negative campaigning

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Righty Host Furious After McCain Apology

Talking head vows to join Ann Coulter in supporting Clinton

(Newser) - Bill Cunningham has “had it up to here with John McCain,” the conservative talk-show host tells CNN of the likely GOP presidential nominee. By apologizing for Cunningham’s remarks at a McCain rally yesterday—in which Cunningham called Barack Obama a “hack” and repeatedly used his middle...

Obama Calls on Both Camps to Simmer Down

Final debate before March 4 vote is tonight

(Newser) - Barack Obama said today that both Democratic campaigns should chill out. “It is important for me as well as Sen. Clinton to communicate to our staffs as well that we’re both trying out for quarterback, but we’re on the same team,” said Obama. He noted that...

McCain Repudiates Backer's Anti-Obama Rant

Radio host attempts to smear likely opponent; candidate quickly disassociates himself

(Newser) - John McCain is distancing himself from a conservative commentator who introduced him at a rally today and launched into a tirade against Barack Obama, CNN reports. Talk-radio host Bill Cunningham called Obama a “hack” and used his middle name, Hussein, three times. McCain called the speech “disparaging” and...

Clinton Aides Melt Down in Front of Press
Clinton Aides Melt Down in Front of Press

Clinton Aides Melt Down in Front of Press

Ex-frontrunner's staff scrambles to spin as strategies fall flat

(Newser) - With many top Washington reporters in attendance, two senior Hillary Clinton advisors tried to make their candidate’s case yesterday—and instead “severed all ties with reality” in a “flailing, a lashing-out,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank writes. The session, he says, "explained everything about the...

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'
Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Clinton: 'Shame on You, Barack'

Hillary slams Obama over health care claim

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama today over a campaign mailer that she called “right out of Karl Rove’s play book.” “Shame on you, Barack Obama,” she said, brandishing a flier—which she says falsely accuses her of wanting to force people to buy health insurance....

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate
Clinton Fails
to Turn Tide
in Debate

Clinton Fails to Turn Tide in Debate

She needed a big night, but it's mostly business as usual

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had to tread a difficult line in last night's debate—make a dent in Obama's credibility and momentum without sounding too negative—and she seemed to fall short of making any real headway, writes Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News. Clinton tried repeatedly to make the case...

Surrogate Ups the Ante on Obama Attacks

Clinton warm-up speaker sets a new standard for nasty

(Newser) - Political surrogates often get stuck with the dirty work, but one Clinton-backing union leader came “close to redefining the genre” last night, the New York Times’ John M. Broder reports: R. Thomas Buffenbarger called Barack Obama a “silver-tongued warrior with a microphone…dancing to the tune of billionaires....

Clinton Camp: How Low Can She Go?
Clinton Camp: How Low
Can She Go?

Clinton Camp: How Low Can She Go?

Some want victory at all costs; others look to legacy, 2012

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton’s campaign down to its last moves, her advisers are duking it out over how negative the candidate should go, MSNBC reports. Pollster Mark Penn wants to go ahead full throttle, while communications director Howard Wolfson and ad guru Mandy Grunwald are concerned that Hillary might damage...

McCain Adviser Will Quit If Obama Is Nominee

McKinnon says he respects Dem too much to attack him

(Newser) - John McCain's chief media adviser will leave the campaign if Barack Obama becomes the Democratic nominee—because he has too much respect for the Illinois senator to go negative against him. “I will be supporting from the sidelines,” Mark McKinnon said when asked yesterday if he’d follow...

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History
Clinton-Obama Iciness Has
a Little History

Clinton-Obama Iciness Has a Little History

Hillary's been snubbing Barack for a while now, Dowd writes

(Newser) - Contrary to his claims, Barack Obama did indeed snub his presidential rival Monday, writes the New York Times' Maureen Dowd—who’s not surprised, given the long, untold tale of Clinton coldness to the Illinois senator. It began when friendly Obama, fresh from revealing he might run, was “brushed...

