election fraud

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Afghan Runoff Set for Nov. 7
 Afghan Runoff Set for Nov. 7 

Afghan Runoff Set for Nov. 7

Karzai accepts results of UN-backed recount

(Newser) - Afghanistan's election commission has ordered a runoff election for Nov. 7 after a fraud investigation dropped President Hamid Karzai's votes below 50% of the total. Karzai accepted the fraud panel finding in a press conference and endorsed a runoff election. The Independent Election Commission said it did not want to...

Karzai Working on Deals With Challengers

Power-sharing agreement may be in the works

(Newser) - The Afghanistan election has turned into such a mess that President Hamid Karzai is discussing some kind of partnership with at least two of his challengers, the Wall Street Journal reports. His camp and that of top challenger Abdullah Abdullah are talking through third parties, while Karzai also has reached...

Afghans Stock Up on Guns After Disputed Election

Political turmoil sends 'Kalashnikov Index' soaring

(Newser) - The price of a smuggled Kalashnikov assault rifle in Afghanistan has more than doubled in recent weeks amid rising political turbulence, Time reports. Last month's election is widely believed to have been rigged in favor of President Hamid Karzai, and many fear challenger Abdullah Abdullah and the warlords he represents...

Afghan Fraud Panel Tosses Votes From 83 Stations

(Newser) - The UN-backed commission investigating fraud in Afghanistan's presidential election has thrown out ballots from 83 polling stations across the country, all of them in areas with strong support for President Hamid Karzai. The president currently has more than 50% of the preliminary count. But if the commission throws out enough...

Karzai Team Forged All 24K Ballots in 1 District: Charge

Afghan president's campaign allegedly detained tribal leader, closed polls

(Newser) - Tribal leaders in southern Afghanistan make the strongest allegations yet of ballot fraud, telling Dexter Filkins of the New York Times that in their district, "Hamid Karzai's people stuffed all the ballot boxes." Members of the Bariz tribe, who endorsed challenger Abdullah Abdullah, say aides to Karzai's brother—...

Fraud Accusations Double in Afghan Election

Karzai's opponents accuse him of stuffing ballot boxes

(Newser) - When a Kabul school teacher arrived at 6am at an election station he was supposed to run, he found the ballot boxes already full. When he protested, the local tribal chieftain’s men took him away. His is just one of 550 serious fraud accusations that Afghan election officials are...

US Envoy Gets Hot With Karzai Over Fraud

Source says Holbrooke meeting with Afghan prez was 'explosive,' 'dramatic bust-up'

(Newser) - The top US envoy to Afghanistan held an “explosive” meeting with President Hamid Karzai last week, sources tell the BBC, with the “dramatic bust-up” focused on reports of election fraud. The meeting was held a day after the Aug. 20 election, before any results were released, but Richard...

Under Pressure, Afghans Pledge Results Within Day

(Newser) - With the leading opposition candidate further hinting at election fraud, and international observers not exactly disagreeing, officials in Afghanistan say they’ll release preliminary results tomorrow from last week’s voting. But even that could raise tensions, the Los Angeles Times reports, as Abdullah Abdullah claims there’s no way...

Karzai Stole Afghanistan Election: Rival

With early vote count due Tuesday, Abdullah alleges fraud

(Newser) - Abdullah Abdullah, Hamid Karzai’s strongest political rival in the Afghan presidential race, is charging his opponent with engineering widespread voter fraud in the southern and eastern regions, the Guardian reports. A watchdog group controlled by international officials, which says the official election commission is controlled by Karzai supporters, has...

'Indelible' Ink Washes Off, Afghan Candidates Charge

(Newser) - The supposedly indelible ink used to mark voters' fingers in today's Afghanistan election rubs off easily with household detergent, raising fears of widespread ballot fraud. Campaigners for Abdullah Abdullah, the main opposition candidate, found they could remove the ink with minimal effort, and a Guardian journalist scrubbed his finger clean...

Clinton Pushed Obama for Tougher Stance on Iran

President decided last-minute to use 'appalled and outraged' language

(Newser) - When President Obama recently toughened his language against the Iranian government, saying he was “appalled and outraged” at its violence against demonstrators, it came as a “happy surprise” to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, administration officials tell the Washington Times. Clinton had been pushing for a tougher stance...

Silver: How Do You Rig 11M Votes? Easily
Silver: How Do You Rig
11M Votes? Easily

Silver: How Do You Rig 11M Votes? Easily

Ayatollah's argument against the possibility of vote fraud doesn't hold water

(Newser) - Nate Silver has a bone to pick with the ayatollah. In his attempt yesterday to quash claims of voter fraud, Ali Khamenei asserted that President Ahmadinejad had won by 11 million votes. "How can one rig 11 million votes?" he asked. That's faulty logic, cries Silver on FiveThirtyEight.com....

Karzai Agrees to Postpone Elections Until August

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai has accepted the recommendation of an independent election commission and will delay the country’s national elections until August out of concern for security and fairness, the Washington Post reports. Karzai's term expires in May, and what will happen in the interim between then and August...

Ohio Vote Fraud Probe Uncovers Single Case

Allegations of widespread Cincinatti-area fraud prove unfounded

(Newser) - An investigation into allegations of widespread voter fraud in Ohio's Hamilton County last fall found just one case, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer. A county prosecutor—and local chairman of John McCain's campaign—had demanded 600 votes be examined. The only fraudulent vote was cast by a Connecticut man who turned...

Liberal Group Files Fake Voter Forms

ACORN under scrutiny in several states; used names of the dead

(Newser) - Authorities have discovered more than 2,000 phony registration forms filled in by a liberal activist group in an Indiana county, CNN reports. The forms from ACORN—already being probed for alleged fraud in Nevada and Missouri—included the names of dead people and sandwich shop Jimmy Johns. A lawyer...

5 Killed in Mongolian Election Riots

Protesters clash with police, burn government buildings

(Newser) - Five people died and hundreds were injured in rioting yesterday against election results in the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator, reports the BBC. Hordes of angry protesters supporting the opposition party took to the streets yesterday after victory was declared for the ruling party. Its headquarters and other government buildings...

African Union Pushes Unity Government in Zimbabwe

Move a rare shot at Mugabe by leaders

(Newser) - The African Union adopted a resolution today calling for President Robert Mugabe to begin negotiations with the Zimbabwean opposition on forming a unity government, Reuters reports. The action marks the first time the AU has censured Mugabe, who once enjoyed a strong reputation as Zimbabwe’s liberator, for his undemocratic...

Tsvangirai: Save Yourselves, Vote Mugabe

Sham election gets underway today

(Newser) - As Zimbabwe's sham run-off election for president began to get underway, even opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai urged supporters to vote for Robert Mugabe to save themselves from the violent intimidation orchestrated by the government, the Guardian reports. Mugabe's militia has conducted a terror campaign of murder, abduction, imprisonment and rape...

Election Is On: Mugabe
 Election Is On: Mugabe 

Election Is On: Mugabe

International condemnation falls on deaf ears

(Newser) - Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s party maintains that tomorrow’s runoff election will go ahead as planned, despite international condemnation and the withdrawal of the opposition candidate, the New York Times reports. Former challenger Morgan Tsvangirai insists he wants negotiations between the two parties instead of polling. The president has...

Zimbabwe's Opposition Pleads for Help

Leader tells UN that Mugabe's troops are 'terrorizing people'

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's opposition begged world leaders today for protection from post-election violence, Reuters reports. Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai said troops were "terrorizing people" and creating "a very serious humanitarian situation" in Zimbabwe, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said. Tsvangirai also told Ban that African leaders had failed to intervene after...

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