Wall Street

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Man Busted in 2 Sex Assaults at Wall Street Camp

Teens assaulted in tents: police

(Newser) - A Brooklyn man has been arrested for two sex assaults on teenagers at the Occupy Wall Street camp in Zuccotti Park. One of the victims, 18, reported to police she was raped in a tent in the camp; a 17-year-old protester said she was groped in her tent. Tony Iketubosin,...

Dow Down 253 Thanks to Greece
 Dow Down 253 
 Thanks to Greece 

Dow Down 253 Thanks to Greece

Greek call for referendum doesn't sit well with investors

(Newser) - More not-so-shocking news , though today's variety is a bit more serious and depressing: The Dow sank 253 points at the open, to 11,702, as Greek PM George Papandreou's call for a referendum on his country's bailout terrified European investors and rattled traders stateside. MarketWatch reports that...

Jon Corzine's Company Missing $700M

Feds probe MF Global after today's bankruptcy

(Newser) - A financial firm headed by former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is missing about $700 million, federal investigators say. MF Global, which filed for bankruptcy today , was trying to sell part of itself to a brokerage firm when the shortfall was discovered. Regulators will likely pounce if MF Global used...

Obama Has More Wall St. Cash Than GOP Candidates

Obama, DNC pulling in more cash ... even from firm Romney founded

(Newser) - Despite his moves to tighten regulation of the financial sector, President Obama has more Wall Street money in his war chest than all of the Republican hopefuls combined, the Washington Post finds. Obama's campaign has received $3.9 million in donations from employees of financial firms, compared with $7....

Why President Obama Can't Win on Wall Street: Annie Lowrey
 Why Obama 
 Can't Win on 
 Wall Street 


Why Obama Can't Win on Wall Street

Incumbent gets blamed for current woes: Annie Lowrey

(Newser) - Here's a president who bailed out the big banks, protected their pay, and helped hold them together—yet "Wall Street hates Barack Obama," writes Annie Lowrey at Slate . Why? It's simple: "Wall Street is doing terribly," and in a bad economy, "everybody blames...

Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash
Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash

Politicians Should Swear Off Wall Street Cash

Harold Meyerson says going clean could be deceptively brilliant

(Newser) - Washington is too dysfunctional to pass any laws in response to Occupy Wall Street, but if Democrats want to stand with the protesters, Harold Meyerson has a modest proposal: Refuse all campaign contributions “from the whole financial sector,” he suggests in the Washington Post . “Sign a pledge...

Wall Street Will Lose 10K Jobs
 Wall Street Will Lose 10K Jobs 

Wall Street Will Lose 10K Jobs

New York comptroller predicts blow to economy

(Newser) - It looks like a lot of Wall Street denizens will be joining the ranks of the unemployed soon, New York’s state comptroller warns in a report released today, predicting that the securities industry will shed nearly 10,000 jobs by the end of 2012. The industry has already cut...

Mitt Romney: Occupy Wall Street Is Class Warfare

 Romney Calls 
 Occupy Wall Street 
 'Class Warfare' 

Romney Calls Occupy Wall Street 'Class Warfare'

And other tales from the front...

(Newser) - Occupy Wall Street protesters are unlikely to find a friend in Mitt Romney. While speaking to a retirement community in Florida last night, the presidential candidate responded to a question about the anti-Wall Street protests with a brief but decidedly unsupportive comment, as reported by the National Journal : "I...

Anonymous Threatens to 'Erase' NY Stock Exchange

But threat is a hoax, separate Anonymous faction claims

(Newser) - Is Anonymous planning an attack on the New York Stock Exchange? A video supposedly from the hacking collective threatens to "erase" the NYSE next Monday, CNBC reports. "NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On October 10, expect a day that will never, ever be forgotten," warns...

Marines Head to Wall Street—to Protect Protesters

Veteran issues call to pals to shield demonstrators

(Newser) - NYPD cops better watch it when they get tough with Occupy Wall Street protesters from now on, because the Marines are coming—to help protect the demonstrators. "I'm heading up there tonight in my dress blues," announced a Marine veteran in a message reposted by another anti-war...

