
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Marketers Have Inauguration Fever, Too

Companies tie products, events to Obama's big day

(Newser) - Marketers for products from cognac to commemorative coins are looking to cash in on Barack Obama’s Tuesday inauguration, the New York Times reports. “Obamabilia” includes bottles of Hennessy with a “44” on the label, special magazine issues, and Tshirts galore. Other companies, like Quaker Oatmeal, are hosting...

Celeb Chef Plans Inaugural Fete
 Celeb Chef Plans Inaugural Fete 

Celeb Chef Plans Inaugural Fete

(Newser) - Alice Waters is heading to Washington, and the inauguration eve dinner prepared by one of the country's highest-profile chefs is one of the capital’s hottest tickets, the Huffington Post reports. The Chez Panisse founder says she hopes the event will highlight her advocacy of local food and communal eating....

Hot Tickets Lead to Inaugural Scalping

Congress not pleased with Inaug. scalping

(Newser) - DC’s hottest tickets are to Tuesday's Inauguration, and with only 240,000 available, scalped tickets are starting to show up on Craigslist, Politico reports. Says an economist, “You can’t stop supply and demand.” But congressional offices, which distribute the tickets, are trying. “It’s the...

Inaugural to Cost Record $160M
 Inaugural to Cost Record $160M 

Inaugural to Cost Record $160M

Obama raising $45M in private funds to help pay massive bill

(Newser) - By the time Barack and Michelle Obama dance the last waltz at the inaugural balls in the wee hours next Wednesday morning, the total tab for the inauguration will be close to a record $160 million, reports the New York Daily News. The president-elect is raising $45 million in private...

Please, White Folks: Let Us Have DC for the Big Day

You've had 43 chances to see a white prez inaugurated, after all; how about a day of atonement?

(Newser) - A unique plea for keeping crowds manageable in Washington during Barack Obama's inaugural festivities next week gets an (admittedly tongue-in-cheek) airing from blogger Sister Toldja on Me, Myself An Eye: Stay home, white people. Sheer math, for one thing, should do it: "Chances whites have had to go see...

Inaugural Ball Flaunts Fashion Made of Trash

Cans, plastic bags, campaign signs make up 'trashion' lines

(Newser) - Stuck on what to wear to that upcoming Washington gala? How about a shower-curtain-and-aluminum-can cocktail dress? Or a canvas-scrap-and-rusty-nail gown? The actual “trashion,” created by recycling advocate Nancy Judd, will be showcased at Saturday’s Green Inaugural Ball, the Wall Street Journal reports. The fashionista even has a...

Beyoncé, Bono, Boss Headline Inaugural Show

Pop stars will share stage with jazz, opera legends at Lincoln Memorial

(Newser) - Two days before Barack Obama becomes president, 19 musicians will kick off the inaugural festivities with a free public concert at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington. Bruce Springsteen, Bono, and Beyoncé will perform alongside jazz legend Herbie Hancock and opera superstar Renée Fleming, Billboard reports. The concert, called We...

Openly Gay Bishop Tapped for Inauguration

Robinson will speak Sunday, has been critical of Warren

(Newser) - Barack Obama has asked Bishop V. Gene Robinson, the only openly gay Episcopal bishop, to deliver the invocation at the opening event of Inauguration Week, the Boston Globe reports. Robinson had been among those who criticized Obama for asking same-sex marriage opponent Rick Warren to deliver the main inaugural invocation.

J.Lo, Marc Belatedly Hop on Obama Wagon

Couple will appear at inaugural ball

(Newser) - J.Lo and Marc Anthony are jumping on the Obama bandwagon—and being dubbed “vile opportunists” for their trouble, the New York Post reports. Though the power couple snubbed him during the campaign, Anthony will sing and Lopez will speak at the Latino Inaugural Ball Jan. 18, leading one...

I, Barack Obama's Stand-In ...
 I, Barack Obama's Stand-In ... 

I, Barack Obama's Stand-In ...

