
Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>

Bush to Back Troop Cuts
Bush to Back Troop Cuts

Bush to Back Troop Cuts

His speech will add caveats to top general's plan, caution against quick pullout

(Newser) - Bush will back his top general by pulling 30,000 troops out of Iraq by next summer, the AP reports. But he will condition all cuts on future progress when he gives his speech to the nation this week. He will also echo cautions by Petraeus and Crocker against a...

General Walks the Party Line
General Walks the Party Line

General Walks the Party Line

Petraeus as concerned with selling the war as winning it, say analysts

(Newser) - General Petraeus appeared to be a mouthpiece for the White House in testimony that had no surprises and left many questions unanswered when he recommended no significant troop draw down from Iraq at least until summer, several analysts agree. Though he presented himself as just a soldier presenting facts, Petraeus...

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets
Rumsfeld Says He Has
No Regrets

Rumsfeld Says He Has No Regrets

Ex-defense secretary sleeps just fine, thank you; still backs Bush

(Newser) - Ever unflappable, Donald Rumsfeld praises progress in Afghanistan, backs his old boss, and tells GQ he has nothing to apologize for in his first interview since his ouster in December. Rummy still exudes the confidence he was known for in office, dismissing questions of guilt in Iraq, saying, "I...

Hunt Oil Signs Kurdish Deal, Slights Baghdad

Company will explore in northern Iraq without central approval

(Newser) - Dallas-based Hunt Oil  has signed a deal to prospect for oil in in the northern Iraqi region of Kurdistan. Hunt is the latest of several small oil companies bypassing Baghdad to deal directly with regional authorities, underscoring Kurdistan's increasing independence from the Iraqi central government, which has been unable to...

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed
Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Also, 60% say attacks against US forces are justified

(Newser) - Seventy percent of Iraqis say that the troop surge has made things worse, and 60% say attacks against US troops are justified, according to a new poll. The mood may be the most negative since the 2003 invasion. "I think that's a damning critique and an indication of the...

Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months
Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months

Petraeus: Give Me Six More Months

Wants Congress to postpone decision on bringing troops home

(Newser) - The commander of US forces in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, wants to postpone a decision to significantly reduce troop levels there for another six months, reports the New York Times. The general, who is scheduled to begin testimony before Congress today, has told the president he is willing to withdraw...

Billions in US Funds Missing in Iraq

$9B lost to fraud and mismanagement by coalition authority

(Newser) - Following the invasion of Iraq, the US shipped $12 billion in “walking-around” money to Iraq's transitional government, the American-led Coalition Provisional Authority. An astonishing $9 billion has gone missing. Funds "entered a free-for-all where anyone with fingers could take it" as the "Coalition of the Willing turned...

Bush to Address Nation on Iraq Strategy

Promises to 'lay out a vision' after Petraeus releases his report

(Newser) - President Bush will take his case for the unpopular Iraq war directly to the American people in a televised address Thursday. Bush vowed to “lay out a vision” following Monday’s report from Gen. David Petraeus, and asked Congress for patience. That virtue is scarce, however, with Senate Majority...

Petraeus Bemoans Iraq's Political Progress

Proposes second report in March

(Newser) - Writing to US troops in a preview of his report to Congress next week, Gen. David Petraeus said political progress in Iraq has not matched the aspirations the US had hoped to attain with the surge. But he was quick to stress decreasing violence on the ground, the Washington Post ...

Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts
Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts

Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts

Upcoming report to Congress will have details

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus will recommend holding troop levels in Iraq at the current level into  next year, but will offer to pull back one brigade, in a bow to congressional impatience, beginning in January, sources tell the New York Times. In his report to Congress next week, Petraeus will also...

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate
Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Giuliani challenged on fractured family, Romney on Iraq

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani came under a barrage of criticism from rivals and residents at the New Hampshire Republican debate last night. Attacks on Romney focused on his missteps on Iraq, and criticism of Giuliani centered on his personal life, reports Chris Cillizza of the Washington ...

Dems Willing to Deal on Troop Pullout

They're easing off deadline after some surge progress

(Newser) - Senate Democrats are signaling they are willing to compromise with Republicans on a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq. The Democrats, who pushed before the summer recess for a pullout deadline next spring, have been undercut by some progress in Iraq and the success of the White House in maintaining...

Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal
Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal

Aussie Boss Wins US Military Deal

Technology pact revealed as prime minister vows to stay in Iraq

(Newser) - Shortly before announcing that Australia would not withdraw its 500 troops from Iraq, Prime Minister John Howard struck a defense deal with President Bush giving his nation the same preferential status as the UK when purchasing US military technology. The deal “will remove layers of bureaucracy for defense industries...

Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report
Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report

Dems Seize on Ugly Iraq Report

GAO says 11 of 18 benchmarks unmet; majority prepares to push Bush

(Newser) - Harry Reid and the majority Democrats burst out of the vacation gates today with a damning Iraq scorecard, beating the policy-change drum a day after President Bush cited improvement while visiting Iraq, and ahead of Gen. David Petraeus’ supposedly positive surge report. The GAO report concluded Iraq had failed to...

Winners of the Iraq War: The Scots
Winners of
the Iraq War:
The Scots

Winners of the Iraq War: The Scots

Independence party finally scored by opposing war

(Newser) - When Scotland’s separatists became the first party to wrest control of the Scottish Parliament from Labour last May, it was due to a surge of anti-Iraq-war sentiment as much as pro-independence fervor. But the  Scottish National Party has proved adept at governing, the New Republic notes, making small popular...

'Chemical Ali' Will Hang
'Chemical Ali' Will Hang

'Chemical Ali' Will Hang

Court confirms death sentence for genocide and crimes against humanity

(Newser) - An Iraqi court confirmed a death sentence today for "Chemical Ali," who was condemned to hang in June for genocide and crimes against humanity. Ali Hassan al-Majid and two other top lieutenants to Saddam Hussein were found guilty of the killing of thousands of Kurds in the Anfal...

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty
Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Condi Now: The Cost of Loyalty

Hard-headed realist drank the Kool Aid

(Newser) - The bond between Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President Bush is her chief asset—and a critical weakness—according to an analysis in the Washington Post. Both have been changed by the relationship; he from a foreign policy novice to veteran, and she, perhaps more profoundly, from a hard-headed...

British Troops Pull Out Of Basra
British Troops Pull Out Of Basra

British Troops Pull Out Of Basra

UK ready to hand over city to Iraq army

(Newser) - British troops yesterday began pulling out of the center of Basra as they prepared to hand over control of the southern port city to the Iraqi army. A small UK force of about 500, which had been headquartered in Saddam Hussein's former palace, moved to Basra's airport, reports the Guardian....

Bush Drops In on Iraq
Bush Drops
In on Iraq

Bush Drops In on Iraq

Prez makes surprise trip to Baghdad, will meet with Maliki, generals

(Newser) - President Bush landed today in Anbar Province, just west of Baghdad, for a surprise trip in advance of the September 15 status briefing on Iraq. Bush will meet with President Nouri al-Maliki, local officials and US generals including David Petraeus, CNN reports. The president was on his way to a...

Top Military Brits Bash US
Top Military Brits Bash US

Top Military Brits Bash US

Iraq strategy called 'bankrupt,’ Rumsfeld roasted

(Newser) - Two British officers instrumental to the country’s role in Iraq have lambasted the US strategy there, with one calling the policies “fatally flawed.” The chief of post-war planning and the head of the army during the 2003 invasion took their criticisms to the press this weekend as...

Stories 1621 - 1640 | << Prev   Next >>