Bhutto assassination

20 Stories

Pakistan Charges Musharraf in Bhutto Slaying

Former president indicted on murder, other charges

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf was indicted today on murder charges connected to Benazir Bhutto's 2007 assassination , the AP reports. Musharraf, who pleaded not guilty, appeared in person after failing to show up to the originally scheduled indictment earlier this month. The prosecutor says he was charged with murder, conspiracy to commit...

Musharraf a No-Show at His Own Indictment

Authorities cite security concerns, but maybe a deal is in the works?

(Newser) - A seemingly ironic twist for Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan today: The former leader was supposed to be indicted on charges that his government did nothing to prevent the assassination of Benazir Bhutto in 2007. But Musharraf couldn't show up in court because of death threats against him, reports Reuters...

Bhutto's Son Launches Own Political Career

Bilawal gives rousing speech in Pakistan

(Newser) - Five years to the day of Benazir Bhutto's assassination , her only son arrived on the political scene in Pakistan, reports AFP . Bilawal Bhutto Zardari gave what the AP calls a "fiery" political speech, his first. "How ever many Bhuttos you kill, more Bhuttos will emerge from every...

Pakistan Court: Find Musharraf

Courts issue second arrest warrant in Bhutto slaying

(Newser) - A prosecutor says a court has told Pakistani authorities to trace the address of former military ruler Pervez Musharraf to arrest him in connection with the Benazir Bhutto assassination. Musharraf left Pakistan for London after quitting the presidency in 2008. Prosecutors allege Musharraf was part of the conspiracy to kill...

Pakistan Issues Warrant for Musharraf in Bhutto Slaying

'Accused' of not providing adequate security

(Newser) - Three years after the assassination of Benazir Bhutto sent Pakistan reeling, a judge has issued an arrest warrant for former President Pervez Musharraf, naming him as an "accused" in her death, reports the BBC. Musharraf stands accused of not providing adequate security for Bhutto; two senior cops told investigators...

Pakistani Governor Killed by Own Guard

Assassination likely to deepen country's turmoil

(Newser) - A key Pakistani governor was gunned down by his own bodyguard today in Islamabad, in the biggest assassination the violence-wracked country has endured since Benazir Bhutto's slaying three years ago. Salman Taseer, Punjab province's governor and a key ally of President Asif Ali Zardari, was gunned down as he got...

Pakistan Now Owns War on Terror: Zardari

Blames corruption charges on political enemies

(Newser) - On the anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, it is necessary to reflect on “how her legacy must be preserved against those who would return Pakistan to darkness,” writes the husband of the former prime minister, President Asif Ali Zardari. Zardari claims victory over militants in Swat, and...

Pakistan Mourns Bhutto on Anniversary of Slaying

Government calls for UN to probe former PM's assasssination

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of Pakistanis have traveled to Benazir Bhutto's hometowm to mark the first anniversary of her assassination, Reuters reports. The former prime minister was killed in a gun and bomb attack at an election rally a year ago today. Many questions still surround the killing and the country's...

Two Admit Helping Bhutto Assassin
Two Admit Helping Bhutto Assassin

Two Admit Helping Bhutto Assassin

Men say they provided suicide bomber with explosive jacket in Dec. 27 attack

(Newser) - Two men confessed today to helping the man who killed Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, providing a house, gun, and explosive jacket to the suicide bomber at the center of the Dec. 27 attack. The suspects were arrested last Thursday in Rawalpindi, reports CNN. Investigators say that they are making...

Pakistan Busts 2 More in Bhutto Hit

Arrests come as nation ends mourning period

(Newser) - Pakistani authorities have charged two alleged terrorists with participating in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, reports AFP. The two men are from Rawalpindi, where the former PM was killed in December. "Their tentacles are from the tribal region and Baitullah Mehsud," said a senior official, referring to the...

Bhutto Warned of Her Murder by Osama's Son

Names 4 hit squads in chilling posthumous autobiography

(Newser) - Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was told that four suicide bomb squads had been sent to kill her—and names Hamza bin Laden, son of Osama, as the leader of one, the slain leader says in an eerie, posthumously published autobiography. Bhutto's claim appears to bolster intelligence reports that...

2 More Busted in Bhutto Slaying
2 More Busted in Bhutto Slaying

2 More Busted in Bhutto Slaying

One man spotted in front of slain leader's vehicle

(Newser) - Two more men suspected of involvement in former prime minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination were arrested yesterday, the Los Angeles Times reports, based on information from an investigator. One of the men appears to be visible in video footage of the attack, standing in front of Bhutto’s vehicle. On...

Countrywomen Rate Bhutto's Feminist Legacy

Ex-PM advanced women's rights; but not as much as hoped

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto wasn't always a staunch defender of women's rights, but for Pakistani women the fight for gender equality is a lot tougher now that she's gone. Bhutto may have jump-started women's health care and job programs, but she missed opportunities to repeal harsh anti-egalitarian laws—failures her defenders chalk...

Musharraf Says He'd Consider Stepping Down

'On the day people don't want me, I will leave,' he tells Der Spiegel

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf will consider resigning if his public approval continues to erode, Der Spiegel reports in a wide-ranging interview to be published tomorrow. "On the day I think the people, the majority, don't want me anymore and the day I have no contribution to make to this country, I...

Policeman: Sudden Crowd Stopped Bhutto's Car

New reports deepen mystery around assassination

(Newser) - New reports on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto point to the killing being a well-organized plot and suggest Musharraf's government knows more than it claims, McClatchy reports. A police witness says a crowd that appeared to be Bhutto supporters surged into the road and stopped her car. When she emerged...

Bhutto's Death Her Own Fault: Musharraf

'It was she to blame alone—nobody else,' tells '60 Minutes'

(Newser) - Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has absolved his own government—and everyone else—of culpability in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, telling "60 Minutes" that she alone was to blame for her death. "For standing up outside the car, I think it was she to blame alone—nobody else....

Outdated Parade Cover Bares Bhutto's Death Fears

Chilling interview before her assassination

(Newser) - "Is Benazir Bhutto America's best hope against al-Qaeda?" asks the front page of this week's Parade magazine. The issue, which features an interview with the soon-to-be-assassinated Pakistani leader, went to press almost a week before Bhutto was killed. Faced with the choice of running the issue with the outdated...

Scotland Yard Team Begins Pakistan Probe

Brits arrive to help investigation of Bhutto assassination

(Newser) - Investigators from Scotland Yard arrived in Pakistan today to assist with the government's investigation of Benazir Bhutto's assassination. Pervez Musharraf invited the team to lend credibility to the investigation and help put to rest what the president called "conspiracy theories," but critics remain skeptical about what the Brits...

Friend Tracks Bhutto's Final Trip Home
Friend Tracks Bhutto's Final Trip Home

Friend Tracks Bhutto's Final Trip Home

Ex- Newsweek editor found joy, horror in e-mail from Pakistan

(Newser) - In her last e-mail to Benazir Bhutto, Linda Bird Francke asked: "Are you sure you want to be Prime Minister?" The former Newsweek editor, who helped Bhutto write her 1989 memoir "Daughter of Destiny," never did get a straight answer before her friend was assassinated Dec. 27....

Pakistan Delays Vote to Feb. 18 After Violence

Musharraf asks London police for help in Bhutto assassination probe

(Newser) - On the day Pakistan announced it had rescheduled parliamentary elections for Feb. 18 in the wake of Benazir Bhutto's assassination, President Pervez Musharraf has asked Scotland Yard to "solve all the confusion" surrounding her death, CNN reports. The country's election commission said the wave of violence after Bhutto's assassination...

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