
Stories 1901 - 1911 | << Prev 

Gunmen Ambush Sadr City Mayor
Gunmen Ambush Sadr City Mayor

Gunmen Ambush Sadr City Mayor

Target was key figure in U.S. efforts to disarm militia, create jobs

(Newser) - The mayor of Sadr City was wounded and his police chief killed in an ambush yesterday, creating new challenges for the U.S. military effort to bring security to the Shiite stronghold and rein in the Mahdi Army. The mayor, Rahim al-Daraji, has been a key figure in negotiating with...

British Torture Trial Backfires
British Torture
Trial Backfires

British Torture Trial Backfires

Acquittal in case that mirrors Abu Ghraib sparks public outrage

(Newser) - The prosecution of a group of British soldiers for mistreating Iraqi detainees—one of whom died under questioning—has backfired on the British government. Four soldiers have been acquitted of various crimes after a three-year investigation. Now the knives are out for leading members of the British government over the...

Pace: Homosexuality Is &quot;Immoral&quot;
Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

Pace: Homosexuality Is "Immoral"

(Newser) - "Don't ask, don't tell" works fine for Gen. Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because "homosexual acts are immoral" and should not be condoned any more than adultery within the ranks. Pace defended the Pentagon's current policy on gays to the Chicago Tribune, opposing proposed...

Pentagon Exit Strategy Relies on Advisers

Hopes for surge waning, DoD plans to replace troops with teams of advisers

(Newser) - Pentagon top brass preparing an exit strategy for Iraq should the troop surge fail are following the outlines set by the Iraq Study Group, using a small team of military advisers to replace troops as they stand down. It mirrors the strategy the military used in El Salvador in the...

Militants Burn Houses in Mixed Areas

New tactic forces out Iraqis who don't endorse radical agenda

(Newser) - Sunni extremists burned houses in a mixed city 60 miles from Baghdad over the weekend, a new tactic in the campaign to drive out citizens who don't support a sectarian agenda. Attackers burned as many as 100 homes, both Sunni and Shiite, in an apparent effort to destroy mixed neighborhoods...

Bickering Among Agencies Undermines Iraq Rebuilding

State fights Commerce over how to win peace

(Newser) - Squabbles among agencies in the Bush administration have wasted countless hours and undermined initiatives to stabilize Iraq, the Post reports. The White House wants the whole cabinet involved, but State shuns other departments' initiatives. One battle between State and Commerce, over a proposal to end food rations, became so bitter...

King of Jordan Chides Congress for Coddling Israel

(Newser) - The U.S. must lead negotiations to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict, King Abdullah II of Jordan told a joint session of Congress yesterday. Abdullah chided the U.S. for favoring Israel, saying Palestinians question "whether the West really means what it says about equality and respect and universal justice....

Chalabi Rides Surge Back Into Office

The divisive Iraqi politician will build public backing for security push

(Newser) - Ahmed Chalabi, the former U.S. darling and deputy prime minister spurned by Iraqi voters in the 2005 elections, is back in office. He won a post created as a buffer between residents and the troops pouring into Baghdad for the new security push. Chalabi's new role involves organizing reimbursement...

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Deal to Divide Oil Revenues

Every region would get a share of profits based on population

(Newser) - The Iraqi cabinet approved a law yesterday spelling out how revenue from the country's petroleum reserves will be doled out to provinces: based on population. The deal, which must be approved by the parliament, eases Sunni fears about being cut out of wealth generated by oil reserves in Shiite areas.

Why Can't the Media Cheer Up?
Why Can't
the Media
Cheer Up? 

Why Can't the Media Cheer Up?

First Lady talks to Larry King about the war, and a dour media

(Newser) - Her mission was to talk about women and heart disease. But Laura Bush couldn't help telling Larry King how she really felt about the media portrayal of her husband's war in Iraq. "Many parts of Iraq are stable now," the First Lady told King. "But, of course,...

Bombers Strike Baghdad Booksellers
Bombers Strike Baghdad Booksellers

Bombers Strike Baghdad Booksellers

Insurgents hit heart of the Iraqi intellectual scene

(Newser) - A noon car-bomb blast ravaged Baghdad's historic book market, killing dozens of people and wounding over 100. The bomb destroyed many shops, including the venerable Shahbandar cafe, a popular haven for writers. Poet Abdul Baqi Faidhullah said, "Those who did this are like savage machines intent on harvesting souls...

Stories 1901 - 1911 | << Prev 
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