Full scale rehearsal for inauguration features ersatz First Family

(Newser) - A full-scale rehearsal for Barack Obama's inauguration unfolded in Washington before dawn yesterday, featuring a stand-in first family. A 26-year-old Army staff sergeant took an ersatz oath of office while a Navy yeoman playing Michelle Obama looked on, reports the Washington Post. Two children played Malia and Sasha. Each character...

Obama Train Challenges Secret Service

Journey to Washington poses 137 miles of potential threats

(Newser) - Barack Obama's train ride to the presidency is giving the Secret Service 137 miles of stress, reports CNN. The president-elect's route from Philadelphia to Washington is lined with countless buildings where attackers could hide and security experts fear terrorists could sabotage some of the dozens of bridges and tunnels along...

Wall Street Dominates List of Inaugural Donors

Big banks (yeah, those big banks) have bundled huge donations for the bash

(Newser) - Private donations to defray the cost of Barack Obama's inauguration festivities total $27.3 million—and large donors, including Wall Street executives flush with bailout cash, chipped in $24.8 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. That runs counter to the vow to remain independent of special interests that led...

Inauguaral Parade Tickets On Sale Today

Ticketmaster has 5K beginning at 1pm ET, so don't delay

(Newser) - Some 5,000 bleacher tickets for Barack Obama’s inaugural parade go on sale at 1pm ET today, USA Today notes, costing $25 plus fees. Of course, you could just stand along the 1.7-mile route for free, but expect to battle huge crowds for a view. You can get...

Amtrak Expects Throngs Along Obama's Route

Crowds will line 137 mile rail route to DC

(Newser) - Crowds of Barack Obama supporters are expected to line the railroad tracks between Philadelphia and Washington when the president-elect retraces Abraham Lincoln's journey to Washington the weekend before his inauguration, the AP reports. Authorities don't know how many people will throng the 137 miles of tracks but are using the...

Spider-Man Meets Obama-Man
 Spider-Man Meets Obama-Man 

Spider-Man Meets Obama-Man

President-elect joins Spidey in Marvel comic special

(Newser) - Spider-Man is about to hook up with a high profile sidekick, reports AFP. Marvel Comics is publishing a fist-bumping Spider-Man special next week featuring Barack Obama. "When we heard that the president-elect Obama is a collector of Spider-Man comics, we knew these historic figures had to meet," said...

Inaugural Parade a 'Staggering' Challenge

'Nobody has ever worried about where to put 10,000 buses before,' says Obama planner

(Newser) - The inauguration of Barack Obama will be a historic occasion, but some involved have other things on their minds, USA Today reports. “Nobody has ever worried about where to put 10,000 buses before,” said Peter Gage, an aide charged with planning the Jan. 20 Inaugural Parade. Some...

Bush Wants a Gate to Keep Public Off His Dallas Street

And public money can foot the bill to do it

(Newser) - President Bush wants to limit access to his new Dallas home by putting up a gate on a public street, the Dallas Morning News reports. City officials must approve the plan, but it seems the Bushes' Preston Hollow neighbors are willing to go along with it. "It's great the...

Networks Prep for Mega Inaugural

Exhuastive coverage of historic inauguration planned

(Newser) - TV networks are gearing up to cover what could be the most-watched presidential inauguration in history, the New York Times reports. The major networks are planning exhaustive coverage. Channels not known for political coverage like MTV, BET, and Nickelodeon plan to send reporters, and even the Home Shopping Network is...

If Obama Can Bring Change to DC, Why Not Middle East?

He's proved having a black president isn't impossible, after all

(Newser) - As Barack Obama’s inauguration brings one thing once deemed impossible—a black US president—it will be accompanied by the renewal of another seemingly intractable issue, David Remnick writes in the New Yorker: the Arab-Israeli conflict. Obama claims to understand “the obligation to repair the world” set out...

US Inaugurates $700M Embassy in Baghdad

Buildings symbolize desire to 'continue the tradition of friendship'

(Newser) - The United States inaugurated its largest embassy yet in the heart of the Green Zone today, officially opening the fortress-like compound that was intended to stand as a testament to America's commitment to Iraq. Addressing an inauguration ceremony under tight security, Ambassador Ryan Crocker said the $700 million embassy was...

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