sweeping national service bill, to be introduced today, that would recruit 175,000 citizens of all ages to work in health, education, environmental protection and anti-poverty programs—with their pay partially subsidized by the government. The plan would provide $5 billion over five years...

A Kennedy Finds Her Political Calling

Caroline's role in the Obama campaign is a serious 'coming out'

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign has spurred John F. Kennedy's only surviving child to step into the political spotlight, and not just as window dressing, the Wall Street Journal reports. As co-chair of the candidate's vice-presidential search committee, she is a serious vetter, and she's becoming a major draw on the campaign...

Reagan Was a Berliner, Too, Son Reminds

Hurrying Wall's demise worth monument in city full of JFK iconography

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan's son Michael is pushing Berlin to erect a monument to his dad. "He was able to bring together people who ultimately brought down the Berlin Wall," the right-wing talk-show host tells Der Spiegel during a trip to the German capital—home to numerous JFK tributes—to...

Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him
Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him

Obama Just Wants Evangelicals Not to Fear Him

Reassuring those unlikely to vote for him will cool opposition, could win over undecideds

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s plan to cut the Democrats' evangelical deficit (68%-30% in 2000, 78-21% in '04)? Convince the religious right he’s not the devil. That’s a “radically different” course from the one taken by John Kerry and Al Gore, what Jeff Greenfield, on Slate, calls a “...

Caroline's Support of Obama Wise Move for the Kennedys

The partnership may serve her family even better than Obama

(Newser) - No doubt the endorsements of Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and her uncle were a major boon for Barack Obama, but Michelle Cottle writes in the New Republic that the union may have been “an even shrewder move” for Caroline. JFK's daughter, long the “anthologist of family memories,” has...

McCain Dares Obama to 10 Informal Debates

Face-to-face showdowns could echo Lincoln-Douglas, Obama adviser suggests

(Newser) - John McCain challenged Barack Obama today to fight mano a mano in a series of 10 intimate town-hall meetings between now and the Democratic primary in late August. The Republican's invitation, delivered in a speech and said to be modeled on a proposed Kennedy-Goldwater series, would be “free from...

JFK Negotiated (and Got His Butt Kicked)
 JFK Negotiated
 (and Got His
 Butt Kicked) 

JFK Negotiated (and Got His Butt Kicked)

1961 summit with Khrushchev holds lessons for Obama

(Newser) - On the campaign trail, Barack Obama often invokes a JFK maxim—"Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate"—to back up his commitment to talk to America's enemies. But in a Times op-ed, two writers observe that Kennedy learned a tough...

The Youngest Brother Is His Own Man
The Youngest Brother Is
His Own Man

The Youngest Brother Is His Own Man

Yes, he's a Kennedy, but Ted is loved for effectiveness, not flash

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy's malignant brain tumor adds yet another chapter to the tragic epic of the Kennedy clan, Robert Kaiser writes in the Washington Post. The youngest of Joe Kennedy's sons got a huge boost from his older brothers when he entered politics, Kaiser notes, but he built his legacy of...

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08
 Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08 

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08

Obama vs. McCain recalls race that never happened in '64

(Newser) - The coming Obama/McCain matchup is an echo of another presidential bout, David Talbot writes for Salon—one that never happened between JFK and Barry Goldwater in 1964. Then as now, a young idealist takes on a seasoned ex-soldier over negotiation with hostile governments, to debate a fundamental question of whether...

Like Lincoln and JFK, Obama Is on a New Channel
Like Lincoln and JFK, Obama Is on a New Channel

Like Lincoln and JFK, Obama Is on a New Channel

But 'fickle' Internet could 'stall his agenda as president'

(Newser) - Lincoln, FDR, JFK... Obama? So runs the line of US leaders who have ruled by harnessing new communication technologies. Obama's mastery of the Web echoes Lincoln's use of newspapers, FDR's use of radio and JFK's use of television. Obama vows to put the Oval Office online if he wins, but...

Dowd to Obama: Don't Blow Off W. Va. Loss
Dowd to Obama: Don't Blow Off
W. Va. Loss

Dowd to Obama: Don't Blow Off W. Va. Loss

Gotta fight for these voters before bias is 'set in concrete'

(Newser) - Barack Obama may have the nomination all but wrapped up, but that doesn’t mean his electoral problems are over, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times—and feigning indifference that the Mountain State gave him a raspberry last night isn't a winning strategy. If Obama wants to capture...

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