Romney Lets Guard Down, Boosts Appeal

Geeky CEO shines through matinee idol package on Fla. trail

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's inner nerd is showing, and allowing voters to see it may make him seem likable enough to get elected, Time reports. The candidate's conservative attack dog persona flooded airwaves for months but didn't play well outside of Michigan; now, the tired candidate is letting his dweeby, number-crunching, spreadsheet-loving...

Romney, McCain, Get Nasty in Sunshine State

Epithets of flip-flopper, liberal fly in last day of campaign

(Newser) - In the GOP campaign's most acrimonious day, John McCain and Mitt Romney spent yesterday going for each others’ throats, trying to swing today’s critical Florida primary, which still looks like a dead heat in the polls, the Miami Herald reports. Romney accused McCain of championing a “liberal course....

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill
Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Ex-prez may have done irreparable harm

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton reels from her blowout defeat in South Carolina, Democrats worry that her husband's attacks on Barack Obama may have done irreparable harm to her candidacy—and her aides are preparing to push Bill toward the wings. Step 1 will be returning Bill Clinton to the sunnier presence...

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash
Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Many rank-and-filers are rethinking the Clintons

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are facing backlash for their aggressive tone toward Barack Obama, as the former First Couple stands accused of conduct unbecoming of party leaders. As the Clinton campaign harps on discredited charges, the Washington Post writes, many neutral Democrats worry the harshness might hurt in the general...

Hillary Keeps Jabbing as Obama Parries

Edwards plays 'grown up'; Obama gets key SC endorsement

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton kept the verbal battle alive today by reiterating that Barack Obama a "frustrated" former "slumlord" who “clearly came last night looking for a fight,” the Chicago Tribune reports. Obama retaliated from the high road, vowing a "different kind of politics" and saying that...

Who's the Iron Fist, Who's the Velvet Glove?

On campaign trail, one Clinton takes the high road and the other ... doesn't

(Newser) - As the former First Couple endeavors to become the future First Couple, they’re splitting up on the campaign trail so Hillary can stay positive while Bill plays the attack dog, CNN reports. Compare their responses to the Nevada caucuses lawsuit: Bill jumped down a reporter’s throat with scorn...

Bill Loses It, Calls Barack Story 'Fairytale'

'Give me a break,' Clinton sneers at 'charismatic figure'

(Newser) - While his wife was nearly in tears yesterday, Bill Clinton was losing his cool, angrily telling a crowd that the press has given Barack Obama a free ride and that his seductive political narrative is “the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.” The ex-prez said Obama had...

Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results
Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results

Iowa Ads Got Unlikely Results

Caucusgoers may have known too much about 'establishment' candidates

(Newser) - The Iowa caucus results shook up more than just political campaigns, reports Advertising Age, as age-old advertising truisms also flew out the window. Mitt Romney’s $7.9 million on broadcast ads should have sealed the deal against Mike Huckabee, who spent just $1.7 million. Like Barack Obama (who...

Axed Huck Ad Highlights Rollins Role

Will minister Mike be tarnished by his new attack-dog adviser?

(Newser) - One's a former minister who's taken the high ground in countering attacks from a better-financed rival; the other's a veteran political brawler who never saw a negative ad he didn't like. The Washington Post looks at the unlikely alliance of Mike Huckabee and Ed Rollins that resulted in the candidate's...

Huckabee Goes Negative ... Sort Of
Goes Negative ... Sort Of

Huckabee Goes Negative ... Sort Of

Candidate ditches anti-Romney spot after screening for the media

(Newser) - Negative campaigning has finally gone meta. Mike Huckabee held a press conference yesterday to announce that he wouldn't air his latest campaign ad—a 30-second attack on his closest rival, Mitt Romney—then aired it in full for the press corps, the Washington Post reports. Huckabee says he pulled the...

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