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Media Ethics Experts Not Loving Ads From Harris Campaign

Some don't like that promos linking to articles give false impression of news groups supporting Harris

(Newser) - If you're not looking too closely, recent Kamala Harris ads may give the false impression that some leading news organizations are taking sides in the presidential campaign. The advertisements, which have turned up in Google search feeds, include links to legitimate news stories but feature—in words that appear...

News Headlines Are Disappearing on X

It's part of an effort to keep users scrolling, rather than clicking away

(Newser) - News outlets have another reason to dislike X . Headlines on news stories shared on the platform formerly known as Twitter are disappearing as part of owner Elon Musk's push to keep users from visiting external sites. Previously, when a link to a news article was shared, the lead image...

Meta Drops Contracts Paying News Outlets
Meta Ends Payments
to News Outlets

Meta Ends Payments to News Outlets

Large publishers will lose out on millions

(Newser) - Meta is dropping its payments to publishers whose news content runs on Facebook's News Tab, a decision that will cost some outlets millions of dollars. Facebook negotiated a series of three-year deals with publishers in 2019, part of its investment in news that included hiring journalists to steer publisher...

Most Trusted News Source Is ... the Weather Channel?
Most Trusted News Source
Is Bit of a Surprise
in case you missed it

Most Trusted News Source Is Bit of a Surprise

52% of Americans trust the Weather Channel in latest YouGov poll

(Newser) - When it comes to the weather, most of us are on the same side of things—or, at least we're all watching and believing the same reports. That's according to YouGov , a UK market research firm whose latest poll on the media found that the most trusted news...

Scott Pelley Makes Explosive Claim About Losing His Job

The longtime anchor says he complained to CBS bosses

(Newser) - Scott Pelley fired a shot across the bow Sunday at his old CBS News bosses, Deadline reports. While promoting his new memoir on CNN's Reliable Sources, the veteran anchor said he was let go from the CBS Evening News after complaining about the work environment. "We've been...

'An Act of Senseless Hate' Is AP's Top Story of 2018

Parkland school shooting leads annual AP survey

(Newser) - It's been challenging to keep up with the seemingly never-ceasing news cycle of late, but some stories drew more eyes than others in 2018. Since 1936, the Associated Press has conducted an annual poll of US editors and news directors to see which were the top news stories of...

After Trump Won, This Ohio Man Started the 'Blockade'
One Ohio Man Has No Clue
What's Going On in the World
in case you missed it

One Ohio Man Has No Clue What's Going On in the World

And intentionally: Erik Hagerman blocks out all news, from politics to mass shootings

(Newser) - It's a list worth quoting (and we'll add Stormy Daniels to it): "James Comey. Russia. Robert Mueller. Las Vegas. The travel ban. 'Alternative facts.' Pussy hats. Scaramucci. Parkland. Big nuclear buttons. Roy Moore." These are all things Erik Hagerman has zero knowledge of, writes...

Facebook Dumps News Outlets as 'Trending Topics' Gauge

After allegations the social network was suppressing conservative news

(Newser) - Facebook is dropping its reliance on news outlets to help determine what gets posted as a "trending topic," a move adopted after backlash over a report saying it suppressed conservative views, the AP reports. Facebook's general counsel outlined the change in a 12-page letter Monday to Republican...

John Oliver Cracks 'Most Influential' List for Political Media

Mediaite's ranking of movers and shakers puts Roger Ailes at No. 1

(Newser) - It's been a "contentious, bizarre, and always entertaining primary season" so far in the world of politics, Mediaite notes in its roundup of the 25 "biggest movers and shakers" in the political media arena. And that type of season may have served as the perfect breeding ground...

Mayer's Job: Figure Out What Yahoo Is

 Mayer's Job: 
 Figure Out 
 What Yahoo Is 

david carr

Mayer's Job: Figure Out What Yahoo Is

David Carr's guess: It's all about news

(Newser) - Yahoo is so unsure of its own goals that David Carr wonders "whether the frothy trademark Yahoo! should be replaced with Yahoo?," he writes in the New York Times . Now that Marissa Mayer is onboard as CEO, it's time for the company to define itself. And Carr...

