attack ad

Stories 61 - 73 | << Prev 

MoveOn Axes Big-Money Fundraising Arm

MoveOn folds 527 group to match Obama's pledge

(Newser) - One day after Barack Obama became the first candidate since Watergate to reject general election public financing, a prominent liberal grassroots group has disbanded its 527 operation. "We, like Senator Obama, believe that this election can be won by ordinary Americans giving small donations,” MoveOn said in a...

'Swift Boating' Fears for Obama May Be Premature

Third-party groups aren't appearing on the horizon

(Newser) - Democrats fretting over a reprise of the swift boating that marked the 2004 campaign may be hearing false alarms, Politico reports. Third-party organizations, aka 527 groups, have thus far been unable to drum up enough opposition to Barack Obama to fund an offensive. It's early yet, but antagonists like T....

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash
 Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash 

Clinton Ads Fire Up Gas Clash

Indiana commercial targets Obama's take on gas tax holiday

(Newser) - Congress killed hopes of a “gas tax holiday,” but that won't stop Hillary Clinton from running on it. Her camp issued its second Indiana TV ad today blasting Barack Obama’s opposition to the measure, Talking Points Memo reports. Obama responded to her first ad by saying the...

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain
Dems Launch $40M Assault
on McCain

Dems Launch $40M Assault on McCain

Group headed by David Brock revs up attack machine

(Newser) - David Brock, the once-right-wing journalist who led an assault on Bill Clinton in the early '90s, is taking the lead in a Democratic attack campaign against John McCain, Politico reports. The Brock-helmed group Progressive Media USA is planning a $40-million media blitz aimed at McCain; the group currently has $7....

Ex-Gov. Helps Obama Sling Mississippi Mud

Mabus deplores divisiveness, Clinton's 'derogatory' statements

(Newser) - A Barack Obama radio ad airing in Mississippi ahead of Tuesday’s primary features the ex-governor arguing that Hillary Clinton looks down on the state, CNN reports. Entitled “Respect,” the ad refers to remarks Clinton made about a lack of elected female officials in Iowa, when she said,...

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'
Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Hillary slams Obama over health care claim

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama today over a campaign mailer that she called “right out of Karl Rove’s play book.” “Shame on you, Barack Obama,” she said, brandishing a flier—which she says falsely accuses her of wanting to force people to buy health insurance....

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.
Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Primary shapes up as test of momentum

(Newser) - Tomorrow's primary in Wisconsin won’t decide the Democratic nomination, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fighting tooth and nail anyway, Politico reports, airing their first negative ads of the campaign and taking shots at each other through aides. At stake is momentum: Obama doesn’t want to break...

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash
Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Many rank-and-filers are rethinking the Clintons

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are facing backlash for their aggressive tone toward Barack Obama, as the former First Couple stands accused of conduct unbecoming of party leaders. As the Clinton campaign harps on discredited charges, the Washington Post writes, many neutral Democrats worry the harshness might hurt in the general...

Rivals Don't Hide Scorn for Mitt
Rivals Don't Hide Scorn for Mitt

Rivals Don't Hide Scorn for Mitt

Dislike is palpable in competing GOP campaigns

(Newser) - If the primary season were a popularity contest, Mitt Romney would have retired long ago. He’s the least liked among the Republican presidential candidates, fielding ugly insults from rivals angry about perceived attack ads, policy pandering, and endlessly deep pockets. The New York Times was unsurprised that unloved Romney...

Right-Wing MoveOn Rival Raises $250M

Bush allies launch advocacy arm to target 2008 races

(Newser) - A new political advocacy group pitching itself as a right-wing answer to MoveOn is mobilizing to spend $250 million to support candidates in 2008, more than twice the figure spent by the largest liberal group in 2004. Freedoms Watch's principals are two former Bush officials, Talking Points Memo reports, and...

Clinton On Offense Against Obama Surge

Will push 'action over talk' message, but won't do negative ads

(Newser) - With late polls showing Barack Obama opening up a sizeable lead in New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton shook up her campaign yesterday, setting a more aggressive course and drafting the new message herself, the Washington Post reports. The campaign will hammer home an action vs. rhetoric theme, but won't roll out...

As NH Blitz Begins, So Do Attack Ads

Outside groups rev up negative flyers, phone calls

(Newser) - Round two looks nastier already. As the presidential candidates swarm New Hampshire, a more aggressive wave of attack ads—from outside groups and the candidates themselves—is evident, the Washington Post reports. Labor and teacher unions, along with anti-tax and pro-life groups, have spent $4 million in recent months on...

Axed Huck Ad Highlights Rollins Role

Will minister Mike be tarnished by his new attack-dog adviser?

(Newser) - One's a former minister who's taken the high ground in countering attacks from a better-financed rival; the other's a veteran political brawler who never saw a negative ad he didn't like. The Washington Post looks at the unlikely alliance of Mike Huckabee and Ed Rollins that resulted in the candidate's...

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