
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Steve Jobs: A Legacy Like No Other
Steve Jobs: 
 A Legacy 
 Like No Other 

Steve Jobs: A Legacy Like No Other

His heirs may struggle as technology moves forward

(Newser) - Steve Jobs wasn't the Thomas Edison or Henry Ford of his time, but some future American business visionary may be known as the Steve Jobs of his time, writes Michael Hiltzik. Jobs—a "master of bare-knuckled business strategies from the old school"—wasn't known as an...

Newest Netflix Competitor: Walmart

Vudu now website

(Newser) - Netflix has a new competitor, and it's a behemoth: Walmart. The world's biggest retailer added Vudu, a movie streaming service it bought 18 months ago, to its site yesterday. Walmart now offers 20,000 titles to rent for $1 to $5.99, or to buy for $4.99...

Apple Ready to Launch Cloud Music Storage for iTunes: Reuters Report
Apple Will Unveil 
Cloud Music Storage
tech rumor mill

Apple Will Unveil Cloud Music Storage

Company to launch digital storage locker, maybe with blessing of labels

(Newser) - Looks like Apple will beat Google to the clouds when it comes to music. Insiders tell Reuters that the company is about to launch its version of an online storage service, similar to what Amazon rolled out last month : "Apple's plans will allow iTunes customers to store their...

Paul Allen Re-Sues Apple, Google, Facebook

Microsoft co-founder refiles suit after judge's dismissal

(Newser) - Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has re-filed his mammoth patent lawsuit targeting a host of major web companies including Apple, Google, Facebook, Netflix, eBay, Aol, and Yahoo. Allen’s original lawsuit, filed in August, was dismissed because it was too vague, failing to name specific products or services. The refiling, which...

Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator
Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator
in case you missed it

Facebook, iTunes Ruining Web ... Says Web's Creator

Tim Berners-Lee blasts those chipping away at its 'egalitarian principles'

(Newser) - Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the British engineer credited with inventing the World Wide Web, has a message for us: Social networking sites, app developers, and other entities, if left unchecked, will ruin his creation—which now belongs to all of us. "The web evolved into a powerful, ubiquitous tool because...

Beatles Sell 2M iTunes Songs in Week

'Here Comes the Sun' leads the way

(Newser) - The Beatles had an impressive debut week on iTunes . They sold 2 million individual songs worldwide (the top seller being Here Comes the Sun) and 450,000 albums (with Abbey Road on top) after the catalog went up for sale, reports Billboard . That amounts to more than $8 million, notes...

Beatles, iTunes Come Together
 Beatles, iTunes Come Together 

Beatles, iTunes Come Together

Apple hypes it like crazy

(Newser) - After decades of legal battles over the “Apple” brand name, the Beatles and Steve Jobs have officially let it be and come together on iTunes. It’s not the big announcement many tech prognosticators were expecting , but Apple is hyping it to the nines, devoting its entire homepage to...

Beatles Headed to iTunes?
 Beatles Headed to iTunes? 

Beatles Headed to iTunes?

Fab Four's iconic catalog was noted holdout

(Newser) - Fab Four fans, rejoice: Or at least hold your breath, because the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Steve Jobs' pending iTunes news is that Apple is nearing a deal to bring the Beatles' catalog at long last onboard. Apple is readying an announcement, anonymous insiders say, while also warning...

Apple Teases Huge iTunes News

Could it be the death of the MP3?

(Newser) - Is Apple about to kill the MP3? The company today devoted its entire homepage to teasing an iTunes announcement planned for tomorrow that it promises, with typical Apple grandiosity, “you’ll never forget.” What could it be? Speculation is flying, but the top theory seems to be that...

iTunes Hackers Emptying PayPal Accounts

Phishing scam may be to blame

(Newser) - Fraudsters targeting iTunes users have been emptying PayPal accounts with large purchases of music, videos, and software from the Apple site. Users—some of whom have lost thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges billed to their account—complain that Apple seems to be unconcerned about the problem, TechCrunch reports.