McDonald's Launches Own TV Channel

Already grabbing ginormous audience in Southwest

(Newser) - Bored with merely eating and talking when you indulge in a McDonald's visit? Soon you'll be able to watch TV—that is, McTV. The mega-fast-food chain is launching its own exclusive channel, McDonald's Television, with corporate-approved content like entertainment news, advertising, and bits on local moms and...

Glenn Beck Launches News Website

Beck says 'The Blaze' will focus on under-covered stories

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has launched a news and opinion website that supporters believe has the potential to become "the conservative Huffington Post." is being edited by former Breitbart TV host Scott Baker. The site, launched late last night, will focus on "news and information,” Baker...

This Week Move Risky for ABC, Amanpour

Foreign correspondent is odd fit for DC-centric This Week

(Newser) - Christiane Amanpour isn't an obvious choice to host ABC’s Sunday gabfest This Week, but the network is confident in its choice. ABC says “Interviews and analysis about domestic politics and policies” will remain the show's focus, with the addition of an “international perspective.” Counting on a...

Online News Overtakes Radio, Print
 Online News 

Online News Overtakes Radio, Print

But television news remains most popular according to Pew study

(Newser) - More Americans get their news today from Internet sources than from local or national print newspapers or from the radio. More than 60% of respondents in a Pew survey get their news online, and most use a variety of sources. The most popular information is weather, at 81%, followed by...

Fox Most Trusted Network: Poll
 Fox Most Trusted Network: Poll 

Fox Most Trusted Network: Poll

CNN ranks second, as Americans favor outlets they agree with

(Newser) - Americans consider Fox the most trusted name in news broadcasting, a poll released yesterday found. Some 49% of the 1151 registered voters surveyed by PPP said they trusted the network's news coverage, 10% ahead of CNN. Fox also recorded the lowest level of distrust, 37%. The major networks fared the...

Sam Zell Steps Down as Tribune CEO
Sam Zell
Steps Down as
Tribune CEO

Sam Zell Steps Down as Tribune CEO

Randy Michaels steps up as court ruling beats back creditors

(Newser) - Maverick takeover artist Sam Zell resigned as CEO of the Tribune Co. today, naming Randy Michaels as his successor. Zell is still chairman of the news giant he bought, disastrously, in 2007. Tribune, which has been bankrupt for almost a year, yesterday won an extension until February of the right...

When News Is for the Rich, Newser Is Robin Hood...
When News Is for the Rich, Newser Is
Robin Hood...
Simon Dumenco

When News Is for the Rich, Newser Is Robin Hood...

...and founder Michael Wolff is in jail

(Newser) - The year is 2012, and Michael Wolff is in prison. He’s the first high-profile conviction under 2011’s anti-aggregation law, the draconian act that’s allowed newspapers to duck behind ever-pricier paywalls. These days, a New York Times subscription will run you $7,000, and “the cultural divide...

Balloon Boy Is What's Wrong With Cable News
Balloon Boy Is What's Wrong With Cable News

Balloon Boy Is What's Wrong With Cable News

Popular stories don't need to take up 100% of channels' airtime

(Newser) - The "balloon boy" non-story was just the latest example of how ridiculous cable news has become, writes Alan Sepinwall. With a war raging in Afghanistan, a jobless “recovery,” and a complex ongoing health care debate, the "news" networks spend hours on nothing at all. The problem...

CNN's iPhone App Is a Winner
CNN's iPhone App Is a Winner

CNN's iPhone App Is a Winner

Well-designed add-on makes life easier for network's video-savvy citizen journalists

(Newser) - CNN’s iPhone app is well-designed and intuitive, with enough features to more than justify its $2 price tag. The app makes good use of the iPhone interface, offering different scrolling navigations for stories depending on the handset’s orientation, writes Eliot Van Buskirk for Wired. But perhaps the most...

'Tragedy Porn' Drags Down News Sources

Online outlets mull pay models, putting a price on sensational stories

(Newser) - Word is that newspapers will soon start charging for online news—but no one’s quite sure what it’s worth. Take a story like the Jaycee Dugard kidnapping: It’s “tragedy porn” that “neither informs nor enlightens. It merely titillates,” writes Simon Dumenco for Advertising Age....

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