food security

7 Stories

Experts: It's Not Heavy Rain Causing Deadly Nigerian Floods

Scores have died over past few weeks, with blame placed on poor infrastructure, climate change

(Newser) - Weeks of flooding have killed nearly 200 people in Nigeria and washed away homes and farmlands, the country's disaster management agency said, further threatening food supplies, especially in the hard-hit northern region. The floods blamed on poor infrastructure and badly maintained dams have killed 185 people and displaced 208,...

Atlanta Is Down to One Community Fridge

Modern Farmer looks at the mutual aid project, and what complications arise

(Newser) - In 2020, six community refrigerators were installed across Atlanta thanks to the work of local activist Latisha Springer. Four years on, Springer has since moved from the city, and only one fridge remains. Writing at Modern Farmer , Sarah Gleim takes a look at the ups and downs of maintaining the...

Tiny Invader Threatens Food Staple in Africa

Fall armyworm is wiping out maize crops

(Newser) - Still reeling from a severe drought, Zimbabwe is now on the brink of going hungry as an invasive pest wreaks havoc on the staple crop maize. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization reports that seven of the country's eight provinces have been hit by the fall armyworm, and as...

25% of India Turning to Desert

Desertification, degradation could threaten food security

(Newser) - Nearly a quarter of India's land is turning to desert thanks to over-use of land, heavy grazing, and changing rainfall patterns, says the country's environment minister. He warns "land is becoming barren," and notes that could threaten food security in a country that houses 17% of...

Rich Nations Snap Up Third World Farmland

(Newser) - Rich nations are buying up farmland in developing countries and drawing the ire of some critics, the Guardian reports. One UN official said the purchases, designed as a hedge against food shortages, could put poor nations at risk of starving to feed the wealthy. In "this scramble for soil...

US Predicts Bumper Crops Will Ease Food Crisis

Record-breaking grain harvests worldwide expected to bring prices back down

(Newser) - Farmers worldwide will reap record-breaking harvests of wheat and rice this year, the US projects, and the news is expected to ease some of the worldwide concern about food prices. The USDA says good weather will bring bumper crops that will replenish depleted stocks, Reuters reports. Analysts warned, however, that...

UN Warns of 'Abrupt' Warming
UN Warns of 'Abrupt' Warming

UN Warns of 'Abrupt' Warming

Earth at 'tipping point' of irreversible catastrophe: UN chief Ban Ki-Moon

(Newser) - The last and most forceful of a series of UN reports on climate change unveiled today urges swift action to avoid "abrupt and irreversible" damage to the environment. Melting glaciers will cause a rapid rise in sea levels, wiping out vulnerable species and destroying water and food supplies for...

7 Stories