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California Too Broke to Disarm Felons, Mentally Ill

State has backlog of 19K gun owners to disarm

(Newser) - People afraid the government will take their guns away might want to consider a move to California, where the state is too broke to take guns away from felons and other people it is supposed to disarm. Law enforcement officials say budget cuts have left authorities with a backlog of...

These Actually Exist: 3D-Printed Guns

Made from plastic, printed guns don't show up on metal detectors

(Newser) - Virtual weapons and cyber violence are poised for a massive upgrade into real-world weapons and violence, thanks to the combination of 3D printers and a group called Defense Distributed , which claims to have created downloadable plans anyone can use to "print" working gun parts, reports the AP . A University...

2 States Consider Arming Teachers

Proposed bills in Va., Tenn. would require armed staffers at schools

(Newser) - In the wake of the Newtown school shooting , at least two states are considering not fewer guns but more guns: Virginia and Tennessee are considering arming their teachers.
  • A Virginia state delegate is proposing a bill that would require some members of school staff to carry guns, the Washington Post

We Can Make Guns Safer, but Gunmakers Don't Want To

The technology exists, we just aren't implementing it: Farhad Manjoo

(Newser) - A gun that only fires when its authorized owner is carrying it: Sounds like something out of the movies—and indeed, James Bond carries one in Skyfall—but such technology, as well as features to make guns safer, is very much possible. So why hasn't it been widely implemented?...

US Gun Sales Booming
 US Gun Sales Booming 

US Gun Sales Booming

Fear of Obama crackdown fuels surging biz

(Newser) - Fears that President Obama would take people's guns away in his first term proved to be unfounded, but a lot of people appear to think he's waiting for his second term. Gun sales are experiencing a major pre-election boom, just like they did four years ago, reports NBC...

Obama Assassination Plot: Relative Went to Police

Death of Isaac Aguigui's wife raised her suspicions

(Newser) - More details are trickling out about Isaac Aguigui, the purported leader of a group allegedly planning to overthrow the government and assassinate the president: In September of last year, a female relative of his told police she had concerns about the soldier. Specifically, that his wife had died that July...

Blackwater Pays $7.5M to Settle Arms Case

Feds accused firm of rogue arms, technology trading

(Newser) - The company that used to call itself Blackwater has agreed to pay $7.5 million to settle allegations of illegal arms and technology trafficking. Investigators charged the company—which changed its name to Xe and then to Academi —with 17 violations, including illegally possessing unregistered automatic weapons, lying to...

Bonnie, Clyde's Guns Up for Grabs

Handguns were found on outlaw lovers after death

(Newser) - The guns Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were carrying when they died in a hail of bullets during a police ambush 78 years ago are going to be auctioned off. The Colt .38-caliber revolver Bonnie had taped to her inner thigh and the .45-caliber Colt pistol Clyde had tucked into...

Feds Return Militiaman&#39;s 41 Guns
Feds Return
Militiaman's 41 Guns

Feds Return Militiaman's 41 Guns

Acquitted Hutaree member gets guns, ammo back

(Newser) - A member of a Christian militia in the Midwest has received his 41 guns and more than 100,000 round of ammunition back from the federal government more than 2 years after they were seized. Thomas Piatek was one of seven Hutaree members acquitted on charges that they planned to...

As Guns Spark Fires, Utah Gov Pleads With Shooters

But Utah, other states banned from emergency gun restrictions

(Newser) - With 20 wildfires around Utah this year believed to be caused by target shooters firing in bone-dry conditions, states are urging gun owners not to shoot in high-risk locations. “Now is not a good time to take your gun outside and start shooting in cheat grass that’s tinder...

Battle Rages Over Code That Could Solve Gun Crimes

Microstamping would imprint numbers on shell casings

(Newser) - One of the toughest tasks police face: IDing the gun used to commit a crime. One way to potentially eliminate much of the problem: microstamping, in which a laser engraves a code on a portion of the gun that, when fired, can then imprint said series of numbers on shell...

Guy Shoots Self, Wife—in Gun Safety Class

Michael Deel calls shooting a 'stupid accident'

(Newser) - Don't take your guns to, er, well, gun safety class, son. A Roanoke, Va., man and his wife are recovering after he accidentally shot both of them during a firearms safety class over the weekend. The Bedford County Sheriff's Office says that Michael L. Deel shot himself in...

Tea Party Leader Busted for Airport Gun

Mark Meckler faces felony weapon charge in NY

(Newser) - In what he must surely consider an example of government overreach at its worst, a leading Tea Party activist has been arrested at New York's LaGuardia Airport for trying to check in for a flight with a gun and ammunition in his luggage. Mark Meckler, co-founder and chairman of...

Why Gun Sales Are at Record High

Social acceptance of guns explains new Black Friday record: Analysts

(Newser) - This year's Black Friday gun sales broke a record set in 2008 by nearly a third , and while fears about President Obama outlawing some types of firearms are thought to be behind 2008's record, analysts say this year's surge in sales is part of a long-term trend....

Guns Sales Smash Record on Black Friday

129,166 firearm sales beat old mark by 32%

(Newser) - Deck the halls with hails of gunfire? It turns out that Black Friday didn't just set a record for retail sales , it also set a record for the most firearms sold on a single day, reports USA Today . A stunning 129,166 firearms were sold on Nov. 25—that'...

Canada Scrapping Gun Registry
 Canada Scrapping Gun Registry 

Canada Scrapping Gun Registry

Conservatives to destroy rifle, shotgun database

(Newser) - Canada's government has decided to stop trying to keep track of every shotgun and rifle in the country. The ruling Conservative party has introduced legislation to scrap the nation's controversial long-gun registry, reports the Globe and Mail . The party plans to destroy the registry's database to ensure...

Russian Roulette Kills Colorado Man

Death being treated as accident

(Newser) - The last words uttered by a 21-year-old Colorado man were: "Let's play Russian roulette." The man, who had been drinking beer with three friends, then put a handgun to his head and pulled the trigger, killing himself. Police believe he didn't know the gun was loaded...

ATF Head Likely to Quit Over Guns Scandal

Kenneth Melson has led agency since April 2009

(Newser) - The acting director of the ATF is likely to step down within a day or two, reports CNN, the potential casualty of a botched weapons program meant to halt the flow of firearms into Mexico. Kenneth Melson presided over the agency's "Fast and Furious" program, which inadvertently let...

Fla. to Ban Doctors From Asking About Guns

'Docs vs Glocks' bill passes state senate

(Newser) - Doctors in Florida will be restricted from asking patients about gun ownership under a bill headed for Gov. Rick Scott's desk. The so-called "Docs versus Glocks" bill passed by the state Senate yesterday was introduced after a woman complained that her pediatrician told her to find another doctor...

Swiss Reservists May Have to Give Up Guns

Referendum would change tradition of keeping weapons at home

(Newser) - Switzerland's gun laws are closer to America's than those of most other European countries, but a referendum this weekend may curb the centuries-old tradition of armed households. Most Swiss males under 50 are military reservists and usually take their military-issue rifles home with them, but the initiative being voted on...

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