Bankers? Off With Their Heads: Roseanne

Comedian advocates the guillotine for Wall Street justice

(Newser) - Roseanne Barr really wants heads to roll on Wall Street, Real Clear Politics reports. Not only does the comedian, author, and Wall Street protester say guilty bankers should pay back earnings over $100 million, she wants a very sharp blade hanging over their heads: "If they are unable to...

Wall Street Protest Snarls Brooklyn Bridge; 700 Arrested

Occupy Wall Street demonstrators have biggest clash yet

(Newser) - New York City police say about 700 Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours. Police say some demonstrators spilled onto the roadway after being told to stay on the pedestrian pathway. The majority of those...

Wall St. Protesters Charge Pepper Spray Abuse

Four women corralled by cops sprayed in face

(Newser) - You just can't Mace people discreetly these days, given the ever-ready video cams and cells phones everywhere. Now Wall Street protesters are screaming pepper-spray abuse by New York cops, and emerging videos and photos of the weekend's confrontation between police and demonstrators appear to be backing them up....

80 Busted in 'Occupy Wall St.'

NYPD cracks down on week-old protest

(Newser) - The NYPD was busily busting protesters yesterday, notching at least 80 arrests on the seventh day of protests known as "Occupy Wall Street," reports the Wall Street Journal . "On our march from Union Square the cops proceeded to use nets to round up people," said one...

Dow Tanks at Open
 Dow Tanks at Open 

Dow Tanks at Open

Follows yesterday's trend, down more than 300 points

(Newser) - Should you need another reason to pack it in and go back to bed: After falling 284 points yesterday following the Fed's announcement of Operation Twist , which investors interpreted as yet another gloomy assessment of the economy, the Dow kicked off today by plunging even more—a lot more....

Protesters Descend on Wall Street—and Don't Leave

Inspired by global demonstrations, they plan to stick around

(Newser) - Some 5,000 people gathered in New York's Financial District for a "Day of Rage" on Saturday, and though just a few hundred remain, those still protesting say they're planning to stick around, reports ABC News . The group, calling itself Occupy Wall Street , fell well short of...

Dow Opens Below 11K
 Dow Opens Below 11K 

Dow Opens Below 11K

Drops 270 points following European turmoil

(Newser) - While Americans ate corn on the cob and readied themselves for the premiere of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills yesterday, Europeans took a beating, with stocks plunging . Investors came face-to-face with that turmoil on their return from the holiday weekend, and the results weren't pretty: The Dow opened...

Layoffs Rain Down on Wall Street

Financial industry victim of excessive boom-bust cycle: analysts

(Newser) - Wall Street's typical boom-bust excess means that the current round of cuts sweeping the banks and financial companies is even rougher than in other industries, trashing morale and harming client relationships just when those financial institutions can least afford it, reports Reuters . So far this year, Wall Street has...

Stocks Open Down on Gloomy Germany News
 Stocks Open Down on 
 Gloomy Germany News 

Stocks Open Down on Gloomy Germany News

Dow down 105 points at open

(Newser) - Germany is bringing everyone down with it this morning: Stocks opened lower at the bell on news that Germany's GDP grew just 0.1% in Q2, sharply down from estimates of 0.5%. The Dow is down 105 points to 11,378, and the Nasdaq and S&P 500...

Stocks Bounce Back, Dow Up 100+ Points
 Stocks Bounce Back, 
 Dow Up 250+ Points 

Stocks Bounce Back, Dow Up 250+ Points

Pre-market trading was ... all over the place

(Newser) - What goes way, way down must come up? Stocks continued their climb throughout the morning, with the Dow gaining as much as 309 points on the news that jobless claims, which were expected to rise, decreased by 7,000 to 395,000, reports MarketWatch . The Dow is currently up 251...

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