Apple TV Adds 99&cent; Rentals
 Apple TV Adds 99¢ Rentals 

Apple TV Adds 99¢ Rentals

Price covers streaming shows, not downloads

(Newser) - Apple is trying to hammer out deals with TV programmers to allow it to rent individual programs for 99¢ rather than the $1.99 it currently charges to permanently download a program in standard definition, sources tell NewTeeVee . Users will have 30 days to watch each rental, and unlike the...

Apple Music Business in Antitrust Crosshairs

Amazon says it intimidated record labels

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether something might be rotten in Apple's music business, sources tell the New York Times , focusing on whether the tech behemoth threw its weight into dissuading record labels from giving Amazon exclusives. Amazon wanted the exclusive right to sell certain songs for one day before...

Technology Makes Music Worse
 Technology Makes Music Worse 

Technology Makes Music Worse

Advances have decreased the quality of recorded music

(Newser) - Digital technology has irrevocably changed the music-listening experience—for the worse. As television and movies have become richer thanks to hi-def and 3-D advances, music has become, well, crappier, the New York Times points out. The crackly, thinner sounds of compressed formats like MP3s are objectively a step back from...

Johnny Cash Song Is iTunes' 10 Billionth

Georgia man gets $10K gift certificate, plus a call from Steve Jobs

(Newser) - It pays to be a Johnny Cash fan: iTunes got a winner for its 10 billionth download contest when a Georgia man bought Cash's "Guess Things Happen That Way" track. Louie Sulcer, a 71-year-old retired real estate broker, gets a $10,000 gift certificate to the iTunes store, Mac...

No-Name Bands Make a Killing on iTunes

Equally anonymous distributors rise to the top of digital heap

(Newser) - You probably haven't heard of TuneCore, but the small startup has swiftly become the world’s biggest music distributor, helping bands you’ve also never heard of make a comfortable living selling music on iTunes. Unlike traditional distributors, which take a cut of music sales, TuneCore and similar digital distributors...

Holiday Gifts Not to Get Your Boss
 Holiday Gifts 
 Not to Get 
 Your Boss 
good career advice

Holiday Gifts Not to Get Your Boss

To get ahead, steer clear of religion, politics, and 'The Office'

(Newser) - A thoughtful holiday gift for your boss can smooth out your workday and even help your career. But not all gifts are created equal. David Seaman of The Street lists some to avoid:
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: A self-help or management book "implies that you don't

Publishers Forming 'Magazine iTunes'

Online newsstand to combat slumping sales

(Newser) - The latest bid to save magazine publishing may soon have readers browsing the online racks of an iTunes-style newsstand. Major magazine publishers including Time Inc. and Conde Nast hope to exert some control over digital readership with a joint venture enabling readers to buy copies of the New Yorker, Sports ...

MySpace Gives Up In Race With Facebook

Social networking leader 'is not our competition'

(Newser) - MySpace has officially waved the white flag in its battle with Facebook. The company’s new CEO—ex-Facebook exec Chris DeWolfe—tells the Financial Times that the company now sees itself as more of a music and entertainment hub than a social networking site. “Facebook is not our competition,...

Watch an Ad, Get an MP3 Download: Genius or Goof?

Free All Music is innovative, but still might not work

(Newser) - A new site thinks it has the answer the music industry’s woes: Free All Music will allow users to download a high-quality mp3 with no copy restrictions in exchange for watching a 15-second video ad of their choosing. The site then takes a user’s handle and uses it...

To Save the Music Industry, Ban Music—and Whistling

The copyright arguments aren't going to stop until the day music dies

(Newser) - The music industry wants royalties for the 30-second previews on iTunes—which is "bullshit," writes Nicholas DeLeon for TechGear. It's yet another foolish move in the battle to save the music industry, complains DeLeon. Luckily, he has a "foolproof" way to do just that: Ban music, "...

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